Why do you think some PUA forums attract guys who are very right wing?

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Hey guys,
I have noticed that monger forums most guys are laidback and chill. They don't care about women and are mostly concern with getting laid. Meanwhile, it seems that in PUA forums many of these guys have a "resentment" towards women, towards other guys as well and dream of moving to a small town and living there with a traditional wife. It seems Roosh was the poster boy for this type of guys.


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Two part answer.

\Most mongers here have either given up dating (and get ass only through clubs but regularly) or have a non-club source of ass (wife, gf, dating, sugaring). We know what we are and have made peace with that. A few guys here give off incel vibes, but they're the exception.

Most of us are also successful in our professional/business lives to partake of this expensive hobby. That requires a measure of intelligence, charisma, and drive.

They don't gravitate towards Reaganite conservatism, but rather to an angry populism that nowadays manifests more (but not exclusively) on the right. Among them, in 2016, the second most popular candidate after Trump was Sanders.

Like most people looking for political messiahs, they are losers, in the strict sense that they are ineffectual at life and feel beaten down. The sales formula is simple, convince them they have a problem, that it isn't their own fault, and that they alone can solve it. Trump was the latest guy to hawk this.

They are profoundly discontented with their lives, and want validation, not sex. Women have something, and it's a game to get it from them. I had one friend like this, who refused to come to clubs with me, refused to do online dating, because "it didn't count" if it wasn't a same-night pull at the local bar.

They lean more right, because they idealize some time in the past when they were not alive (esp the 1950s) as a societal ideal. When marriage was a societal expectation, and any dork could be assured a wife to keep their stomach full and their balls empty. It was never that simple (and for economic reasons, isn't repeatable).
^ Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Here’s a fact and a theory.

Half the people in America are “ right wing”

People on the left tend to associate only with people on the left. They assume that people with right wing views are an extremely small minority. When half the people on a forum espouse right wing views, people on the left assume it’s an aberration. It isn’t. It just mirrors the overall population.
^ That's hardcore stupid, half the people in America are centrists, you are an aberration, 29% percent are currently registered as Republicans, same 29% are registered as Democrats, but 41% are registered independent

here's the link to a Gallup poll or is that too unreliable for you
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
There are guys who get laid a lot cause women who are into NSA fucking think they're hot. But I think PUA refers to guys who are down with tricking women into thinking they're looking for a commitment, when they're not. So selfish guys. It's natural for selfish people, when they're political, to believe in a Fascist political system. The problem with the term "right-wing" is that it's used for both Fascism and Libertarianism, which are very different.
I think if it weren't for the ability to afford hookers tricks would be incels.

It's not that PUAs gravitate to the right. It's that right wing guys are socially retarded and out of touch with reality so they fall for the bs that it's all a numbers game and you have to try to convince girls into fucking you.

They think logic and playing with semantics will coerce girls into sex. It's twisted.

Attraction is based on emotions and you get sex with how you make her feel. It's very primal.
PUAs can be divided up into two groups of people:

1. Scammers.
2. Guys who are getting scammed.

It is easier to scam guys who are are angry about something, or if you can make them angry (or bitter) about something. So, the PUA scene attracts those guys.
Some pathetic pussy doesn't hang around with right wing guys? You're a pathetic douche and a sissy. As a lawyer in Massachusetts about 80% of my friends are lefties. Amazing that we golf, party, play cards, ski and hang together. As far as uneducated? Sorry but the two least educated groups in America vote Democrat. Much rather hang out with yee haw guys than wimpy fags who are afraid to hang around with anyone who thinks differently than they do. Sissy. I am not a PUA so I cannot comment. Just a married guy who likes naked women and was smart enough to marry a woman who doesn't have the jealousy shit going on and accepted me for who and what I am.

I will just point out that Icee and SJG are lefties and I took a dump this morning; less socially awkward than Icee. Just so we are Clear the NAZIS, were socialists, just like Bernie "the Kapos" Sanders.
Yes, one of the leaders, Roosh V, claims that they are generally associated with the Right. And then most all of them take the position that you are somehow pulling the wool over the eyes of the girls, or somehow defeating their feminist training.

What they say is generally practical, how you get into a girls pants. But this other doctrine they present is nonsense, RIGHT WING nonsense.


The level of sexual frustration in the land remains high, so guys need to hear this:

Why you want to hand your girl money, but never buy dances:

Countryman learns the value of front room makeout sessions in US clubs, instead of buying dances:

scroll down and find, "I had experienced enough kissing in our local clubs."

Is strip clubbing perverted?

