When OTC falls through because hotels are sold out

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I really hate this. I had a hot ass girl lined up who I hadn't seen for a while but has always been a good time in the past. The Jack is flowing, I've been watching tits and ass for a few hours and now I'm ready for the blowup finish with this hottie to top off this very good night. All the stars are aligning...

But then...I can't find an available hotel room.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Apparently there was a big event in town yesterday. While it didn't benefit the clubs much given the demographics involved, it sure sucked up all the local hotel rooms.

There were a couple of shitholes on the outskirts of town still offering rooms for quadruple their normal rates and she may have been willing to go, but I wasn't going to do that for any number of reasons. At a certain point the principle of the damned thing matters. If I have to pay as much for the room as the girl for a one hour pop n go and drive an extra 40 minutes R/T for the privilege, I'd rather wait until another time.

This really sucked donkey ass. Neither she nor I can host and I'm too old to be doing this shit in a car even if she'd agree, which I doubt she would given what I know about her. So all I could do is walk away.

Has anyone else ever run into this dilemma?


avatar for rattdog
New York
3 years ago
well it probably wouldn't have hurt to ask if she wanted to do it in the backseat of the car. nothing to lose at that point.

the beach.
a bar that has several bathrooms.
an apartment complex that has a laundry room.
a storage room at your place of work if you have the key to that door.
maybe pay a doorman at some building to let you use a spot inside the building.
go to a friend's place and tell him/her to leave for a couple of hours.
It's a long shot, but some AirBnB listings offer an "Instant Book" options.
Does the club have VIP rooms?

Does your house have bed rooms?
^ SC, no on the first and yes on the second, but some of those bedrooms are occupied by my family, which makes the house a no-go. 😉
Shadow ... For a lot of guys, the point behind OTC is to have fun in an actual bed and for longer than an ITC VIP. I guess if everything else falls through, then a half-hour VIP is a less-desireable option, but that's up to the guy and how he want to spend his time and money.

As far as taking a stripper home, while you may be in a situation and mindset where it's totally okay to bring strippers into your actual home. That said, you do realize that, for most guys, that's not a viable option ... right?
This has happened to me on more than one occasion and not just because of OTC. The strangest reason was a body building competition/convention and every.single.hotel room in a city of 2.25 million people was booked. It was funny being in town and seeing all these jacked roided out men and women walking around!
I'm not a new kid on the block. I'm merely pointing out the possible solutions.

I once took a girl back to the house she shard with another girl and 3 kids. She was afraid some one might get up in the middle of the night and see us fucking on the sofa. So we did it in the broom closet.
SC, I had already said that I can't host in the opening, but appreciate the thoughts nonetheless. I definitely can't be bringing strays home, lol.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
If it's a new girl, I'm with rattdog on this one. Better to get one under the belt than have to work it out again (bush in the hand and whatnot). Rick was saying this is a pad he's landed on before, so it's probably something he can line up again.

To the question, I've had it happen before. It was called a pandemic (thanks COVID) and called for a level of creativity that's led to a couple of years of stories I might write down one day.
The Hotel Tonight app might be a good option if you are looking to book a room last minute in a pinch.
Sometimes the stars just don't align in your favor. Luckily, this was a girl you've done otc with before so you should be able to arrange something with her in the future when the timing works out better.

If it was a girl you had gotten to agree to otc for the first time after working on her for a while I would say make the drive and pay for the overpriced room to cement the relationship. Given the situation, I'd say you did the right thing by just walking away for the time being and waiting until the timing is better.
It’s not happened to me. But, I can understand the frustration if it did. The desire to enjoy a new girl, in the heat of them moment, can cause many guys to do stupid things (spending way too much is not uncommon).

It’s smart that you didn’t compromise too much, and get a distant and overpriced hotel room. Hopefully, you will have a future opportunity to enjoy this dancer OTC.

Sometimes the OTC situation is not favorable to allowing a hookup, and it’s best to let it go.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Well you always can do it in the astrovan you came to the club in. Also the back alley dumpster provides solid cover.
I remember someone in tuscl mentioned they will use the “family restroom” at the mall to save on the hotel room, they just will bring a collapsible baby carrier to complete the “family picture”.

Many fancy places have nice clean large comfortable family bathrooms

Alternatively you just reschedule and tell her that the anticipation will make the pleasure more intense for you, and hopefully for her.

@desert: I have history with her. This one is pretty reliable.

@Muddy: I had to Google "Astrovan" to find what you were talking about, lol.
If it's the Chevy Astro, I know someone who had one except he called it the Disastro.

I had this happen to With a SB once due to leaf season where I live. I got a room at a shitty Econolodge for about $100 and it definitely wasn't worth it the extra $50 or so.
I do most of my mongering in the Tampa area. Happens all the time in the middle of snowbird season. My condo is outside of Tampa by about 30-40 minutes over on the beach. Many girls don't want to drive over there on the first date. Thats one of the reasons I keep seeing the same girls over and over. Once they have been there, they like coming over to me.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
July 4th or some shit like that in a small city, definitely a thing. The way the these things fall through I hate getting a hotel ahead of the fact.
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