
Females as shift managers.

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, April 9, 2022 3:13 PM
I just found out that one of the house moms at my favorite club is now going to be the day shift manager 2 days a week. I have to wonder how this will work out. Will she be less tolerant when it comes to contact between dancers and customers? And what about trouble? I don't think she can physically throw an out of control customers out of the club. Will the bar back or men's room troll back her up? The door guy is a big guy but not close by. There are no actual bouncers on duty. Any clubs out there with female managers?


  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    There are at least two clubs with female managers in Louisville. One is Blue Diamond, but the owner, male, seems intent on turning it into a waste of time. I don't consider that the manager's fault though. The other is Thorobred. The previous female manager, a former dancer herself, greatly improved the club. "Brought it back from the dead" is not hyperbole. The current female manager though seems to be a suck up to the boss, and the club has suffered.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Off the top of my head that I remember about several places… Club #1 The dancers liked her. She was a laid back and blunt personality. The club ended up getting more ghetto and raided more often and the city eventually cut off the club utilities and then shut down the club entirely. Club #2 There is a manager who apparently used to waitress at that club. Dancers either love her or hate her. She big time plays favorites. As far as personal opinion goes, I am def in the “dislike” category. I wouldn’t mind going back to that club if she was gone, but there’s too many other places to be to deal with that. Club #3 There was one manager who seemed to have an easygoing personality, though I didn’t interact with her very much to get any real sense of what she’s like. It was a known extras club, so she definitely tolerated that behavior. Club #4 There is a house mom who seems to take on certain manager duties as well. But she’s always in the dressing room and it probably doesn’t count for this discussion. Club #5 There was a female who was a manager for a dayshift at this one club. It was a club that allowed a lot of contact. I think as long as penetration wasn’t happening during dances she was fine? I liked her, idk. Sometimes dancers would sneak customers into the champagne rooms for individual dances, or so I heard. I guess so they wouldn’t be on camera and have to report their dance cuts? (The club took a lot of money out of each transactions) Club #6 This is a small town club for like a 150 mile radius. The bartender does the day to day managing. Never ended up working there tho. Didn’t see a bouncer but it’s sleepy small town south Oregon. Club #7 Female bartender is the active day to day manager. There was a single bouncer. Club #8 This manager is tall, strong “butch” lesbian. The club itself in general has staff members who are proactive and consistent with keeping dance mileage standardized to a certain level. It’s not a good idea to be reprimanded by anyone, but if it’s her—then she’s going to make you cry. Some dancers complain that she has favoritism issues. Idk, I’m not a favorite but she treats me just fine. She’s fine with me. Club #9 House mom has some manager type of duties, but is always in the dressing room. Mostly does things like regulate and make sure dancers are dressed “correctly” (the club had very strict and specific rules about wearing a necklace, when to wear a gown, when to wear lingerie, etc) Club #10 An ex-dancer bought a club she had previously worked at. A female bartender does the day to day managing. Mileage went up and that club has been more popular among customers since that happened. (Or so customers told me) Club #11 The bartenders were the day to day managers. Tiny club in a large city and is popular in reviews here. There was a bouncer/door guy tho. Personal opinion: how a female manager acts can be just as varied as a male manager. Some effective, some less so. Some likable, some less so. If a place is low volume enough then just a door guy is just fine and that’s pretty common. Lots of small dives or clubs during dayshift have only one male staff member in the room.
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    Oasis has a female shift manager.
  • PaulDrake
    2 years ago
    Recently the bucks chain of clubs started hiring a ton of female managers. Seems like in the span of a few months every club got one of them.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Luxxx in Peoria, IL was owned by a woman (till it burned down). Was only there once. I didn't try to release the trouser snake, but it didn't seem like anybody was watching the VIP very carefully. The owner clearly didn't ride the dancers generally as far as I could see. Just let them decide how far they wanted to go to make their $ goal. There were several dancers I would have wanted a dance from. But they seemed locked up hanging with regulars, or more focused on stage shows, which were more elaborate at Luxxx than the typical club. Dancers could come and go as they pleased. But my guess is that there are female managers that are just a pimpy as a bad male manager. No guarantee you are getting Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke.
