They gave it back, but confiscated it for the duration of my stay. Didn’t make any sense to me, but they insisted.
As expected, when I checked into Cascadas, security searched my backpack. I knew that they would do so and I had put some gifts I had brought for an ATF at the bottom of the bag as they might have not let pass. However, I didn’t expect them to take my standalone camera. I do use it to take pictures of the girls I arriba (which I obviously don’t share with staff), but it is with the girl’s permission and I don’t share them with others without permission (which I almost never get). I use the standalone, because it takes better pictures than my iPhone and is easier to manage. Also I take the chip out of the camera after taking photos, so if the camera is searched there is nothing to see. Since I don’t us the iPhone, if it is ever called into question (which has happened once before), again, nothing is revealed.
So security insisted on keeping the camera. I argued, but they said it was a new policy from the higher ups and they had no choice but to take it. They said I could leave it in my car, but my car is 800km away. I said I would just leave it in the room, but that was not acceptable. We went back-and-forth for a good 15 minutes, but I lost that battle. I was going to make the argument that all the iPhones have cameras, but felt that there was a risk that they would take that too. Maybe I was marked for some reason.
They insisted on seeing my photo ID and logging my name. I asked for a receipt, but they would not give me anything in writing that said they took the camera. (It is about $400, so I wasn’t going to give it up easily.) “Your camera will be safe. It will be right back here,” V said pointing to the shelf area behind the counter, not in any kind of locked container.
“But I have nothing to prove that you took it,” I insisted.
V pointed to the security cameras and said, “It is all on video. You don’t need a receipt.”
“But I don’t have access to the video. You could very easily shrug your shoulders and say the camera was never taken.” No dice. No receipt. (There is a HK girl I like and I knew that she would be off shift in about an hour, so I wasn’t anxious to burn a lot of my clock arguing.)
I asked if I could “check it out” during my stay if wanted to take pictures in town. They said “No.” I can have it back when I check out. Glad that I wasn't staying for more than one night.
Usually I pass out tips to the security and clerks when I check in and when I check out, as they occasionally waive me past the metal detector and the pat down is very superficial. Sometimes they just let me pass. No tips for anyone when I checked in because of the argument over the camera. I did pass out tips when I checked out. (Have to admit that I was a bit of an AH regarding the incident. When I checked out, I was familiar with most of that staff, so passing out tips when checking out will make my stay next time a little easier.)
One of the ladies I took arriba actually insisted that I take pictures of her with my iPhone. She was a 9, so she did not have to ask twice. (Sorry. I cannot share, so don’t ask.) I was concerned that security would want to review my iPhone when I checked out, because I brought a camera and was marked, but she was worth the risk and it didn’t happen.
Checking out, they did return the camera. It was wrapped up in paper with my name written on it. It was in good order.
Bottom line, don’t bring a camera if you are staying at Cascadas. Phone cameras are cool, but standalone cameras are not. I don’t know how that makes sense to them, but…it is the Zona.
SJG That is the funny thing. I have not verified this, but I don't know of any hotel that impounds cameras. I might book the Rio on my next visit, which is owned by the same corporation, and see if they do the same thing.
If anyone has a similar experience or wants to test by taking a camera you don't need (just in case you don't get it back) into a Zona hotel, I would be interested in your experience.
They worry you are a pro photographer who will model their girls for other biz maybe? Anyhow, why not share a foto or two here, with face covered, like mine. It's 100% anonymous.
That *is* a bit odd - the first thing that comes to mind for most folks is that all cellphones have cameras these days - perhaps they thought you'd want high-quality pics/vids to put up on the web but Iphones AFAIK take just as good a pics as stand-alones - but that's the only thing I can think off, is that they would think you're some kinda pro that puts stuff up on the web?
I didn't know Cascadas checked customers' bags when they checked in - has this policy always been in place?
OP did mention that he was acting like an A-hole and we all know that can produce an entirely new set of rules.
I think Papi is likely to have hit on the reason for the corporation to make this a policy if it is an official policy. Phone cameras still take far inferior pictures when compared to a phone camera. A stand-alone camera with an off camera flash or two could signal that the pictures would be used for something more than personal use.
