Sugar Baby Summer
🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕
For those of you that are currently seeing sugar babies, what is the average allowance in your area (either ppm or monthly)? Do you feel that for the same amount of money you are getting better, worse, or about the same value than what you get at your local strip club?
last commentAs my good friend Bubba267 puts it, my situation is a "no brainer". I live on the south side of Atlanta. The better clubs are all on the north side and it takes me 50-60 minutes to get to them in good traffic. The clubs are a let down after Follies and don't really get started until 3PM. By that time the afternoon traffic is getting terrible and it could take up to 2 hours to get home. To spend 4 hours and do a VIP with CFS would cost $3-400.
I'm 80 yo now and have a cute 30 yo driving to my house once a week. I met her at Follies when she first started at 17. My closer TUSCL friends have seen her photos and can confirm her cuteness. She drives from the north side of town to my house and arrives at 11AM. She stays until 3PM and then leaves to beat the traffic. Because we have known each other so long there is mutual trust and everything is bare back. We love DFK but neither of us is interested in anal. Neither of us drinks alcohol, smokes or does drugs including pot. During that 4 hours we do go to lunch. I give her $400 each visit. I cannot get that kind of value in any strip club.
100 $ per hour, so cheap. May be low quality.
I think in each city I've done sugaring in. Average ppm allowance is very similar to what you would pay for an OTC date in that city. I have gone monthly with a couple of girls. Then sugaring becomes a lot more economical. But then the girl basically becomes your girlfriend. I have read that the average monthly arrangement is about whatever the cost of a one bedroom apartment is in that city. From my experience, that is about right.
Your headline made me think you lucky dog, your new sugar baby was Endless Summer!
I've stumbled into much the same deal as shadowcat. 24 year old spinner, former dancer, which is where we met. Four or five times a month, two or three hours at a time, all bare, sometimes her place, and sometimes the nearby no-tell, depending on whether her baby daddy takes her daughter or she has to get a sitter. Between two and three hundred per meet. I've given her gas or dinner money sometimes as well. I've taken her to dinner, and a couple times to one of the local night clubs. She has a girlfriend who is definitely not a spinner, who sometimes joins us at a club and comes back with us. GF isn't terribly interested in men, and concentrates on spinner girl, but weirdly, she sometimes sucks me clean after I nut in my spinner. Won't let me cum in her mouth or fuck her. I'm not quite sure what the deal is with her, but I'm not gonna complain.
Pricing of any commodity is based on cost, supply and demand. As no cost and supply involved in this, only demand for someone else ready to give premium donation for the same girl. If there no high class premium demand, why 100, you can get for even for 40.
Average cost for a sugar baby is probably a lot lower than we all think I think the average cost for a hot sugar baby is really the question we ask. NYC area, they can actually find true whales so it fucks with the pricing hard. Not the best place to do it but I still do it because there can be a ton of options. In the last few years I felt that that $300 fair offer moved to $400
I think the meaning of sugarbaby has changed, just a few years back, a sugarbaby was exclusive to who was her sugardaddy, so he would have been expected to support her for a time, or at least supplement her income to a level where she could live her life and be available to her sugardaddy, nowadays the term sugarbaby is used interchangeably with prostitute, at least to my way of thinking, if you want a sugar baby you need to be prepared to be a sugar daddy and help her out when she needs it otherwise it's just prostitution, sugar coated.
Sugar baby is a wide open concept. It is what ever you and the girl make it to be.
^ you can say whatever you like, it’s a wide open unmoderated forum, but there are defined terms and just because you wish it to mean what you want doesn’t actually mean that it will
Are you talking to me 25? Sugar Baby is in my view a poor choice of terminology. I like the older concept of Keeping a Mistress.
These sugar babies just want your money. 300/400 range ones may have several infact 10 to15 sugar daddies. So, it is nothing different from
@SColver89: "These sugar babies just want your money."
Of course they do. And I just want her pussy. Fair trade.
There are both types on Seeking. Many girls on the site are merely escorts using the website to advertise. Then there are the true sugar babies that are looking for one guy to form a long term arrangement. I've done both from the site.
Warrior is right. After “retiring from the sugar scene” there are all kinds out there.
One extreme is a 5 demeaning 10k a month and then a 9 just wanting a guy to take her out shopping, a nice meal at a fancy restaurant and some seduction and fawning over her.
^ Its between you and the girl, what ever works.
