
I Think I've Seen Everything in Detroit Now...

Blow me. πŸ˜™ Pronouns: hoe/heaux
Saturday, June 18, 2022 10:53 AM
Worked a double yesterday at a Detroit club (the city, not the suburbs). Day shift was slower than usual. This girl, who's been dancing for at least five years (we danced together in 2017 at another Detroit club), was sitting alone in a corner reading. "Cool, she's reading homework or something," I thought to myself. No she the fuck was not. She was reading a Bible. She carried it with her when she would approach customers, too. Same girl struck up conversation in the restroom later into the shift. She was trying to get me to say some bad things about a girl who is rumored to have a pimp. She wanted me to educate her on what a pimp is. I thought she was trolling me. I asked a good friend on night shift about it. No, she was not trolling. She really doesn't understand what a pimp is. But of all of the things I never thought I'd see is another stripper reading a Bible while at work AND taking it with her to customers. 😐


  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Lol I'd tell her to leave with that bullshit if it was my club.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I knew a dancer that held a Bible study group for strippers, but it was outside the club. She told me about it while giving me an BBBJ. Only kidding although she was rumored to do that in a non extras club. Another dancer sent me her YouTube link so the Bible study part is true
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    I know a stripper who likes to pray. She likes to pray with the custies. Some of them are uncomfoetable with it, but I say "thank you jesus for this blowjob I'm about to receive, and for you angel * who's about to deliver it, in jesus' name, amen".
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Many years ago at the Columbia SC Platinum Plus, I went to the couch room with a petite Asian dancer. No sooner had she started dancing, when she asked me if "I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior". I was so pissed I got up and left the club. A few hours later when I had cooled down, I phoned the club and talked to the manager about it. He told me it was not the first time he had heard that about her. I never saw her again.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    ^ Lmfao!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I need to use that line on weirdo pervs who don't pass my vibe check when working at extras clubs. πŸ’€
  • Huntsman
    2 years ago
    ^. I was going to try that line the next time a dancer won’t leave me alone. Guess I need a new repulsion narrative.
  • Electronman
    2 years ago
    Dancers reading the Bible in the club? It would seem difficult to reconcile lap dances and extras with the "Thou shall not commit adultery" commandment. However, if the dancer thinks of an extras session as a 30 minute marriage contract with sexual favors, then the conflict is resolved. Alternative, "Do under others as you would have them do unto you" also provides helpful guidance for a dancer.
  • rattdog
    2 years ago
    "A few hours later when I had cooled down, I phoned the club and talked to the manager about it" holy fuck!!!! she really struck a chord there with you. i get it that why you got pissed off and all that, but to be pissed at that for a few hours? why? if that had happened to me my possible first reactions: "huh? wtf?" then backpedal a few steps, turn away and leave. or "no why? have you?" "yes" "oooohhh rrreeeaaaally? then why the fuck are you here in the club now?" only one time have i ever initiated any type of conversation regarding religion. while during a lapper i blabbered, "god is going to let you in heaven with the ass that you got" she just turned around and went quietly replied "shoosh." this too was at the columbia plat. or maybe heartbreakers.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    And I thought the girls going β€œOh God” was just SS
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    @Electronman this was at a non extras club in the city
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    never pass on a jehovah witness stripper. dem bitches are freaks in the VIP.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    As I understand it, a (non-extras, non-LDK) lap dance would not be considered a sin of fornication in the Catholic Church. You have to nut for it to be fornication. I've heard that it's fairly common for strippers in Vegas to be churchgoers. Because there are churches there that make an effort to be welcoming to them. I'd wager that Christian strippers are less at risk of being struck by lightning than the many, many hate-mongering people who claim to be God-fearing. When I lived down South, one of my favs told me there was some kind of ministry to strippers. Young women would come into the club and try to get friendly with the strippers. They'd gift the strippers inexpensive beauty products. My said fav mostly the stuff went straight it the trash, but some of it she used. She said it seemed like a way for Christian chicks to hang out in strip clubs, without feeling sinful. I'd prefer a stripper who was mildly persistent in selling me a Jesus I didn't want, over one who was very persistent in selling me a lap dance I didn't want.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Several years ago I was about to enter a club where I was a semi regular. It was before midnight and a dancer I knew was walking out in street clothes just as I approached the door. I asked her, 'leaving already?' Her answer was that she had to get up early in the morning for church.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    For me, this would not go in the "+" column. I have no problem with dancers of faith (any faith). But a dancer walking around the floor carrying a bible with her strikes me as someone who carries around more default drama than the average dancer. There's also a "read the room" factor at play here.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I’ll go out on a limb here. We all know most strippers don’t live the most stable lives, so some turn to religion to help make their life more grounded. I’d say most churches don’t give a shit what their members do for a living/how they earn their money as long as they are giving the church a portion of their wages. When strippers start pushing that crap on customers and coworkers that’s crossing a line. Most of us would be offended if we were buying paint at Home Depot and the guy shaking the paint cans started asking you religious questions. Most of us would also find it weird if we were in a meeting and before it started your coworkers was sitting next to you reading the Bible as well.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    Used to be a Mormon dancer at a club in KC. She was a bloody freak. No idea if she was telling the truth or not, but even though <em>marrying</em> multiple people is still illegal, polygamous relationships are apparently still pretty common among some of the Mormon communities. According to her, lesbian sex among "sister-wives" is pretty common, and in some cases, the wives have more sex with each other than they do with their "husband". I know she herself was more extremely open about her preference for women (this was in the early 90's), and she demonstrated that preference quite graphically on more than one occasion.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Out here a lot of black girls from the south pretend to be religious. They'll pray before their shift and talk about how blessed they are etc. But the southerners tend to be the most backstabbing bitches who start fights . Typical Christian shit
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