Best way to avoid being seen?

avatar for rugrat
Hi all,

Heading back to San Diego in December for the first time since February 2020. I will be attending a conference in a downtown hotel with about 300 other people (roughly 70% men ages 25 - 60). My company is one of the primary sponsors and many people at the conference will know who I am.

I was hoping to get down to TJ for some mongering during the evenings. Should I be nervous about someone from the conference seeing me there. Would I be better off staying out of HK and maybe sticking with Adelita's or some of the less touristy clubs? Am I worried for no reason? Curious if other guys have had similar issues of visiting TJ and being worried about maybe being seen.

Also, I have been keeping up with other threads and reviews, but any tips on border crossing would be helpful. I have been to TJ many times but not since Covid changed the world.


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Just remember that anyone from the conference that sees you in TJ is there for the same reason as you so I doubt they will be in a rush to judge you or tell others that they saw you there.

I will play along and answer your questions.

Q: Best way to avoid being seen?

A: Alter you physical appearance and clothing enough to not being recognized by coworkers or people you meet at the conference.

In the nineties I was a “weekend biker”, on my Harley Chopper with the Brando look in the movie the Wild One, leather jacket and biker peaked cap with leather brim and biker wraparound sunglasses 😎 no one at work would have been able to recognize me, even if they see me walking pass them.

Q: Would I be better off staying out of HK and maybe sticking with Adelita's or some of the less touristy clubs?

A: It is up to you, why not get an in-call escort in San Diego or TJ if you wanna be more discreet? As long as you have a different physical appearance, and behave like any other people you won’t call other people attention to yourself at any place.

Q: Am I worried for no reason?

A: Yes, you are worried for no reason.

The private, voluntary, behavior of consenting adults regarding bedroom affairs are nobody’s business but the participants.

The only change is that you have to have a good excuse/reason to go visit TJ, usually a visit to the dentists “I am trying to find a good dentist” should be OK

The other change you will notice is that prices are up from before Covid, because the situation; supply and demand, inflation etc etc etc.

As long as you have your passport and the FMM tourist card (7 day FMM is free) you should be good to go.

Go ahead relax and enjoy, have a good safe trip to “The Happiest Place on Earth” (according to Krusty.)…

We will expect a good report/discussion/article about your trip.

And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

wow someone that's been around here as long as me...177 raviews - that's impressive.

Like 25 said, if you run into someone that's inside the club, well they are there for the same reason. Yeah, like you, I would die if I was at a convention and someone saw me going into somewhere seedy but you won't have to worry about that since you're crossing over anyway. I think everyone going into Tijuana that isn't from Mexico is going for something seedy.
@CJKent Thanks for the morning laugh. I don't know which was funnier; Clark Kent saying a pair of glasses provides anonymity or the mental image of you dress like the biker dude from the village people walking around TJ in an effort to not draw attention.
Going to TJ is not just for seedy reasons unless are a hard core PL like some on this board. There are great restaurants there and cheap booze or dentists and even the culture is worth taking in. No, anyone going there is not necessarily going to jump Latino women.

One thing to consider if you trying to marry a convention attendance with visiting brothels and strip clubs in TJ is that border crossing has become very unpredictable. Three or four hour waits unless you have global entry are possible.
IMHO you'd be playing Russian Roulette. If your company is one of the primary sponsors then I'm guessing that the attendees are mostly either clients or prospects. Even if they are down there for the same thing, it's a bad look on someone in a client-facing role. Also your concern is not only that THEY see you, but whomever they tell when they get back home.

Imagine this chatter being shared from one colleague to another: "Me, Marty and a couple of others went down to Tijuana to visit Senor Frog's and we saw John Clubber heading into an adult entertainment club...alone. Wonder what he was doing down there all by himself in a Mexican strip club?"

Or worse, imagine if they saw you going into a hotel with a young chica.

Then there are the potential pitfalls of crossing back over. The last thing you need is to be running on fumes during the conference because you got stuck at the border for hours the night before.

If you really want to go to TJ so bad, why not just extend your trip to San Diego by a day or two? That's something that I sometimes do when I have business in an area but really want to check out the club scene.
^^^ the voice of reason.