Transmitting Viruses

And a Big Thank You to TUSCL and its Leadership!
The whole basic notion of pick up artists is a con job, conning a women to have sex with them.

And con men are apparently most comfortable around others of their type.

(And I wouldn't necessarily pin any actual political leaning or philosophy, it's just a mixture of cult of personality and identifying with a rhetoric.)
Yes, con job. bkruined has got it right. Picking up on women is harmless, consenting adults. But the PUA's have made it into a far right political doctrine.


TJ Street

Bondage Harness Lingerie
The far right attracts the socially retarded who don't want to be accountable for their own failures. Puas are lovers who think they have to convince women to fuck. And they still fail.
What the PUA's teach people is just common sense. Guys figure it out for themselves. Sure, some may be learned from books and films, but most of it is just found out from approaching girls and seeing what happens. And yeah, often you get your head handed to you.

The guys who have not learned, they have relied on more conservative social forms, like the Girl Matchmaker Cliques. They will fix you up with a girl, but the cost is social conformity. You have to conform in your aspirations and in your thinking to mainstream values. Otherwise the girl clique will not favor you.

The PUA teachers are speaking to these guys who do not have experience approaching girls themselves.

And then their anti-feminist, or con job doctrine, makes these guys feel vindicated. They want to be able to say that there is something wrong with young women and that this is being caused by feminism, and their new PUA skills are the way to defeat this.

If a guy does not learn how to approach girls, he will have to go thru life frustrated, and always be dependent on these girl cliques to do the fixing for him, and so social conformity will be the oxygen he breathes.

And the idea that you could move on a girl in a strip club and fairly quickly be kissing her will be anathema to him.



Bondage Harness


TJ Street

TJ Street Video, new one
^^^ making more enemies today spamming up the board by picking fights with people who have different political views than you? How does your organization grow if you’re at the library posting drivel all day? The answer is that your organization is a lien with of fiction!
I mean it's kind of the same, a Strip Club or a Civvie Night Club. In both cases the women can largely do what they want. So in a Civvie Night Club, so long as you keep it in the PG-13 envelope, no one will take any offense if you can get a girl into a makeout session. And if you are able to do this, you will score huge points with the girl.

In the strip club, it depends on high tightly controlled of a place it is. But the women who dance there are anything but shy or reserved. And then in the strip club you can start right off by handing her money just to show respect and good intentions, so it is biased in your favor.

Otherwise though, there are far more similarities than differences.

Some guys have just come of age in a more conservative cultural milieu. So they do not have experience moving on girl and trying to make something happen with her. The Girl Cliques will do the matchmaking. So you don't see a girl sitting pretty on a barstool and approach her, you are the one who sits pretty, and all of the time. And you measure yourself by how much you are the lowest common denominator of the attitudes of your male friends. You believe that this kind of passive approach gets you the favor of the Girl Clique. And these cliques are strongest in pre-Sexual Revolution milieus, immigrant milieus, and they are the very strongest in churches. So the Girl Clique fixed them, with a girl who is desperate to be married, and that was the end of it. The guy never learned. Instead he turns to strippers and lets them wrap him around their fingers and suck his wallet dry, while he says things to denigrate them.

So of course your attitudes will be Right Wing, and you will feel that feminism and independent minded women must have been sent here from outer space. And so you really like the interpretation that the PUA teachers put on it.


Milk'n Blues


Being good isn't always easy...

^^^ that made zero sense! And you spend hours daily at the library spamming up this board with non-sense? It’s all hyperbole, conjecture and pretense, the primary pieces of the straw man argument. SJG circular logic sates if this is true then the following g is also true, when in fact key facts have been left out that makes the first statement false.
PUA’s are the lowest form of life on the planet
^^^ I am not disagreeing, I want to understand your view, so I still ask, 25, why are you saying this?

all cliché nothing substantial
Difference between PUA teachers, and the would be PUAs. The former are con artists. The latter are just lost.

The PUA skills themselves are necessary, but usually guys find out by themselves.

The PUA teachers add this anti-feminist message, which is non-sense.

But the simple fact is that many have come of age in conservative cultural milieus where the Sexual Revolution was absent, and so their affairs have been organized by church based groups of women.

Pua "skills" are thinking they can use logic or be manipulative and convince girls to fuck them. It's coercive.

It's about how you make her feel how you make her think of you and how attracted you are to each other. It plays our naturally
Well, that is what is wrong with what the PUA teachers put out. They are creating this adversarial context.

But the practical skills are there. Its just that guys who have only operated in conservative social realms have not learned how to approach girls, they have let Girl Matchmaker Cliques, rather like groups of church ladies, handle it.

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