Pop Quiz: Who wins this fight?

avatar for DoctorPhil.
You’re driving along and you see one guy driving a ‘77 AMC Hornet and another guy driving an ‘79 Mercury Bobcat. They get pissed off at each other and start driving dangerously, like they’re trying to run each other off the road. Who wins this fight?


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Well I wouldn't drive dangerously or try to run anyone off the road. But the AMC Hornet was a neat car. Name came from the Hudson Hornet. I say that if FIAT-Chrysler (Stellantis) wanted to make something to compete with the Ford Mustang, they should call it either Hornet or Javelin. They own all those names, so long as no one else claims them. And they always own the right to use the old advertising pictures and to claim the legacy.

Mustang was and is popular because it is not that big. Challenger and Charger are too big. And Mustang is one of the few American cars which is still selling.




Ann Wilson - Beware Of Darkness @ George Fest 2014
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Jay Leno likes the Hudson Hornet. Leno is a really cool guy in my book:



avatar for datinman
3 years ago
The AMC Hornet is the likely winner because the Bobcat will end up in a ford Pinto fireball.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Bobcat really is a Pinto, and with the short overhang typical of a hatch back, these rear end fireballs were not uncommon.

BMW made a 3 series hatchback, and I had thought about that.

Best if you want hatchback to have FWD and then the gas tank can be midships.



GEORGE FEST - Norah Jones - SOMETHING @ Fonda 09-28-14
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
They both lose because one's driving a Hornet and the other drives a Bobcat....
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
The guy driving the Yugo is the real badass !
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
Lol. He's certainly the bravest. Or maybe the dumbest!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
This is likely the first and last time I will say this.

The guy riding the huffy bike watching these two fools is the winner!

One win for SJG -
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Both lose that fight before the fight even begins.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Rong. The Mercury Bobcat guy wins. But only if his car explodes into a giant fireball that ends his sad existence as a Bobcat driver.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Otherwise you’re correct. Both lose.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I have been on the sideline to watch serious injury car wrecks.

AMC Hornet was a nice car. I want to see the North American passenger car building industry revived. Now it just makes a few RWD cartoon vehicles.

I want to revive the FWD practical car industry.

AMC Hornet was a nice car. The name can still be good.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Remember Mustang II's. These were Pinto's.

So was Bobcat

A girl in an office I worked in had a new Mustang, but it was not a Mustang II, it was more what you could call a Mustang III. It was a size bigger than a Pinto. It was the beginnings of the modern Mustang, close to the original size.

This girl was really displeased with it. The automatic transmission plus the air conditioning plus the power steering would make he engine slow way down at idle, so it seemed to resonate with the soft motor mounts and the suspension and tires. The car body would shake like hell, like the mirrors would go out of adjustment. Ford looked at it many many times and the brought out a factory specialist.

I was the one who finally told this girl and our office what was the matter. But doing anything about it would be a different matter.

I once tried to help a guy who had a Pinto of that era. It would not idle. I worked on the car one night and tried to figure what was the matter. To me it seemed like it was a vacuum and emission control problem. But I could not get beyond that. For one thing I was not able to keep the engine running unless my foot was on the gas pedal. So a lot of tests I was not able to do.


Peter Frampton, Do You Feel Like We Do, Festival de Viña 2008 w/ Rob Arthur, 26min
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The standard kind of analysis was that in the 70's and early 80's the US makers did not adapt well enough to the desire for smaller and more fuel efficient cars.

I think this is only part of it. They actually did move to smaller. Chrysler A body from the late 50's. Ford Falcon from the 50's. And Maverick was made from that. Then Mustang, then Pinto and Mustang II. And GM has smaller cars.

I think there was a quality and technology issue.

Some years back now I looked at a Ford Focus and told the dealer that the technology was out of date.

And same thing for the Plymouth/Dodge Neon.

And then the first Nuevo FIAT 500's seemed to use the same power train.

They were not competitive with the Japanese cars.

Chrysler K-Car needed a 4th transmission gear, due to the size of the vehicle, to make it drive nice.

Chrysler cab forward or LH, was nice.

Ford Taurus was nice.

Ford Escort was to be a world class car, and it became Focus. Fiesta, all its versions, coming I think from German Ford, it was nice.

Now there is very little passenger car building in North America. Mostly a few cartoon models.

Cleaner Cars
The History and Technology of Emission Control Since the 1960s
by Mondt, J. Robert (2000)

Lee Iacocca wanted to take extra money collected for restoring the Statue of Liberty and make this museum of the history of the American car. People called it Iacocca land. He had to give the money back. I wonder how he would have treated these issues.

Ford Pinto & Mercury Bobcat, 1971-1980 shop manual / by Alan Ahlstrand ; Sydnie A. Wauson, editor ; Jeff Robinson, publisher
Clymer Ford Pinto & Mercury Bobcat, 1971-1980 shop manual. Clymer

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I want to read these too:

The Ford Pinto case : a study in applied ethics, business, and technology / edited by Douglas Birsch and John H. Fielder (1994)

Ford pinto fuel tanks / Emma Huddleston ; content consultant, Patrick T. Hester, PhD, Associate Professor of Management, Department of Management and Accountancy, University of North Carolina, Asheville (2020)


Why 'Sports Illustrated Swimsuit' will only work with brands that 'prove they are creating change for women'

Weather Report - Live at Montreux (1976) [Remastered]
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The American auto makers screwed up when they could not maintain any model continuity. They can change the design of the cars and change their size. But they should have done a better job of maintaining some continuity in naming and look.

