$2000 a month for a texting buddy
I've heard tales that such PL's existed. Never seen it with my own eyes. Sounds like the PL version of bigfoot or the Lochness monster. Truly nobody could be this pathetic right?...right?
I've heard tales that such PL's existed. Never seen it with my own eyes. Sounds like the PL version of bigfoot or the Lochness monster. Truly nobody could be this pathetic right?...right?
Damn, hope he got to hold her hand once.
NEXT !!!
I wouldn’t do that shit if the dominatrix paid ME. But my buddy’s lifestyle shows that there are people with the disposable income to do whatever they please, however backwards it seems to the rest of it. So I have zero doubt that there is an idiot giving away $2k/month to some SB for zero sex.
As far as I’m concerned, all I need is a $40 HJ in some sordid corner of a local strip club, but then that’s why I’m on tuscl!