
Gaffes matter

Sunday, March 27, 2022 1:36 PM
Biden has always been a gaffe machine - indicative of his limited intellect, and inability to understand the BS of hack politics versus the importance of the words a Senator, VP or President (“God help us” as the doofus in chief would say). The Putin “regime change” gaffe is a monumental fuck-up and will cost many Ukrainian lives. Putin will now believe he can’t escape the debacle in Ukraine with his life and will double down on destruction. Biden torpedoed any diplomatic solution. Putin was traumatized by his stooge Khadafi’s execution, orchestrated by Obama and Sec State Hillary. He’ll use nukes before he’ll let that happen to him.


  • Sgtsnowman
    2 years ago
    Maybe Putin has good reason to be paranoid. Under Biden's old boss the US said the same things and sat on the sidelines for several months until the talk of war crimes and atrocities came up and voted with other UN security council members to begin the bombing campaign in Libya. Later we did the same thing in the Syrian civil war. Sitting out, talking tough, until we decided to join in. Yes Assad is still there thanks to the Russians. But Obama's VP is now president. Putin could easily be concerned that Ukraine will be round 2 of the Syria debacle. With Ukraine, we have been sitting out and talking tough. Now the war crimes and chemical weapons talk is coming up. Going to the UN has been mentioned. Regime change has been mentioned. If Putin has been paying attention to our history....
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Biden should read about recent history. “ Putin was apoplectic” when Gaddafi was killed.” [view link] Calling Putin a war criminal and butcher may help him in the polls, but it’s not the same as calling then President Trump a racist or calling rioting and looting legitimate political expression (though both terrible for our country). Being stupid and careless about Putin while trying for diplomacy- we’re not actually at war with him- is really crazy incompetent.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    So you prefer Biden's predecessor, thank god they never had to walk back any statements that fella made. 🙃
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    The adults ought to muzzle Biden like they did when he was VP and during his Presidential campaign. Biden’s pretty cage-trained and weak willed, so he’ll do as he’s told - for a while. 25 - yes, some adult should have taken Trump’s Twitter away, but he confined his douchiness to domestic or other ridiculous issues. He was pretty on message when it came to foreign policy. I think Trump realized his limitations on international diplomacy. Biden thinks he’s an expert although he’s been on the wrong side of history at almost every turn.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Biden is going to start a nuclear war due to his appalling stupidity. The cry of the Democrat traitor: b,b,b,ut Trump".
  • wld4tatas
    2 years ago
    Putin knows the West wants him out of power at this point. Biden said what everyone already knows.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    ^ I’ve got a secret for you - don’t tell Russian or China - promise? It’s not always best to be 100% candid and truthful in international diplomacy. Sometimes you say things you’re not actually thinking😧
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    Elections have consequences. This country thought it was cute to elect a clownish divisive tv persona as president which led to the country then electing a 79 year old in cognitive decline.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    > I think Trump realized his limitations on international diplomacy.< Really that's why he was so successful and got Mexico to agree to pay for the wall, I always wondered about that.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    When will someone have the balls to invoke the 25th amendment?! As bad as Kamala Harris would be, I have to think she would not be bringing us to the brink if a nuclear holocaust with her ignorant statements. Her sheer stupidity may actually be preferable to his dangerous senility. If nothing else, I'd have to think that Pelosi and Schumer would at least be able keep her in check. I'll also point out that Putin never pulled this shit with Bush and Trump in office, he only does it to spineless democrats like Obama and Biden.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Biden is a neoliberal warmonger pandering to the corporate oligarchs. In other words a typical amerikkkan president
  • rattdog
    2 years ago
    just wondering: if trump was in charge and decided not to pull away from NATO would putin still make a move on the ukraine?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ that’s a fair question, unfortunately we’ll never know.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Trump wanted the European members of NATO to honor their financial commitment to NATO, not just expect the US to foot the bill to protect Europe. Trump said it was a fucking joke that a rich country like Germany wasn’t even paying the require 2% of their GDP for defense spending and said they should double that. He said Germany was a captive of Russia due to the reliance on Russia for energy. How dare he right? Tisk tisk - Trump’s a bad dude because Angela Merkle preferred American task payers fund their defense.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Trump like any other us president has no right telling other countries what to do.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Yeah they do if they’re violating a treaty alliance (NATO). A treaty means your nation agrees to do something - namely help pay for military defense. An American President better call that out.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Nato is just a proxy for the US and its aim is to give legitimacy to our imperialist exploits. They know that and it's why they have a half asked commitment to it
  • Uprightcitizen
    2 years ago