The hotel check in guys may have been told not to let anyone with pro photography gear check in and turn a room into a studio. The check in guys probably think that means any camera with a Sony or Nikon label.
@Papi: The policy for bag searches came as a result of a girl getting knifed at Adelitas... it's an inconvenient but understandable weapons search.
@PT: The camera thing is almost certainly a response to something that happened there. I'd ask your novias about it to see if they know why the management started doing it.
The pro photo issue is something I did not consider. It was just a little box camera that could not be mistaken for pro equipment. However, I can see why they wouldn’t ask the staff to make a distinction.
Mongo is right. Metal detectors and bag searches are because of the attack. Like the shoe bomber, we will have to take off our shoes at airport security because of one true AH.
And I wasn’t being a complete AH; just getting a little loud and pushing back hard.
TJWalker, you are right, I have enjoyed your photos. I should give back. I am sure I can find a few that are worthy.
PT, glad you got it back with no damage. Having to check in a $400 item with no receipt would be unsettling. Don’t know what to make of it other than maybe HK feeling the need to flex its muscles. Luke, the YouTube guy who posts a lot about TJ, said he was recently banned from HK for no apparent reason given, even though he’s always promoted the club in his videos. Sounds like pure idiocy on the part of whoever’s in charge and making the rules. Could be that he’s trying to compensate for having a 3-inch dick.
Yep, I think Luke probably got banned for having a three-inch dick. Yeah, I know. That isn’t what you meant, but much of Luke’s information is misleading.
Anyway, last time I was there, they unzipped my bag, looked at the top, and handed it through. I am going again tomorrow and we shall see what the protocol is this time.
@PutaTester, I think you're right about that Luke clown getting banned from HK for having a 3-inch dick, which some ladies must have complained about. Checked out some of his videos, he's a buffoon.
You can go online to sites like pornuhub and others and find live video of folks walking around HK, Tijuana Zona Norte, and other redlight districts in Bangkok and such with GoPros or other small recording devices. In dark clubs, like HK, you can barely discern what's going on, much less faces and identifying characteristics, but you could recognize someone you know well enough.
This was likely a knee-jerk reaction to a complaint from an individual with enough influence that HK and Cascadas had to respond. It is not reasonable nor acceptable to impound cameraphones, but I can see how they would try to impound other visual recording devices.
Interesting experience. I did wonder if anyone ever has luck with videoing/photoing what happens to you in the rooms. I realize it is a case by case basis, but do some girls not mind you videoing the acts? That would be amazing! Please provide details if you have had luck with videoing and how you approached.
I carry a camera because the quality is better. It also helps to assure the girls that their photos will not be published on the internet.
Finally, a few mongers have been curb kicked and the local authorities have gone through their phones. They tell the victim that they will prosecute them for transporting porn over international borders to extract a bribe. Rare, but it does happen. I take the chip out of the camera and set it where they are unlikely to look for such a thing.
From havenfan: Interesting experience. I did wonder if anyone ever has luck with videoing/photoing what happens to you in the rooms. I realize it is a case by case basis, but do some girls not mind you videoing the acts? That would be amazing! Please provide details if you have had luck with videoing and how you approached.
I have had lots of good luck getting pictures and videos. A couple of points:
1. Most don't want their face shown. I hate headless shots, so I bring an attractive mask for them to wear. However, if they don't want to wear it and don't want their face shown, I respect their wishes. 2. It helps if you have sessioned with a girl more than once before. However, I have had girls allow pictures and videos the first time. 3. Be complementary. I have gotten a few shy girls to allow pictures by telling them how beautiful they are. Usually they don't have the best perspective of themselves. 4. Some have been enthusiastic about having their picture taken and really get into it. 5. Most Important! If they ask you not to share the pictures or post them on the internet, DON't. I have seen videos where you can hear the girl ask that the monger not show it to anyone or post it, and there it is, the ASSHAT has done exactly what she asked the monger not to do. Show Fucking Respect for The Woman. Yes, she is a whore. But she is a whore in Mexico, because she cannot make money like this in more legitimate ways. You violate her trust and she finds out (and often they do find out) nobody gets any more photos. And she spreads the word, so others become camera shy. It might be why I do well at getting photos, I am respectful of women, even those in this profession.
