
My analysis of right wing extremist tricks

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser

They believe in the law and think they're law abiding citizens........coz them soliciting prostitution and illicit brothels partaking in human trafficking....and sex tourism doesn't count.

They believe in the absolute power of the free market unless its hookers or strip clubs raising prices. Or covid precautions.


last comment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

^^^ so says the pimp who exploits addicted junkie stripper whores for financial and sexual gain. 🤭🤡

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

Its not possible for someone to be a "right "wing" "extremist"". The term is an oxymoron. Only liberals or leftists can be extreme, by definition.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

Even Saint Francis of Asisis held that prostitution was, although a sin, a necessary evil. Society would be worse without it.

avatar for pistola
3 yrs ago

This post screams ‘my vaginah hurts’

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Wah said Icey lol. You crack me up son. Failure.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

Icee thought Norm McDonald was racist when he said on SNL’s weekend update after the OJ Simpson verdict, “Murder is now legal in California!”

But now Icee is claiming racism for the legal right to defend yourself against people of the same race trying to kill you?? That’s fucked up, I’m sure. It is legal to kill someone trying to kill you first. Video evidence help show the jury what really happened, and Kyl Rittenhouse will walk away a very rich man that started when he defended himself as an adolescent. Oh, OJ Simpson is a murderer and lost his civil suit. Prediction: Kyle Rittenhiuse will not lose his civil case.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

My analysis of icee is that she's extremely butthurt all the time and she's still clueless about what it means to make a strawman argument. Making her a dumbass.

"They believe in the law and think they're law abiding citizens........coz them soliciting prostitution and illicit brothels partaking in human trafficking....and sex tourism doesn't count."

"They believe in the absolute power of the free market unless its hookers or strip raising prices. Or covid precautions."

^^^ in both statements above, she leads with the phrase "They believe...". This is a classic example of a strawman.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

Better question for Icee fag, who is "they" and how would you know what anybody believes without listening

Icee fag i have some practical advice for you, the good lord gave you two ears and one mouth, the point was you should listen twice as much as you speak, you on the other hand have reversed the equation

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

^^^ except in that equation when has he ever listened? Not once! There is another adage that states every time you point your finger at somebody, there will be 3 pointing back at you. You see how Icee reaps what has sowed today!

It's weird how someone racist can have a thing for black hoes.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

^^^ bet you’ve never been with a white girl, homie!

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago


Hers some supporting evidence for you IceeNigga, or should I say supporting left wing hyperbole filled with victim cards spewing opinions.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke weed and get laid. Its is bogus political doctrine.


TJ Street


avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

^^^ librarians are just Telibkicsns who want to see SJG gtfo of the public library before it closes!

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

What type of “analysis” is repeating the same basic inflammatory opinions you have been doing for the past three years? Were you scratching your butt to come up with the “anal” part?

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Libertarianism amounts to the bogus science of Social Darwinism.


avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

Librarians think SJG Being at their workplace everyday is bogus!!

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

In my organization people will all be getting a lifelong independent studies education.


avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

I am betting on football. I have Missouri +9.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

At least you are not playing the stock market and then trying to say that that is something other than recreational gambling.


When will your org get off the ground?

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

^^^ very good question! We e been asking him that for 7 years. Maybe you could join his organization and double the membership from 1 to 2?

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Lots of things are happening. The COVID precautions destroyed retail business and that set us back, but things are happening. But I will never give specifics. It will always be invitation only.


avatar for joesmama69
3 yrs ago

Dicey loco, shut up and go to your room! Or I will take my belt off and give you the spanking of your life👋👋👋

avatar for joesmama69
3 yrs ago

Stop being a little bitch boy!

avatar for Smoothbrother
3 yrs ago

Republicans shut down Backpage. Mongers who are republican are idiots

3 yrs ago


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