    Meh this is issue way over represented. Biden is appealing to our allies and telling Ukraine we hate that guy too. Its also a direct signal to any regime change conspirators that we will not stand on your way. Reagan called the Soviets "The axis of evil". That was some pretty extreme stuff and raised eyebrows in the same way but its what he felt. Not exactly a statement you make to elicit diplomatic cooperation. Its a statement to galvanize your allies and constituency. Some of you may recall what ultimately happened when we got tough with the Soviets. Yea this old geezer is no great orator but his foreign policy is light years ahead of where we were going in the last decade. Isolationism is where we were headed because of 20 years of war and pandemic fatigue (especially seen in the last 4 years). Putin gambled it was time to exploit this perceived weakness and boy did he guess wrong. He burned his own diplomatic capital and prestige in a raging inferno. Its not like a few words by our not-so-great orator changes the diplomatic calculus that much.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Not the same when Reagan was using his anti-Soviet rhetoric. Until Biden’s gaffe Putin was looking for an off-ramp from his Ukraine invasion. Now he’s got to double down.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ thats pure speculation you have no actual knowledge, me personally I have less than zero problem with Biden saying Putin needs to be gone, in fact most folks feel the same way. My own opinion is this was coming it’s not like the Russians stoped fighting in the Donbas or Crimea, while Trump was president that’s been ongoing , so really don’t see that Putin gave two shits, and a bowl of borscht, who the president of the United States was anyway.
  • Uprightcitizen
    2 years ago
    Its only different because it was not directed at a specific autocrat. Its not like the US was ever going to mediate anything with Russia. The US was already the bad cop in Putin's view especially after spearheading the brutal sanctions. Macron and Erdogan are the self anointed good cops to negotiate anything required with Nato-Russia. Its not bad message to others that to get yourself out of this mess you know what you need to do. France and Turkey can dance on the other side of the line to offer other outcomes. Lots of options in totality here really...
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    Ukraine is the end of globalism, the theory that if we just open our borders and be nice to all those aggressive countries, everything will work out. We are going to return to a world of nationalism, alliances, and confronting our enemies. I’m okay with that.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Yet another pointless and stupid discussion about politics, like 99.99% of political discussions. Looking like the Republicans are going to nominate Trump again in 2024. If he wins, even the limited election fairness we have now will be gone for a long time if not forever. Duh, yes Biden's an assclown, but an assclown is the best choice we've got for now.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    The most constructive thing the US could do is make it clear that it doesn't accept it that ethnic Russians will be second-class citizens in Ukraine or the Baltics. Have to make it clear that, if Zelenskyy authorizes or looks the other way when non-combatant ethnic Russians are victimized, aid will be cut back to non-lethal supplies.
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    ^a liberal alternative to DT is not needed. There are plenty of conservative alternatives such as Desantis, Noem, Rubio..even Cruz If you need a demacrat I suggest Tulsi Gabbard.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    The most important issue right now is the out-of-control government spending and money printing to pay for that out-of-control government spending. The money printing is leading to increasingly high levels of inflation which is slowly impoverishing the average American family. Politicians want a distraction to take the focus off that because their political supporters who helped to get them elected receive the money being printed up while everyone else has to suffer from the inflation resulting from the money printing. If the American population focused on that it might stop and those who benefit from it don't want it to stop. The distraction was Covid and it is not a coincidence that at almost the exact moment that started to fade away it was replaced by a conflict between two countries on the other side of the planet.
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    You pathetic and un-American losers who support Putin over our President. You're as bad as Tucker Carlson, Q Anon and the Proud Incels.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Correcting upright: Reagan never called the USSR an axis of evil. He called them an evil empire. It was W who called Iraq-DPRK-Iran the axis of evil. Get it right.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    word on the street is that Kamala Harris is prepping her 2024 primary run, and will even challenge Biden if he runs for re-election. her tagline: "Terrible. Not quite as bad."
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    From today’s presser Doocy: "The big things you say on the world stage keep getting walked back." Biden: "What's getting walked backed?" Biden: You told troops they are going to Ukraine, the U.S. would use a chemical weapon, and called for regime change in Russia. Biden: "None of the 3 occurred."
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Biden is doing what he's done for his 50-year political-career, saying w/e he thinks will get him votes irrespective of the consequences as long as he stays in power - and the obviously slanted media emboldens him and other nutjobs to say stupid and crazy things b/c they'll get little pushback if any from most of the media. Biden is using the Ukraine situation to try to paint himself as a strong world leader b/c every else his administration has done has been a disaster reflected by the poor-ass poll-#s even w/ a sold-out-media almost completely on his side acting as the Dems media team.