And I forgot. Some will allow photos for extra money. I rarely pay extra, but typically tip an extra $10 if I get some good shots. One asked me for $50. NOPE!
And then there are those who use hidden cameras. They didn't even ask permission. That is low. An invasion of privacy. What if she is hiding her profession from her family and many of them are? Or they say, "I just dance in the club; I don't go arriba." Why screw up their lives because your small dick wants to brag about the conquest that he paid for, because he could never get a girl that hot in the real world.
last commentSJG
If anyone has a similar experience or wants to test by taking a camera you don't need (just in case you don't get it back) into a Zona hotel, I would be interested in your experience.
I didn't know Cascadas checked customers' bags when they checked in - has this policy always been in place?
I think Papi is likely to have hit on the reason for the corporation to make this a policy if it is an official policy. Phone cameras still take far inferior pictures when compared to a phone camera. A stand-alone camera with an off camera flash or two could signal that the pictures would be used for something more than personal use.
The hotel check in guys may have been told not to let anyone with pro photography gear check in and turn a room into a studio. The check in guys probably think that means any camera with a Sony or Nikon label.
i’ve never heard of such a policy.
@PT: The camera thing is almost certainly a response to something that happened there. I'd ask your novias about it to see if they know why the management started doing it.
The pro photo issue is something I did not consider. It was just a little box camera that could not be mistaken for pro equipment. However, I can see why they wouldn’t ask the staff to make a distinction.
Mongo is right. Metal detectors and bag searches are because of the attack. Like the shoe bomber, we will have to take off our shoes at airport security because of one true AH.
And I wasn’t being a complete AH; just getting a little loud and pushing back hard.
TJWalker, you are right, I have enjoyed your photos. I should give back. I am sure I can find a few that are worthy.
Don’t know what to make of it other than maybe HK feeling the need to flex its muscles. Luke, the YouTube guy who posts a lot about TJ, said he was recently banned from HK for no apparent reason given, even though he’s always promoted the club in his videos. Sounds like pure idiocy on the part of whoever’s in charge and making the rules. Could be that he’s trying to compensate for having a 3-inch dick.
Anyway, last time I was there, they unzipped my bag, looked at the top, and handed it through. I am going again tomorrow and we shall see what the protocol is this time.
This was likely a knee-jerk reaction to a complaint from an individual with enough influence that HK and Cascadas had to respond. It is not reasonable nor acceptable to impound cameraphones, but I can see how they would try to impound other visual recording devices.
Finally, a few mongers have been curb kicked and the local authorities have gone through their phones. They tell the victim that they will prosecute them for transporting porn over international borders to extract a bribe. Rare, but it does happen. I take the chip out of the camera and set it where they are unlikely to look for such a thing.
desertscrub is unsafe per TUSCL, so we are even.
I have had lots of good luck getting pictures and videos. A couple of points:
1. Most don't want their face shown. I hate headless shots, so I bring an attractive mask for them to wear. However, if they don't want to wear it and don't want their face shown, I respect their wishes.
2. It helps if you have sessioned with a girl more than once before. However, I have had girls allow pictures and videos the first time.
3. Be complementary. I have gotten a few shy girls to allow pictures by telling them how beautiful they are. Usually they don't have the best perspective of themselves.
4. Some have been enthusiastic about having their picture taken and really get into it.
5. Most Important! If they ask you not to share the pictures or post them on the internet, DON't. I have seen videos where you can hear the girl ask that the monger not show it to anyone or post it, and there it is, the ASSHAT has done exactly what she asked the monger not to do. Show Fucking Respect for The Woman. Yes, she is a whore. But she is a whore in Mexico, because she cannot make money like this in more legitimate ways. You violate her trust and she finds out (and often they do find out) nobody gets any more photos. And she spreads the word, so others become camera shy. It might be why I do well at getting photos, I am respectful of women, even those in this profession.
And then there are those who use hidden cameras. They didn't even ask permission. That is low. An invasion of privacy. What if she is hiding her profession from her family and many of them are? Or they say, "I just dance in the club; I don't go arriba." Why screw up their lives because your small dick wants to brag about the conquest that he paid for, because he could never get a girl that hot in the real world.