
Mass/RI clubs

So I've been dancing in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island area and I also took my feet into Connecticut a little bit as well for a little over a year now. We have been really slow and when I say we I mean all of the clubs in Rhode Island and a couple of the ones in Massachusetts since last summer things have been kind of rough and when I started it was right when everything reopened and people still had stimulus money and unemployment money and they were ready to come out and spend money on us and have a fun time.

I'm wondering if anybody customer or dancer has any perspectives on the clubs in that area which ones are good ones (I have worked at a lot of them) and just a general perspective and their point of view on it. I have found that a lot of these clubs are extras clubs and for those people they can do very well but even the people that do those services are not doing as good as they used to right now but for some reason in this area we do not get as many regulars as other areas which is surprising because it's not like we're in Florida where you got a lot of tourists passing through or California or something along those lines maybe Las Vegas. Building regulars takes a very long time here. And I have heard good things about the golden banana and some of the clubs out that way but that would be kind of a hike for me and I spend a lot of energy and time and travel time going to work at places that were two or three hours away for several weeks and sometimes months and felt that of course the experience was good to have but financially it was not worth it.

For had a lot of people tell me that maybe going to New York for a weekend might be good I would like to try to pull that off as I have heard positive things but I also have her negatives but there are clubs that I really like that other people really hate in their clubs that I really could care less for that other people really like so I guess it's all a matter of opinion.

If you guys have any opinions please share as I am curious


  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    What's your general "look"?
    Different clubs cater to different types.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Hey Olivia I know you. We ran into each other at Hurricane Betty's last week. I was the guy that suggested check out Boardroom Cabaret in Brockton. I guess recommendations will depend on how much mileage your willing to give. Maybe a dancer could be of more help as far as the dancer income side of it. But Desire in Providence is really popular on here and these dudes spend a good amount of $$$ there, why not be on the other end of that?
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    @Muddy, after reading her comment about extras clubs and seeing where she has historically chosen to work, I'm guessing that she's trying to avoid clubs like Desire.

    @Olivia, I wish I had more to add, but the last time I clubbed in NYC or N. New England was pre-pandemic. I have clubbed in CT and I wouldn't recommend incurring travel costs to work there right now.

    Traveling to dance in NYC is a real gamble. It might be worth trying if you have someone to crash with, but putting yourself several hundred bucks in the hole (hotel, food, high house fees) before you make a nickel is a big risk.

    Tbh though I think you're crazy not to dance in Providence during Summer season, though I'm sure you have your reasons. All the boaters and beach vacationers come to the area and there is nothing in Cape Cod anymore. Foxy Lady is, by all accounts, not as bad as some of the other PVD clubs. just a thought.
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    Boardroom Cabaret or Foxy Lady Providence would be Olivia's best bet, as I look at her requirements and the fact that she already been to RI Dolls.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Young folks haven't lived through inflation yet. Not 70s style inflation. In 6-10 months every strip club will be an empty echo chamber.
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    I was thinking of the boardroom cabaret. @muddy I remember you mentioned it and I've had a lot of customers and some girls tell me they really liked it over there a couple of girls I work with recently went over there and they haven't came back so I'm assuming they like it.

    Last summer in Rhode Island was actually not that great surprisingly. It was not awful but I think it was the transition from everybody spending so much money when they first opened at the end of winter beginning of spring like the clubs out there were very very popular and all of us made a lot of money. That was my first experience dancing and it was incredible so the summer was not necessarily bad but it began to fizzle down compared to what it was so that's probably why I'm associating it with not being too fantastic.

    I have worked at desires I've thought of maybe going back there and giving it a try, but I don't think I would make any more than what I'm making now as me and a couple of friends of mine who have all worked over there that don't do extras all do very good the first week it's a very regular basis club so they talk and word gets around my first couple nights there were amazing then they figure out that I don't do extras and just like all my friends that I've gone there after the first week or two it's not that great. I know that it comes with the territory but even though I'm thinking of going back I would probably make not much more than what I make right now and I have to deal with the holes "please stop trying to touch me there please stop putting your mouth on my body please stop doing that or the dance house to and I've now asked you several times to stop I'm very uncomfortable" and the "please pull your pants up if I keep happening to ask you because it's now the third time this Has to stop". I know it's not like they're full on molesting me but sometimes it almost gets to a point where cross that line and it's like I've asked you to please stop trying to put your fingers inside of me I do not like that it makes me very uncomfortable and you try to do it several times after I have nicely asked you to stop- and I hate that you know it's one thing for me to set my boundaries when I go in your room and let them know and of course they're going to try to do stuff sometimes you know like maybe take her pants off or touch me inappropriately but after I redirect them and let them know that hey I don't like that you would think they would stop but a lot of guys at those clubs keep going and going and going.

