Children at Pride Parade featuring BDSM and men in thongs showing their ass

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Are you turned on by the kids or the gays? You support personal freedoms but not the right of parents to take their kids to pride events? Or do you just want to ban homosexuality reproductive rights civil rights etc?
It is pretty disgusting to have children around adults that are wearing g-strings; doesn't matter the gender.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Why parents bring their kids into overly sexual settings, I don't know.

Parents whose kids participate in drag shows, stuffing bills into grownups' underwear or vice-versa, should be arrested and publicly flogged.
I'd trust any person, regardless of gender or orientation, in a Pride parade around my children <em>long</em> before I'd trust any politician, gymnastics coach, "beauty" (read: "grooming") pageant, or any member of the clergy.

I wonder how it is that gay kids who are bombarded with hetero-normative imagery and conditioning day in and day out still manage to remain gay, lesbian, trans, queer, etc., while a straight kid is in immediate danger of turning gay by reading a book about Timmy having two dads?
The parents of these children are child abusers.
The mental anguish of keeping kids in the closet. Not letting them grow up to be themselves with nurture and support is child abuse.

Exposing kids to pride is no different from letting kids celebrate Mardi Gras or the 4th of july.
@skibum609: "The parents of these children are child abusers."

If that's true, then so are the parents who expose their children to pedophile clerics.
"Exposing kids to pride is no different from letting kids celebrate Mardi Gras or the 4th of july."

It's more like bringing them to a straight strip club. Which is also unacceptable to me.

I wouldn't bring my kids to a Hooters though I think that's borderline.
Pride is like a carnival. It's not like a strip club.
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