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    Wait, what ?! Leon Panetta says on CNN that Biden’s gaffe in Europe about regime change came about because Biden is Irish, and his instinct to internalize human suffering may have overwhelmed him to the point where he was not careful about what he said. Biden needs more discipline Panetta says
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    LOL - when it comes to Biden it's always someone else's or something else's fault
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Biden is more dangerous to both America and to the Democrat party when he has an occasional moment of lucidity. He starts to believe he's really in charge, speaks his mind, and then everything falls apart. When he just reads the teleprompter like a zombie, then turns and shuffles away with reporters' questions bouncing off the back of that fucking bald head, there's no problem. They should keep him medicated so that his attempts to act like a real President remain suppressed.
  • wld4tatas
    2 years ago
    Biden reinforced his comments today while making it clear it wasn't US policy but his own morale outrage. This kind of message can actually give hope to Russian dissidents in confirming what the West is thinking. Ultimately, we want the Russian people to get Putin out of power.
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    If he was despised what are the odds we would like his replacement? Regime change didn't work out so well for the us in Iraq, Lybia, Syria...it's a long list. A destabilized Russia won't be good for anyone.
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Even after Saddam, Mubarek, Qadaffi, and yes, Trump, we still haven't learned our lesson. There are structural issues in many societies that make it likely that a dirtbag is going to end up in charge. There are lots of fed up people who get cynical and figure it's about picking a dirtbad to support who will give me an edge over others. If your whole plan is throw out today's dirtbag, almost a sure thing you will get another dirtbag who's at least as bad. Like in the US (for the moment), you have to get to a place where the elite is fractured, and each piece is small enough so they have a stake in a constructive balance of power between the pieces. That creates breathing room for us nobodies who just want to have a drink or two and chafe a few nipples.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    It makes no sense what you guys are complaining about, this is just a bitch session, you don't like when he is easy on Putin, but you don't like it when he's tough on Putin, me I think what he said was fine, it's not like everyone wasn't saying the exact same thing. If Putin were to be ejected from the world stage, there wouldn't be ant tears shed on either side' What should he do, say he believes Putin, like the last guy did. Please get a grip, the fault lies entirely with Putin, I'm of the belief that appeasement is is how we got here in the first place.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Rather than a gaffe, the Russian regime change comment from Biden may have been a sudden emotional outburst. Friday, Russia pegged the ruble to gold. They have announced that from now on Russian gas will be sold for rubles or gold. Germany is furious and demanded Russia honor contracts where they said they would sell their gas for dollars. Russia said, no, they aren't going to do that. Biden is angry too. This is going to drive up the value of the ruble and gold and drive down the value of the dollar. After his outburst, cooler heads in his administration tried to walk back his comment because it implies we are about to start World War III to get rid of Putin.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Biden's unique combination of stupidity and senility is the single greatest threat to the world. A career of cowardice and idiocy that placed him on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue- remember, he opposed the DEVGRU-UBL raid. He continued and cemented that legacy of stupid/senile with the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. That, more than anything, showed Putin that he could do whatever he wanted, and Biden would bluster, cower, and fold. And stupid/senile Biden did bluster, cower, and fold. He told Putin, and the world, multiple times that USA would not come to Ukraine's aid, and he has for once held his word. And then, in his singular stupid/senile fashion, calls for the ouster of a dictator who has already put his nuclear forces on heightened alert. In his trademark stupid/senile style, Biden called for regime change in a regime which has already declared it would rather see the world burn, than to lose power. We are closer to nuclear armageddon now, at this moment, than at any prior moment in history because a bunch of snowflakes who did not like mean tweets allowed stupid senile Biden to assume the presidency of the United States of America. What is happening now is partially Brandon's fault. It is partially Putin's fault. It is partially Ukraine's fault. But the idiots who voted for Biden/Harris also share that blame. Yes, this is your fault, too.
