The Evolution of Your Media Consumption
I bought a new car in 2020 and it took me 14 months to realize that I didn't have a CD player. I have collected music in various forms over the years (Vinyl, Cassette, CD) and I recall playing a smattering of other peoples 8 tracks in the late 60's. I still purchase an occasional CD and DVD for my listening and viewing pleasure and I convert it all to a streaming form (MP3, WAV, MKV) for my multiple uses. How do members here consume their media today at home and on the road?
I also have a lot of movies including porn that I have put on USB sticks to plug into my blu ray player but it won't play all of them. Different formats.
They're nice and free and you can load hours of content offline on your phone so you're not fucked by lack of coverage.
D&D podcasts are especially effective because it's like listening jank Lord of the Rings.
In the car, it's occasional sports radio, usually nothing while I savor the sounds of the road.
Unfortunately I've got a million CDs and realized this year the only way I have to play them is through a Blue Ray player.
I don't like buying digital music. My first cassette tape was Michael Jackson "Bad." Got my first CDs in the early 90s. I used to like coming home from the store, popping the CD in, and listening to the whole album while thumbing through the booklet, looking at the artwork and reading the lyrics.
I get the ease and convenience of digital music, I'd just rather have the physical copy. Going out Monday night to get the Tuesday releases at 12am was an event. I've started to pick up some vinyl, but nothing major. Got my grandfather's old records from the 40s and 50s (lots of big bang), picked up Bing and Nat Christmas records, Thriller, Nirvana Unplugged, and plan to get more... it's just a pain in the ass having to get up and go to the record player to flip the damn thing.
And now for your listening pleasure...a song about vinyl records:
At home youtube or my iPad
I’ve been just running through my iTunes stuff through Bluetooth. The selection isn’t the best.
I may also try pandora or Spotify - as my tastes in music are a bit odd.