
How long do strippers stay at a club ?

What's the average years they work for a club


  • whodey
    3 years ago
    While some dancers stay at the same club for years I'm not sure the average would be measured in years across the industry, especially when you take travel dancers into consideration. At some clubs it would be measured in weeks or months, it really all depends on the club.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It depends on the club and how much they make. Or the lack of other options. It's not predictable.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    It varies between days and decades.
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    3 years ago
    I’ve seen between as short as 3 minutes and as long as 30 years and counting.
  • Heellover
    3 years ago
    3 minutes? Wow.
  • From978
    3 years ago
    There's another thread above this on how often we use algebra. The question of how long strippers stay on the job is an example of where you need it. If you walk into any club, you're most likely to see the people who are there the most, and very unlikely to see someone who works exactly one day. In the clubs I frequent, I would say half the dancers I see on a typical day were there at least five years ago, and half the people I never saw before tell me they started last week or last month.
  • loper
    3 years ago
    A lot of strippers I know work at multiple clubs and favor one over the other for periods of time but rotate among them for periods of several years.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    From open to close
  • DandyDan
    3 years ago
    At the last club I went to, I got dances from 3 ladies. One had been there two weeks, one had been there for 5 years and the third had been there for 25 years. I can see how all those scenarios can realistically happen.
  • PepsiMan
    3 years ago
    One sat down next to me and didn't say much. Guess she was thinking if this was OK. Went up to dance and that was the end of career of about 15 minutes It was at Silver Criket when it was nice. Just ok now. Another fav has been there 5 plus years.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    It would be hard for guys who travel a lot and visit lots of different clubs to guess on this. I will occasionally visit clubs in other cities but most of my club visits are nine clubs in Indianapolis and I visit them often enough, every month or every couple of months, to have a rough idea how long the girls stay here.

    I will say about a third of the girls I do lap dances with are gone if I revisit the club a month later. Maybe a fifth of those will turn up at another local club later but four fifths disappear forever. Of the remaining two thirds of girls still there after a month I would guess about half of them are gone within two years. I would guess the average overall stay for a stripper is one and a half years. My regulars stay on average about three years but my regulars are all above average strippers. I personally know of three Indianapolis strippers who have been here for ten years in the same club and there are probably others. Probably only one out of fifty stay that long.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Subtracting months because pandemic closures, the longest I’ve been at a club is about 2 years now. A couple other clubs like 1 year each. The absolute shortest was like 1 hour. There’s a decent amount of clubs I’ve probably been at for like 1-4 weeks….soo my average is going to be brought down to maybe a couple of months maybe?

    It’s tough to average for strippers overall. There are some dancers who are older and have their clique and are always there. Some are here today gone tomorrow. Too many to keep track of for me personally.

    It’s incredible to me how some dancers can just stay at one club. At one place I remember, a dancer told me she had worked there for 25 years. And that club has had previous owners and names throughout the years. 😮

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