
Florida man accused of deadly crash after leaving Tampa strip club

Detroit strip clubs
This PL wants to be released on bail.



  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    152 MPH

    He was in a hurry to tap those hoes. This piece of scum needs to go to jail and never see the light of day again.
  • Rod8432
    3 years ago
    For good reason, I worry about dumbfucks who drive 100+ mph on highways, weaving in and out and often playing grabass with another car doing the same. I always hope they die in single-car accidents - fiery, painful, and slowly enough for the scumbags to yell out regrets with their dying breaths.

    Mostly I worry about being clipped, and having happen to me what happened to that 2007 Toyota.
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    It all started at a hockey game.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Wow. I wonder what he hoped to gain by skipping the court appearance? The media hack was trying to make it sound like he had an abhorrently criminal driving record, and should not have kept his license. The fact is that street racing and a suspended license without exacerbating circumstances are fairly minor, one DUI does not and should not void your license, and those incidences were all years apart. But two innocents dead and two girls massively injured... he looked fairly young and deserves every day of that 30 year possible sentence.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Any asshole who repeatedly drives drunk let alone at that speed deserves to spend some serious time in jail. Add the fact that he killed two innocent people and I would hope he spends at least 20 years in jail.
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