
Being the only money in the club

Monday, October 25, 2021 3:09 PM
I hate it. You can just *feel* everybody staring, judging, sizing you up, over analyzing, waited on baited breath to see what your going to do. I feel like a Chimpanzee at a zoo. I know if I go to take a shit, I’m now on clock and being timed. Anything over 10 minutes will be an assumed diarrhea session, inevitably ITC extra prices instantly go right up. Not a fan.


  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    I think if you're dropping the kids off at the pool at a strip club, being the "only money" in there is the least of your worries. If that need suddenly arises... it's time to go home.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I’ll never forget something similar happening. Dive club that was dead, I was probably the only customer (out of 6) with more than $40 in my pocket. This “5” came and plopped down at my table not leaving me alone or taking subtle hints. She gets up to have a smoke and I tip a solid 7 on stage and ask her to come visit me. Of course with nobody there she darts to me after her stage set and the hag comes back, threatens me, the 7 and then storms off to the dressing room saying she’s going to kick the shit out of the 7. It’s like “honey I wasn’t going to buy and dances from you anyway.” Had a good time with the 7 but I was worried she was going to get jumped when she went back into the dressing room later. That happens at some of these dive clubs. It’s a Thursday night and maybe only 3 customers are going to come in the entire night willing to spend money on something other than alcohol. This was WAY before COVID was a thing too.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I am in the opposite camp. I don't need to be surrounded by a bunch of other sausages to have a good time in a club. In fact, IMHO the fewer guys there are the better. The only time that this backfires is when a club is so dead that a lot of girls go home early or, after communicating with friends already on shift, decide to stay away altogether. So for me the optimal setup is enough guys that girls still retain hope, but not so many that the competition is intense.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    LOL at this post. Do you mean the only person getting dances in a club or are you sitting there throwing ones up in the air. No one gives a damn unless you are doing the latter, in which case you probably want to be seen. Not suprised by a post like this coming from someone in NYC.
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    You are always being watched, judged, and “sized up” at a strip club. Every girl is thinking “does this guy look like he’s going to spend money on me, or not?” This us why you get approached a lot when you first enter the club, but then go stale if you aren’t buying dances, tipping dancers, or otherwise participating in the enterprise. I will agree, however, with OP that I do not like being the only “live paying customer” in the club. I have occasionally been in a club on a very slow weeknight or afternoon when it’s just me and a few regulars (who may or may not be asleep). There is no energy, and I feel like I am expected to support every dancer and bartender who happened to show up on shift. So this is usually time to for me to leave.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I think that's the rub of it. All hopes of today's income lie with this PL. You could see it in their eyes and I just don't feel like being Hero for the day, although with some exceptions.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Been in this position a time or two. Mostly early in the shift, since even the worst of Louisville clubs gets a decent custom. Most of the girls at the clubs I go to know who I'm likely to spend money on, and who is unlikely to get any, so it's hasn't been very unpleasant.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    If you are the only decent money in a strip club - and you spend a longer time in the men’s room - I think that would be a good thing? A longer men’s room visit means you washed your hands properly. A longer stay in Motel #2 cleans out the pipes so there’s less chance of gas escaping during a lap dance grind. A longer linger in the crapper might get dancers thinking you are enjoying some powdery party favors - and maybe you will share… Ona business trip I had to pass a rat in a strip club men’s room. I finally went to a strip club with a men’s room attendant - and I ended up making a mess! I was sweating by the time I finished telling number two whose the boss!
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Pick the one you want, FRMOS, waking up in the morning with her. SJG
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    One time I visited a brothel in london. It was in an old townhouse near Euston station and the reception was on the 1st floor, with the girls downstairs and the rooms upstairs. I went down, and it was a room of ~40 whores in lingerie, sitting on a bench along the wall, and me. No other men. They were all staring at me as I poured myself a drink and I got pretty nervous with all that calculating female attention. I walked down the line looking at each one, and picked one 1/2 way down, more out of fear of showing fear than deciding she was the perfect one. We went up to the 2nd floor rooms to find a place to do the deed, took care of business, and bid each other a good evening. On my way out the old guy at the reception said “you’d be surprised how many men go down there, lose their nerve, turn around and come right back up”. I wouldn’t be surprised at all!
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    I love being the only guy in the club, or the only guy spending. I love the attention, I love how easy it is to get the hottest girl, I especially love when it's me, my CF, and one or two of her friends all at my table. In fact, I spend some time quizzing my CF on her slowest shifts, specifically to engineer this situation as often as possible. I will admit it's different when you're the only guy (or one of very few) in a club that's new to you or you don't go to very often, and the club lineup holds little interest. I've had that happen from time to time, and having a parade of unattractive girls come by the table one after the other isn't the most fun.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Pick the one you want, FRMOS, waking up with her the next morning. SJG
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    @Subra I think you make an important distinction. A lot of my club visits are first time, I like checking out new clubs. It definitely makes a difference where you don’t know anybody. I mean if I got a CF there then there’s no issue at all, disregard.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Ya, even without a CF there, as long as the girls are pretty, I'm fine being the only one there. It's new club + unattractive lineup that is not at all fun
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Subra if you´re the only one a the bathhouse, remember SJG is only a Huffy bike ride away. Just be sure to email him before 7PM when the library closes, because he doesn´t have a cell phone either.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Listen bruv, I know the bathhouse is not as fancy as the glory hole at San Jose Public that you man, but I'm trying, man. I'm trying.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    That has rarely happened to me. The least bad time was on The Block in Baltimore. I got dances with an incredibly beautiful, friendly dancer. But it was sad, because she was way too good to not have customers lined up for her dances. I think she must have had a bad drinking problem, although you could NOT tell from her appearance. All the other times I was the only money, none of the dancers were appealing enough for me not to feel like I wasted my time coming.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    “ Listen bruv, I know the bathhouse is not as fancy as the glory hole at San Jose Public that you man, but I'm trying, man. I'm trying.” Thanks, I spit Diet Coke on my keyboard I laughed so hard at that. Well, back to work spitting something else out…
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