Now they have failed in type of car again and again and again. They make stuff and it fails to sell, whereas the ones made in Germany and Japan do sell.

Just going to smaller and more fuel efficient models was not really the issue. They just did not work hard enough to stay competitive in technology and in quality. They wasted a huge built in advantate.

Chrysler K-Cars and LH or Cab Forward were good.

Ford Probe, Festiva, Taurus, Escort/Focus were all good.

Should have done what was necessary to sustain them.


The Gnostic Origins of Christianity, featuring Tim Freke and Peter Gandy
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Want an air compressor and an impact wrench, and the special sockets:



Drive My Car
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So besides filling tires and the impact wrench, I want my air compressor to be good for cleaning stuff out, for sand blasting small stuff like auto parts, and for spray painting.

Why do some makes fill car tires with Nitrogen?

Lighter? No Oxidation of rubber?


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Sounds like mostly they want to get rid of the water vapor. Otherwise, Nitrogen is 7/8ths the weight of Oxygen, and CO2 is even heavier than O2.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Nitrogen tire inflator


Only $4600

What I have seen though for gas separation is the size of a 3 story building. So I don't know how this works.

They say that you get less pressure increase with temperature in the tire. But this runs against the universal gas law.

I think it must be because of the water, condensing to liquid when the tire is cold, the vaporizing as it heats up.



The Fall of the Gnostics
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Using a membrane to block out the Oxygen?


I have never heard of this method before. All I know of is liquification and expansion, making it super cold.

And why does the oxygen matter. Seems like it is the water vapor you need to get rid of.

Digital Display, Kenworth

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Digital Timing Light, w/ tachometer



instructions, 26 pages

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Timing light tachometer:


Innova Inductive Timing Light
no tachometer

Great Neck Digital tach advance timing light
I think you set the advance. It might also have a tachometer

Their other stuff goes from $200 and up, this MSD company.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Selling this on Amazon.com for $71.15


made by Electronic Specialties

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Here is the manufacturer's page.

And it is always a Xenon flash


Doesn't say how to buy a replacement Xenon lamp.

Cables seem to be detachable.

Pins for back probing connectors, $11 pair

Tach Timing Light does not seem to work on 6v, need an external 12v supply. And on some cars with no High Tension Distributor. Some have coils sitting on top of spark plugs. I think you use and old spark plug wire and make an extension. Otherwise you would have to tap in to the low tension ignition.

Code Buddy


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Don't know if this would work:


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ There Xenon Flash equipment is also for photography.


^^ Seems to be in Israel

$27 replacement bulb

This is for Dodge Charger V8 Hemi?

They say this replacement bulb is for timing lights

Some recommend for photography:

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Here it says:

Xenon bulbs in timing lights rarely fail. Unless the glass is broken or severely blackened, flash tubes usually do not require replacement. If your light doesn't flash anymore, repair of the internal circuitry may be required. Please contact Actron at 1-800-228-7667 for information on sending your light in for service.


This is the same timing light tach I had found above:

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
and what does this do?

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Stealing gasoline by drilling a hole in the tank.

And a mini-van with a trap door to drive over the fuel tank fill places in gas stations.

This kind of stuff is dangerous.


avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
This would be an unparalleled experience to race but maintenance would require frequent flushing.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Da Mackie wins✓✓✓✓
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
That is quite something. I wonder how many of those they have really made?


X Burning House of Love
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
Any hornet wins.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Hornets were nice cars. Much bigger and heavier than Bobcat.

The name came from the Hudson Hornet. And AMC was formed by joining Hudson and Nash together in 1952.

And today Stellatis (FIAT-Chrysler) also owns the legacy of AMC. They could launch a new division and reuse the names.

But as it is, they don't even make enough passenger car models to use the division names they have in play.

Look at what is on the road today. Any of the popular models could be make by Stellantis, and made in North America. But it is nothing, no passenger cars except Challenger, Charger, and 300, and those are cartoon cars. And Ford only makes Mustang and GT, and except for FWD's made in China, GM has only Caddilac, Corvette and Camaro.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I've always known that many of the designs for these are not strong enough and they are too tipsy.

They are convenient because they are light weight. I've never trust them though.

What I use are sections railroad ties that have been cut up by a chain saw. Want them cut up because a full railroad tie is about 300 lbs



Ain't No Mountain High Enough
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
1938 Tatra !!

Jay Leno

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
1956 Packard Caribbean | Jay Leno's Garage (has torsion bar suspension and with electric motors to control them)


'56 was the last year for Packard. Only 290 produced. Getting close to 3 tons. V8 instead of straight 8, but I think flat heads.

'56 was a great year for Cadillac, outselling Packard, Lincoln, and Imperial combined.

Packard did merge with Studebaker, but that never worked.

I would add myself that the look of these last Packards was very much like the Forward Look that Virgil Exner was doing for Chysler at that time. He had been hired away from Studebaker.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Towing with my Ford Lightning EV Pickup was a TOTAL DISASTER!

I don't know, maybe have to go to hybrids?

avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 years ago
I used to drive a Hornet. Holy mother of god and all her wacky nephews, that thing was a barely-rolling shitpile.

But the Bobcat was *worse*.

Therefore, Hornet. QED.
avatar for THE CHAINDOG
2 years ago
Untrained fighters? Depends on who does wat for work. First fist to the face or wo grabs a neck first ends it. Gym time does not count lol.
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