Livin’ in the rick fugue: ROARing good TUSCL meet up edition
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
However, I’ve also been wanting to improve my rick fugue. That state I enter when I’m pleasantly drunk. The problem is getting sufficient alcohol into my system in a convenient manner. Lately, I’ve been soaking tampons in various kinds of alcohol and shoving them up my ass while I drink. But I want to figure out the best tampon-liquor combo.
So I propose a meet up and an experiment. Double blind. I’ll hire a company to prepare a bunch of booze soaked tampons with the type of booze assigned randomly. A bunch of you damn dirty apes will show, insert, and we’ll see how much fun you have in the club. Hell, I’ll even make you co-authors on the no-doubt Nobel willing manuscript describing this work.
What say you apes?
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