    I'm not going to give names but I was actually full on raped at a club in Rhode Island one time. However that is unusual that's not what really happens most of the time and most customers would never do that but there are some people that when you tell them I don't do some thing I don't like some thing I'm on comfortable and to please stop it turns them on more and they become violent. So basically it sounds crazy but I kind of have a fear of being raped at the extra clubs. As a dancer I should not have to tell somebody 10 times to stop touching something that is making me really uncomfortable what alone should I have to worry about being raped. I know desires would never stand for that but it's still the fact that when I was over there I would constantly tell people to stop doing certain things and they would keep doing it to the point where I almost could not take it anymore. Yes I know that comes with the territory yes I know I'm in a strip club I get it and as I said it does not hurt to ask me if they can do it and it does not hurt for them to try one time but to keep violating my personal space and my boundaries that's pretty out of line.

    My other opinion is that the idea of performing sexual acts for just a couple hundred dollars is absolutely insane to me but I will say that a lot of the girls in the clubs have substance abuse problems that they are trying to fund. To me a couple hundred dollars is not gonna pay for my school it's not gonna pay rent it's not gonna pay for anything related to a vehicle yes it's money but I I am not going to degrade myself for like two or $300. It is really sad but almost all of those girls have alcohol problems and I would say a good amount of them use drugs as well. BUT then I see quite a few that do not use any substances at all and they just are OK with doing extras because they want money to get their nails done and be able to buy nice clothes and shit. It just blows my mind that these people do sexual ask for just a few hundred dollars. I mean if it was thousand maybe I would give in and I'm talking like thousands but the idea of having a bunch of men inside of parts of my body all the time it's just really gross to me I don't judge other people honestly I wish that I was them because I would make better money and I would be in a much better place financially. But that's just not something I can pull myself to do. Honestly I think what happened to me one time in Rhode Island to put a much worse taste in my mouth and it's the fact that a lot of people when you tell them to stop or that you don't like some thing basically kind of keep going and almost borderline sexually assault you. And I know people are like you can't sexually assault a stripper but you can sexually assault anybody that says They don't want some thing but you become violent and do it anyways.

    The places I Matt or not necessarily bad but I want to make more money so I'm not in such a financial pickle right now but I face the issue of making money while staying in a clean environment.

    I think I broke it down pretty good so you guys kind of get what I'm saying.

    Desires as a big money club but I have seen a lot of girls that do not do extras that are beautiful girls with wonderful personalities walk out of they're close to empty-handed after tip out.

    Because let's be honest why would somebody go for a dance or a room with somebody who is a great girl all around but is not going to give them what they want and satisfy their needs when they could go for somebody who's almost equally as good or maybe equally as good if not may be a little less but they're going to get their needs met and get what they want for their money?
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    * The places I'm at are not necessarily bad
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    Hurricane Betty's was actually fucking incredible that's a really great place I love it there before they close down for a little bit last month it was very very good it's just been really tough trying to get people back.

    Surprisingly hurricanes is a money club- we are just having trouble getting things kind of back in order after everything that went down. So maybe I should be patient and stick it out.

    We get pretty high mileage during the dances there we just will not have sex or give BJ's. So that club does pretty well we had a lot of regular customers because our dances and our VIPs are pretty good especially the VIPs I'd say are very good to wear contact wise and they are pretty sensual you're just not going to get your dick sucked.

    Also a lot of the girls that work there are very friendly good customer service and have nice personalities so I think that definitely helps also
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    @rickdugan you mentioned some thing about the high house fees in New York- what is your knowledge pertaining to that? I would not be surprised to find out that they are high out there. Most clubs allow you to pay at the end of the night the only one I have found that does not is silhouettes in Providence they charge you at the beginning of the shift and Thursday and Sunday it's around $50-$100... Friday and Saturday it can be anywhere from $200-$400 upfront to work. But I know that they style that club to kind of be an old-school New York party type club or at least that's what they're trying to go for the weekdays over there are completely dead but the weekends they try to make into some upscale New York style. That's the only club I haven't seen have a fee potentially that outrageous and make you pay it before you even go to the dressing room.

    When I used to work at the Mynx at Hartford I actually met a lot of girls that would take the 3 Hour Dr. from New York to there maybe two hours give or take. They didn't really like New York but then I met a lot of other girls that are not from there that I've gone there for a little bit and have really liked it
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "@rickdugan you mentioned some thing about the high house fees in New York- what is your knowledge pertaining to that? I would not be surprised to find out that they are high out there."

    My intel is pre-pandemic, but back then it was easily $150-200 in some Manhattan and Queens clubs and many made the girls pay upfront. But tbh IDK how it is at the moment, though I hear that weekends are still busy in those clubs, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is high for premium nights. But it's not just the house fee - everyone from the DJ to VIP manager, House Moms and makeup girls all have their hands out.