  • wld4tatas
    2 years ago
    ^ Nonsense This is 100% the fault of Putin who is a murderous dictator
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Biden shouldn't have said it, but it's absolutely true. Putin wants the whole enchilada. Any deal he strikes is a delay tactic while he schemes to get the rest of it. It'll be another pretext, a blitzkrieg while he dares us to stop him. No deal with him can be trusted. Ironically, like Ishmael said elsewhere, shit like this is exactly why NATO was invented.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    To say anything is 100% "x"'s fault shows a stunning ignorance of world history, causality, and geopolitical relationships. Please renounce your right to vote, and get yourself castrated.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Putin is at fault but in classic Biden style he tends to make things worse where his people constantly have to walk-back his statements. It's been reported the U.S. wants Ukraine to come to an agreement with Russia and stop the war - doesn't make sense to call for regime-change at the same-time you want negotiations to take place - it's typical Biden to grandstand for his personal political-benefit and exaggerate, plagiarize, or outright lie.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ You’re such a powerful runt scrubby.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    "... Bidens so called GAFFE has cause the russians to fucking retreat ..." They are retreating b/c of the massive casualties they are taking-on and it not being the walk in the park they thought it was gonna be like when they took Crimea
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    The Russian troops north of Kyiv are largely cut off from supplies and risk being surrounded by Ukrainian troops. Puti has decided to move those troops to the Russian speaking parts of eastern Ukraine. He will consolidate his position and declare victory, having accomplished nothing.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Scrubby the runt of the litter, always trying much too hard. You have more in common with Iceefag than most of us. Go hang out with him you could never keep up with me, intellectually, athletically, or financially. Start a fight with someone else, you don’t have the chops to mix it up with me.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    ^^ I don't agree with desertscrub's insults to other members (although I've been guilty of that myself in the past) but desertscrub is right about one thing. Somebody needs to put Putin in his place, and not let him continue to emasculate us with the threat of nukes. Someone with an ego like Putin doesn't want to go down in history as the guy who destroyed everything he stood for and lost it all. Mark my words, if a nuclear conflict started between the USA and Russia, it would end badly for both, but WAY more badly for Russia. They would cease to exist, and we would reclaim our position as the world's top economy and beacon for freedom, because despite all our internal differences, that's who we are. That's a fucking fact. For 40+ years we lived in fear of the USSR, and when they crumbled we found out that most of their nukes were neglected rusted out holes in the ground. Their air force was garbage, other than MiGs which were technologically impressive, but at the expense of the rest of their power. The MiG is still impressive, but it's no match for our F-35s or FA-18 Super Hornets. Now we are witnessing how Russia's "fearsome" military is a bunch of undertrained crying pussies and they're bombing schools and hospitals to make themselves feel stronger. The underdog Ukrainians are kicking their asses because they're smarter, have more fucking balls, and a real cause to fight for. Putin only has his lies and an uncanny ability to manipulate the media and people's emotions. Putin must understand that. He may be a ruthless dictator, but he's not an idiot and he's not senile like Joe Biden. He's a guy who has built his country and his own reputation on lies and propaganda, and it's all crashing down on him. I won't be surprised if he commits suicide in a bunker like Hitler.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Putin's reach exceeded his grasp. By now, we should have all read the reports that he was given faulty intelligence regarding the ability of Ukraine to resist. No one expected the severity and scope of economic backlash that would occur. (This still does not justify or condone the odiousness of cancel culture.) He did expertly call Biden's weak and feckless leadership. I expect he will accept the Donbas region, keep Crimea, and call the special military operation a success.
  • wld4tatas
    2 years ago
    To say the invasion of Ukraine is not 100% on Putin is to support the Russian propaganda justifying Putin's invasion. There is no justification whatsoever for what he has done.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Check your ignore list it just got longer.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Gaffs are important when you are trying to get a really big fish into the boat.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I agree that Putin is not senile like Biden, but I would not rule out another form of age-related dementia. I am 100% serious. Putin is very, very smart; and some of the smartest people to come through our memory practitioners are the most difficult to diagnose. They have Alzheimer's, Fronto-Temporal Dementia, etc., but they are smart enough to compensate and cause inconclusive results on the mental tests. As smart as Putin is, and depending on the specific disease, progression, etc., he may be demented and delusional enough to believe his paranoia and lies about America, Ukraine, NATO, and the rest. The incompetence upon incompetence which our POTUS and VP heap upon themselves only reinforces and amplifies Putin's paranoia. How embarrassing is it that Macron, a fucking Frenchie, is able to lecture our president about how to be presidential and lead the free world? Macron would not do that if Biden were actually a leader. Macron never tried it with any previous American presidents. Putin only misbehaved like this because he recognized how weak our current leadership is. I believe the only reason Red China has not moved on Taiwan is because they do not want to take the hit economically.
  • jeraldabeyta
    2 years ago
    Blah blah blah. Bitch bitch bitch. Wah wah wah. Biden Biden Biden. Trump Trump Trump. Right Left Red Blue. Wtf is wrong with you people. Go see some titties and quite the pretentious preening like you know wtf is going on and have all answers.
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