Hoe Hoe Hoe Merry Christmas 2021

avatar for rickdugan
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As I've discussed here several times before, I normally binge a bit the week before Christmas. Some of my best experiences each year are in the runup to Christmas, when girls who may have been on the fence about an OTC outing experience readjustments in perspective, especially when they are short money for Christmas gifts. Indeed each year I usually put a little extra money aside just to enjoy the last few days before Christmas Eve.

I expect this year to be no different. Indeed my cell phone has already been getting more active over the last couple of days. I'm starting to feel a little special tingle with the thought of all the interesting experiences I expect to have over the coming week.

But I must also admit that I also feel a twinge of guilt each Christmas season. It sometimes doesn't feel right to drop large sums of money during this time of year just to get my dick wet when there are so many other good causes that could use donations. Each Christmas I find myself struggling to balance these competing priorities.

How does everyone else adjust their behaviors for this holiday season? More clubbing or less? More OTC or less? Diversions of money to better causes? Something else?


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avatar for SneakyClubster
3 years ago
Your conscience vs your dick. This is an issue we've been fighting since man first nut.

For me, my dick wins 100% of the time. Donating is nice sure, but donating doesn't help me relieve stress or have fun. Where I am in life, I'm short in happiness and high in stress, so it's a no-brainer.

I'll donate when I have enough money for self care and charity. Until then, gotta treat yo self.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
The only thing that really changes for me, is I put Last Christmas by WHAM on repeat on the way to the club.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I might go a little more often to deal with the holiday stress. Honestly, though, not a lot changes.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
I won't this year, because I'm a bit bored of the lineup at my main club. But a couple years ago, I went berserk clubbing like 4-5 times a week for a month in December.

In other words I don't change my patterns.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Rickyboi, as the late great Abraham Lincoln once noted, you can’t be all things to all people. So as long as you’re giving donations to respected charities like food banks and such during this time of year, you shouldn’t feel any guilt if you decide to treat yourself and supply cash infusions to your objects of affection during this holiday season. I only wish I could get away from my personal responsibilities to attend to the so called festivities that you’ll be engaging.

Feliz Navidad!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Rick no different from most on here. He's just more honest
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
This is an inappropriate comment, and I apologize if it sounds like bragging.

I donate money to charities 12 months of the year.

If I spend a bit more on strip clubbing around the holidays, it doesn’t weigh on my conscience.

Many large charities in this country are large corporations - with lots of overhead. So, I am not kidding myself thinking all I donate goes directly to the needy.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Many large charities in this country are large corporations - with lots of overhead. So, I am not kidding myself thinking all I donate goes directly to the needy."

This is why I only donate to grass roots charities providing direct support, most often church based food banks and shelters. I look at the financial reports of any large charity I am tempted to donate to and I just can't wrap my arms around 20-50% of my donation being eaten up by overhead.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Agree with Rick. I’m sure an organization like United Way does some good work but I refuse to donate to a large charity that historically has a bad track record of scandal and misappropriation of funds.

And I’ve always been a contributor to food banks. And I prefer donating actual food rather than cash. I know some say that’s not an efficient use if the money - the food bank can buy in bulk and get more bang for buck, but I don’t trust giving large amounts of cash.

And no Salvation Army this year, pushing CRT. But that’s another topic
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
Yeah Ricky! YOU are my 304 😉
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Motörhead and Rick are correct. Those huge charities have huge overhead - and it’s sad to see the percentage of each dollar donated - that gets to the needy.

I donate to many local church based service groups, as I know the folks who run them, and they don’t take a cut. I will volunteer my time at those places as well.

I got into the Samaritans Purse charity and Operation Christmas Child many years ago, and I enjoyed the rush to get things out during the early part of the holiday season. But, I have scaled back my donations after seeing the mess Franklin Graham has become.

I scaled back my diocesan assessments after our previous bishop decided to add an indoor pool to his retirement home…
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