When a review starts off with "This was my first time at a strip club" I believe there's about a 95% chance it's gonna be a bullshit review.
It really looks like an attempt to soften up the readers who will be approving, most likely by some existing member who just wants free VIP. But how would a first time reviewer even know to butter up the approvers right off the bat? And it seems to work, based on some of the garbage I've seen approved. Take this, for example:
https://tuscl.net/review.php?i… But if you think about it logically, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Imagine a guy who really visits a SC for the first time ever. Is he gonna run home, suddenly discover TUSCL, and decide to sign up and write a review? Almost every "my first time visit to a SC" review I've seen is also a brand new registration and first ever post.
If they knew of TUSCL prior to their "first ever visit" there would likely be an earlier registration date, and probably at least some DB posts as a non-VIP. Much more likely it's some clown who just gets his jollies trolling this site and created a fresh profile.
Not saying it's a 100% indication, but when I see "my first SC visit" I'm immediately suspicious. If the rest of the review looks good and sounds sincere, I'll approve. But if everything after "my first visit" continues to smell like bullshit, it's gonna be a NO.
last commentI wouldn't have thought to look a place like TUSCL up, let alone write a review of a strip club.
I didn't have any concept of mileage or extras, of upmarket versus downmarket clubs, of variations by cities and states let alone Tijuana or FKKs.
So any time someone says it's their "first time," at very least they're a liar. And if that "softens up" an approver, that approver is a dumbass.
It could be some PLs use it as a way to get "sympathy approvals"; and some use it bc they've seen newbies be given some "tough love".
Also not that crazy about reviews that start with "I went with my buddy/buddies"; these are often also amateur reviews of guys that often don't club like the avg TUSCLer does.
However, some guys do their research before they engage in anything new. The common place for research is the Internet, and there are few reliable sources of good club information, outside of TUSCL.
If a guy reads the details of what comprises a good review, he might put something decent together. It will still have gaps, as it is not possible to detail everything you experienced on a first club trip.
The club is dark. The music is loud. The beers cost how much? Wtf! Titties…..
Unless a guy takes a notebook on his first trip to a club, he’s going to forget to include a lot of stuff.
Knowing what I know now, my first time at a strip club, I didn't know what I didn't know.
I didn't have any concept of mileage or extras, of upmarket versus downmarket clubs, of variations by cities and states let alone Tijuana or FKKs.
Some of the younger dudes now? Maybe their first impulse is to do some searching online for pointers. The reviews aren't totally open, but maybe there's enough info to get a guy started and then they come back with a review to try and see the whole site.