@shadowcat / @georgmicrodong
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
Enough already cj, don't you have enough dick pics? Your unhealthy obsession is consuming you, FUCKHEAD!
@CJKent: "Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen."
I guess it didn't happen then. Fucking creeper.
I thought I was bad.
One would assume location has a say on pricing (LA/NY vs Atlanta/Louisville; etc) - and as we all know the definition of an '8' or a '9' varies widely among PLs - "true" 9s (vs what a particular PL considers a '9') one would think would demand/hold-out for a premium particularly in large metro-areas - there ar2w probably inexperienced PLs severely-overpaying for what they consider an '8' or a '9'.
It is all how much mileage on the car. More mileage or frequent rentals, then you get it around 300. If ithe car is low mileage premium with premium lease start 1k and above. So, based on your budget, you can get
One thing no one has mentioned is that when it comes to a lot of sugar babies there is a lot of variance in the allowance based on the sugar daddy. A young handsome fit SD is way in demand and can provide a much lower allowance than average. Where as someone super old and obese may have to spend way over the average.
It's not a level playing field like the strip club.
@PoorAnalogy said: “It is all how much mileage on the car. More mileage or frequent rentals, then you get it around 300. If ithe car is low mileage premium with premium lease start 1k and above.”
Women aren’t cars. For one thing, cars don’t gain experience and expertise as they get older. A car is as good as it’s ever gonna be when it’s new.
A woman, on the other hand…what she loses in shiny new paint, she gains in the ability to please her partner. And while I’m all far shiny new paint, it’s no substitute for a skilled, patient lover.
I might give the sugar bowl another shot this summer. It sounds like shadowcat and georgemicro have worked out good situations. Seeking is sending out 33% off discount codes, and a new site called SugarDaddyMeet seems to be gaining some traction. They have some type of verification system that is keeping the scammers and fakes away. Maybe I'll bump this thread in a month or two to report my findings.
I go back and forth with it. When I get sick of all the bullshit fees and overhead associated with strip clubs and stripper GPS, I jump over to seeking. But I miss getting to get a full look at what your getting in the strip club and online getting not exactly the body type that you were looking for on sugaring.
Your question is comparing apples to oranges.
Strippers who provide FS may charge anywhere from $100-$500 plus the cost of dances + VIP access to get you off one time. Your time with her will be limited to one hour or much less (maybe more if OTC).
Sugar Babies get an allowance (anywhere from $250-600 - my average is $325 - depending on market, her "looks," and other factors) per multi-hour meeting - maybe 3 to 8 hours, or occasionally overnight. They do not "charge" per orgasm. I recommend you stay far away from monthly Sugar allowances.
Perhaps a better question to ask is about the experience with a stripper versus a sugar baby. For me, the comparison looks like this:
Stripper - good when I want a hot chick to get me off and then I can wipe up and leave. Worth the $100-$300 tip I may have to pay. Sugar Baby - good for when I want a real date with a college-age, affectionate, smiling, hottie that lasts several hours and includes GFE or PSE sex one (or more) times during the date. Worth the $250-$600 allowance I will have to pay.
Finally, don't get hung up on Seeking price discounts. Just pay for it and renew every 90 days. Think of it as an annual investment that gets you access to the best Sugar Babies in your area. If you can't afford the (about) $1k annual investment for Seeking, you don't have enough disposable cash to be a long-term Sugar Daddy. I generally keep a rotation of 3 to 5 SB's at any given time. Right now that includes 2 local A-List porn stars (yes, they require more allowance, but not too much). And I always have another 2-3 potential SB's on deck.
Before you join Seeking and start messaging SB's: Do not ever ask for paid sex on the site - ever! That's an instant irrevocable ban from the site. First, search google (or PM me) to find one of the credible Sugar Daddy advice blogs that will coach you on how to vette potentials (there are scammers and poor candidates in the mix along with excellent potentials) and how to stay away from the Ban Hammer.
I've been sugaring for over 10 happy years. And still, sometimes I get that need for a salacious, sweaty BBBJ in VIP as at a club in the San Fernando Valley.
And I'm sorry, @PaulDrake. A sugar daddy's age and looks mean almost nothing. In fact, older guys do much better than younger. I am old and fat, and I pay allowances about 25% under market in my area.