    If you go into the Club Chat section of www.stripperweb.com there are active NYC dancers who could probably give you more up-to-date intel.
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago

    See that's pretty reasonable if all of the tip out including the DJ house mom and so on and so forth is factored into that. These are clubs that are in A city that everything is open pretty late and there's always constant traffic throughout the city it's not like it's a small town club. Not a lot of the clubs here have house moms none of them have make up artists or anything like that and the one that I worked out that had a very high tip out front, said Tipo did not include the bouncers or DJ or anything.

    I doubt they would make somebody pay that upfront on their first night but you never know. Silhouettes made people in their first night if they started on a night with a big house fee pay that upfront.

    I've never heard of that website I will definitely check it out thank you
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Hurricane Betty's was incredible? Bullshit. This is a bullshit thread based on that comment. Extras with ugly girls is the Hurricane Betty's model.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "See that's pretty reasonable if all of the tip out including the DJ house mom and so on and so forth is factored into that."

    No that's was just the house fee quote. I apologize if I communicated poorly. Those other tips are *on top* of that. Again though my intel is old - you should reach out to someone on the pink site or the clubs themselves for current info.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Yeah dude go to the pink site and tell them how classy $50 bj Hurrican Betty's is to work at.
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    @rickdugan I mean its NYC so It's reasonable to charge a high tipout

    @skibum609 I cannot comment on what bettys standard may have been years ago but In the months I've been there it's been no extras. That could be new. I made (along w a good friend of mine) around $500-1000 usually before the shooting there. Pre shooting least I made was a lil over $200. They pay us out at the end of the night and they have everybody's numbers on a clipboard my friend and I and another girl I'm friendly with all regular we have the highest numbers and I would say the numbers I quoted are about equivalent to the other girls who did good. Even the girls that did not as well did pretty decent. Especially given that they cannot do extras. I do know we have had new management since I've been there he got there a little bit before I did that when they installed cameras in the back and they redid the VIP area so it very well could have been a cheap extras place back in the day, I know that the other two clubs in Worcester are notorious for doing extras at a very cheap price so I would not be surprised. But the weekends used to be about a solid thousand dollars they're weekdays usually around maybe 500. I'm not saying it's a fancy club or the high class club by any means but it was very good money. For a customer sure it's nothing to write home about but for us it's very good it's not a club that I would say customer wise if you're in the area definitely go to because it's not super classy it's not high class but money wise for dancers I would recommend it maybe not now but before the shooting
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I'm a local. My familiarity with the club goes back to when it was lamplighter II. We can agree to disagree and I wish you well.
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    @skibum609 I did hear that it used to be lamplighter way before Joe owned it. I wouldn't doubt extras were big there. I know the Lamplighter II now on SW cutoff even goes as far as having a condom machine. Bettys is definitely not a very nice fancy club but financially it was enjoyable.

    I've never been to the lamplighter but I've heard it's very small and not much of a club really. But I've also had girls more so on the older close to retirement side tell me that they make a lot of money there and they really like it. Centerfolds was just not for me at all, but I know people that do very good over there and I know if you're looking for extras especially for nothing ridiculously expensive that's the place to go. One day a friend of mine was looking on online for an escort and he was having no luck so I told him go to Centerfolds and he had very good luck over there, I think for two women he spent around $600 that includes drinks tipping on stage and full-service VIP times two.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Mr Dugan can you address my recent posts please
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Centerfolds is the former Pudgys. I would rather buy pizza and jack off than get a free champagne room there lol. happy with a sexy lap dance and no extras if the dancer is pretty.
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    @skibum609 Centerfolds was frightening to say the least. The parking lot should serve as a warning sign. Its perplexing how popular it is- I'd rather be celibate if I were a man then engage in whats offered there
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Whats the problem with centerfolds?
  • WiseToo
    2 years ago
    Have you tried the Riviera Show Club in Worcester? I've never been there.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I'm far from an expert, but, from what I see, the industry is splitting in two. In conventional clubs, there's a long-term trend towards dancers having to provide more contact and perform penetrative sex to seriously bank. But the newer type clubs are almost as tame as the typical club was 20 - 30 years ago. On average, they play more rap, have more black customers, and younger customers. (So they may be hard to find in New England, since it has relatively few black people.) Most of the dancing is at tables (or standing), with the dancer at most grinding on the customer, and little other contact. Almost all the $ is in singles, but dancers tell me it's often better money than couch dancing. But, dancers tend to claim they make more than they do to customers, for negotiating reasons. I went to one of these newer clubs, and most of the dancers either refused to do couch dances, or asked for a minimum number of songs with a good tip. At another one, the dancers had sacks twice the size of a pillow case for their ones, and many were fairly full. Bootylicous dancers are the most popular at these clubs, which is a base you're got covered. There are more black dancers at these newer type clubs. I went to one that only had black dancers (and I was the only non-black customer). I asked one dancer if they ever had white dancers. She said yes but they don't last long. I wasn't sure if she meant they got hazed. Since black dancers are often given a very hard time at old type strip clubs, not surprising if they feel like white dancers are trying to horn in on the new type clubs where black dancers predominate.
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