A Dollar

avatar for goldmongerATL
I got two $4.50 waters and paid with a $20. I got $11 in change. A $10 and a $1. It annoys me when they don't give you change to leave a tip. Even more so in a strip club where singles come in handy.

What was even stranger was the $1 was a $1 coin! Why the f**k would you give out a dollar coin in a strip club?


last comment
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
To get rid of it?
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
When I get change and some of the bils are written on, crumpled, dirty or torn I arrange them so those are the first bills I spend.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I've thrown coins at stripper hoes lulz

I understand to play a game with a girl where she spread her legs and I'd flip coins trying to make them land on her pussy
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
$1 coin? Are you sure you weren’t in Canada?

I’ve been to strip clubs that do the craziest things. One time a club routinely gave their change in $2 bills. Another one had the stage behind the bar so you’d have to take $1s and wrap them around coins and throw them to hit the stage. Stupidest thing ever but everyone had fun trying to hit the strippers with the money. They didn’t care the more they got hit the more they were getting paid.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
Funny. I've seen stages behind the bar and guys get better at throwing bills or the girls pick up the money from the floor after their set. If there's a lot of money maybe somebody will grab a broom and sweep it up.

McDoogals out by Baltimore is like that. One time I was scattering bills everywhere and the guy beside me was a regular who kept landing every bill right on stage. The guy was obviously enjoying showing me up, so at one point I got some side eye as he lofted five bills that all sailed perfectly onto stage. I just laughed and said he needed to teach me the trick to doing that. Some guys ball up the bills and throw them at the dancers, but that's considered bad form.

One club I went to (think it was by an overpass somewhere out in the sticks around Seattle) gave out poker chips to pay the dancers. It was pretty much a biker bar and the gang was waiting on some guy to throw chips at a dancer so they could bounce him.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
The $1-coin is strange - unless I wanted to keep it for some reason I'd likely would have given it back to her and ask her for a bill (if I wasn't too-distracted by the T&A) - or more likely give it back to her as her tip as I tip at least a dollar.

Not getting the coin-change back is not a big deal to me and not something I sweat w/ all the other BS that goes on in strip-clubs – in clubs where drinks are $.xx I just tip $1.xx – I usually just nurse one drink for my visit thus it’s not as if I get to tip the waitress or bartender throughout the visit.

avatar for whodey
3 years ago
Getting a $1 coin back at a strip club would be odd, I would probably just give it to the bartender/waitress as part of her tip because it's not you would tip it to a girl on stage ... unless you were able to insert it in her coin slot. Nah ... she'd probably charge extra for that.

At least it is better than the clubs that give you your change in their own currency because then you have no choice but to spend it there. I stopped going to a club in Dayton years ago because of that.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
The Discotheque Lounge in Augusta refused to accept $2 bills as payment for my drink because she didn't have a slot for it in her cash register. She didn't get a tip. Probably why you got a $1 coin.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
3 years ago
Sometimes clubs have a difficult time getting ones from the bank. Recently my bank’s branch installed an ATM that dispenses forty $1s at a time. So I’ve started get those $1s along with a bunch of $20s for an evening at the club.

A different bank I use has an ATM that dispenses $100s, which is handy for OTC fun.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Just ask for the type of change you want.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
Some clubs do that as a regular thing. Is it Casa Diablo in Portland that changes out big bills into $2 bills for tip money? I think that was the place when I clubbed in Portland. And I think in South Carolina I ran across clubs that did that.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
A clever thing I (only) saw in Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC is that they'd try to give you $2 bills in change instead of singles.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
It was all of the Platinum Plus clubs.
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
I gave her the coin plus a dollar from my pocket as a tip. Luckily I had enough singles for the visit.

I remember the $2 bills at Platinum in Greenville. Spent three at a fast food place on my way out of town and got a dirty look from the female at the counter. Guess she did not want to touch them.
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
May the day come when this is the biggest problem in the world.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
On the other hand, some clubs give you nothing but singles. I've paid for a $4 beer with a 50 and got 46 singles back (which I assume was probably short a few).
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Haven't seen it, that dollar coin is my tip though
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago

To answer your question, you look for the stripper with the lower back tattoo that says "INSERT COIN". If it flashes "FOR 1 PLAY", even better.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I can't get the damned coin to stay in her g-string. Then, I made it rain with a roll of dollar coins and got thrown out. Maybe I should have unwrapped it before dropping it on her head.

*drum fill*

Seriously reply to the OP, I have never not gotten singles as change. Nor have I gotten or would I accept a $1 coin or $2 bill in strip club, and I would reject them and ask for regular $1 greenbacks as I do everywhere else.
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