All calm down. From most posts here the common understanding is 300 allowance per 4 hr visit is ideal. 🤣
I've had two sorts of arrangements: a) Local college student - paid her rent, leased her a Ford Bronco. She'd travel with me basically whenever I wanted (except right before final exams) and we'd have great long weekends in places like San Diego or Nova Scotia; or occasional longer trips to Caribbean. Plus, about once every two weeks I'd make her dinner and we'd Netflix and chill. Lost that one when she found a boy she liked her own age and we mutually decided it was best for her to try to make that work. b) More typical now is pay-per-meet. Usually a nice restaurant or picnic in a park, followed by retreat to nice hotel, and I offer $500 for ~3.5 hours. Worth it for her because I'm a clean, drama-free gentleman; worth it for me because I enjoy the GFE that builds over time. I see some escorts on sites like Eros asking for $4500 for that type of experience, and I wonder who does that?
Jesus Desertscrub, what’s got you up at 2:30 am in the morning? Are you praying to Jesus to forgive your sins for paying girls to pretend to like you and have anal pegging sessions with strap ons? It’s ok. We know you’re broken.
Deceasedshrubbery was up because he had just struck out at the club where even the most fat, ugly, desperate dancers deemed him unworthy and wouldn't take any amount of cash from him to peg his ignorant, alcoholic, fat ass OTC so he's acting out because all he has left is his often used fallback plan B of jacking off to the dick pics cj shared with him. Brothers in arms, or in this case brothers in palms. Yeah he defines L O S E R, LMAO
Yep, a no brainer Shadow... I'll take partial credit for you getting that going again...she's a good one. To the original question, I have had luck with about $100 an hour though I don't think about it that way nor do I negotiate that way. They seem to be grateful, and haven't had to pay any fees at the club and usually have a nice meal, conversation and for the ones with kids, a break from them.
@shadow So about $20K per year? And no STD concerns for you, because she's only having unprotected sex with you? What are her other sources of income then?
@herbtcat why no reviews of strip clubs where FS is offered for $100 - $300? Are you worried about a bidding war?
@bubba is $100/hr. for anybody or a special rate for first cousins?
Ibbaicnl - Your math is good. I can afford it. My house is paid for and I can live an a little more than 1/3rd of my retirement incomes. I'm 80 years old now and have not used condoms since I was a teenager. Never caught anything. Maybe lucky but I'm not going to worry about it now. There are too many other things out there than can kill me today Like Covid. I have stage 3 COPD.
She has been living in a 5 bedroom house with the father of their combined 5 kids. I trust she is not going bare back with any one other than he and I. Can I trust that her BF is not cheating on her? No! But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. She has only worked 2 days in a club since 2019 when were were originally seeing each other. Stopped due to Covid. But I'm over the panic. I'm going to live what is left of my life doing whatever my health will allow.
@shadow the thing is, it's hard to be comfortable on just $20K per year (or have a five bedroom house). If the BF has a decent income, it's unusual he would be cool with her being a part-time sex worker. But I can see your point about the risk being worth it in your situation.
@ilbbaicnl I did ask what he did for a living and she told me who he worked for and what he did there. It is in the IT field and pays well. I did not ask if he knows she is seeing me on the side. 2 of her girl friends that I know, know about us. She is talking about going back to school.
@ilbbaicnl I generally do not write reviews here. I live in the San Fernando Valley and 80% of my clubbing is at local locations.
I've been a Valley PL since 1983, so I have no worries about a bidding war... I've been doing this too long to be affected by PL "competition" for ITC or OTC FS. Experience and a good understanding of each club is the key to finding what you want for the price you are willing to pay when you are ready to get it.
Back around Memorial Day, I said I would report back in a few months. Here is that update now that the summer is over.
I ended up meeting a 22 year old back in June and have been seeing her 3-4 times per month through the present. She is slim, B cups, tattooed, and has one of the tightest pussies I've had the pleasure of slipping and sliding. She is a model and think she can make a career of being a social media influencer (quarter million subscribers on TikTok). We have a lot of fun, but I am worried she is getting too romantically attached to me. This is a problem I have had in the past. Once the SB's get to know me better, they want to move things toward a regular relationship. I might have to eventually end the arrangement and disappear for that reason.
The amount of work you have to put in nowadays to find a decent sugar baby is getting brutal. There are many more scammers, picture/video sellers, and time wasters compared to 5 or 10 years ago. I had to deal with several duds in person before I hit a jackpot: 25 yo who wasn't as good looking as her pictures, 23 yo who just lived too far away (super juicy pussy though), and a 20 yo who thought I'd pay her $400 just to eat with me (sent her on her way).
Tight pussy probably means it's very unfun for her.