  • Omega_Entertainment
    2 years ago
    Have had several female managers and djs for that matter over the years. Some did very well, some didnt. Overall though, there were less incidents where people had to be tossed out simply because men with any class or proper upbringing, will not raise a hand to a woman as fast as they would a male.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Place that had a female manager was generally kind of loose. The women could more just do what they want. SJG Eric Clapton - Knock on Wood [view link] John Fogerty [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It doesn't make a club better or worse. Star garden is being sued for safety concerns and has a female owner.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The woman manager's I have seen, now too of them, they let the rules be more flexible because they trust the women to use their own judgement. In one occasion that was led to Front Room FS becoming the norm. SJG
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Name one club with front room full service.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Millstream in MD is entirely female managed. Never noticed that it made it better or worse. Female managers work in strip clubs to profit off the strippers and PL’s just like everyone else. It’s a job.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    I've been in a few clubs with women managers. I really don't think it makes much of a difference.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I’ve heard it both ways. I know of a female owned/managed club that got shut down because it was essentially a brothel But probably heard more stories from dancers that despise female managers
  • joewebber
    2 years ago
    one club I know had a female manager for a few years. the quality of the girls went down drastically. she was not attracted to women, so she hired dancers based on their needs. many were unattractive and the club lost a lot of clientele. once the female manager left and the owner hired a male manager, the quality of the women improved, and the customers returned.
  • busta_nut
    2 years ago
    @ Jimmy.. and almost all were ex dancers and mostly did a good job.. Except for Jen. and she had never danced. But she ended up on the pole and gave up mgmt. lol
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I also forgot that my long time goto club Players aka The Wagon Wheel was owned/managed by a woman. Not sure if it was for the entire decade or dozen years but it went from the most reliable best club in Baltimore to a shit show that never came back from covid. The quality of the dancers was always fairly solid, but the pricing, layout/privacy, pricing and dancer comp structure changed wildly leading to an inconsistent experience and IMO doomed the club. I don’t think it had anything to do with her being a woman.
  • crazyjoe
    2 years ago
    Interesting topic. Shotgun Willies in (Glendale) Denver is at least partially owned by a female. She is on duty as a manager sometimes. The girls usually did not like her managing because she was extremely strict with dances. Shotguns had a lot of trouble with Glendale government for a while. What solved it is the above mentioned owner's husband became mayor of Glendale. Lol
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I've noticed a couple female managers at local clubs. I never really saw any change in the clubs when they were there vs when it was a male. The two I'm thinking of had other people there who would handle rowdy customers regardless of who the manager was.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Over the years I've seen or heard about, an occasional female manager, if they were competent, except for the uniqueness of a woman being in that position I never would have noticed, if it hadn't been pointed out.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    They can still call the cops for any trouble, bouncers don’t necessarily have to be there. And it shouldn’t matter, female manager alone doesn’t mean anything bad. It would be crazy if the managers were also dancers. Or if they had all the dancers wear butt plugs or something like that
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The best club manager I know is a woman. The owner is a woman as well. The club sucks coz of the owners neglect. But iys yhe best run club I know.
  • busta_nut
    2 years ago
    @ JImmy.. re The Wheel,,, Darlene was just a stupid, usless, psycho bitch and her male counterpart was just as dumb
  • NJBalla
    2 years ago
    Best clubs in NJ are run by women. They are hole in the wall places run by women who have an eye for talent. Male managers skeev the best girls out because they want to dip thier hand in the cookie jar. I once had an eye on taking a girl to VIP at foxtails only to see the 300 lb manager take her to the back room for over 30 minutes. She was FOTB dominican and had such a look of despair and regret before heading back with him.Although I knew this was common after 20 minutes I felt terrible and booked it out of there.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    I believe that, best run by women. Places where the only rules are the ones the women make. So the rules are always quite flexible. SJG GRAHAM BOND LIVE JULY 1 1972 part 1 [view link]
  • RTP
    2 years ago
    Shadow, I think I know who you are discussing, and I think the fact that she is a female has little to do with how she will do as a manager. However, the fact that she is a dancer/former dancer, house mom/former house mom, and still may dance and do VIP with a few select customers is an issue. She already has customers and dancers who like her or don't, and we all know that there is a bit of drama at the strip club. She does seem to be liked by most (or at least she was a few years ago when I actually got to Atlanta), but now she may have to make some decisions that some of those parties may not like. That is not always easy. I hope it works for her and the club.
  • tin man
    2 years ago
    Foxxy lady/The Office/Rain Gentlemen's club was owned and run by a woman. She's actually really good at what she does
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    We have had women running indy clubs where the rules were extremely flexible, like mostly whatever the dancers wanted to do. :) :) :) SJG
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