I was looking at it as if you ran into a client inside a club down there they’d be like “hey rugrat is a perv just like us, he’s cool.”

The argument is made both ways with someone seeing you crossing the border as a negative or nothing at all. Personally I see that as a negative. You’re not going to say “yeah I had this conference and decided to get my crown fixed at the dentist in Tijuana while I’m down here.”

^^^ Contrary to how mongers on this board view Tijuana, not everyone goes there for hookers and strippers. There's an active restaurant and nightlife scene there as well. Better still, it's much cheaper to party there than in similar venues in CA.

But even if they were getting there dicks sucked like the OP, they are not similarly situated. As a representative of one of the major sponsors, the OP would be held to a higher standard.

Think about Urban Meyer, who is getting raked over the coals just because a girl danced in his laps. Everyone knows damned well that many NFL players, including married ones, party like rock stars and stick their dicks in all sorts of places. Nobody says boo when you see one in a social media post having a blast. But a team coach gets a little clothed ass rub and you'd think that the world was coming to a halt.
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
I gotta agree with @Rick. I’m assuming that you have a “real life” and career worth protecting. Going to TJ while on a work trip is playing too close to home. The stakes are too high if things go badly. Having said this, there is validity to the concept of “ we’re both here for the same reason”. Several years ago, I ran in to a stripper who had grown up in our neighborhood and had babysat for us years before leaving for college and making money on the pole. After we both realized that we had awkwardly recognized one another, I gave her a big tip and said “I guess I know your parents about as well as you know my wife”.
Mis dos centavos....

1. As said before, time to cross back to USA is unpredictable. Anywhere from 35 min to 3 hours. Unless GE.
2. If you keep your mask on, glasses and a baseball cap, you’d be very hard to distinguish.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Wow 3 hours, even if you're just walking? They don't have a "blue line" for US Citizens at the TJ crossing? Has anybody tried different crossing points?
Get Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility!
when they recognize you as the clown dressed up like "brando in the wild one", they sure as fuck will be spreading all kinda crazy rumors about what they saw or just think sounds really funny.

but hey, there's a pandemic, wear a mask, you'll fit right in.
===> "If you really want to go to TJ so bad, why not just extend your trip to San Diego by a day or two? That's something that I sometimes do when I have business in an area but really want to check out the club scene."

I'll add on to this with a few PRO TIPS:

Almost every conference has a weekend on one side or the other for travel time/work efficiency purposes. Why not make use of that by flying in the night before you normally would or leaving the night after?

If homefront management is the issue, you can claim client-related activities prior to or after the conference. If it's prior to the conference, you can also claim the need to help prepare for client activities during the conference. Or come up with something else convincing, but those always worked for me when I had a client facing corporate role.

On the workfront, if anyone even asks why you flew a day earlier or later than expected when you submit the expense report, simply say that you were visiting family or friends while you were out there. They had to cover the roundtrip air anyway, so usually nobody cares or even looks too carefully. Just cover the hotel for the night and meals for the time that you are "off the clock." I often booked a different (and much cheaper) hotel for the night that I was using for exploration so that the expense report submission was clean - no need to manually back out the extra night from the hotel bill.

There you go. 😁
Thanks for the advice here. I was already planning to spend at least one extra day after the conference was over, but was hoping to get over maybe twice including one night during the conference. A lot of good points both ways. I do agree there is nothing wrong with being in TJ, just didn't want to be seen in the clubs.

How has the line to get back to the U.S. been around midnight? Before Covid I rarely waited more than 15 minutes in line to get back to the U.S. (using the old East crossing)
I advise you to either not go, or live by the adage that it’s better to be seen and not heard.

===> "A lot of good points both ways. I do agree there is nothing wrong with being in TJ, just didn't want to be seen in the clubs."

Being there alone might raise eyebrows. And how do you expect to avoid being seen going in the clubs when that's what you're doing?

Use some common sense dude.
"Use some common sense dude."

But, PUSSY!!!!

You wrote and I quote.

“I do agree there is nothing wrong with being in TJ, just didn't want to be seen in the clubs.”

Just get a big straw hat (sombrero), dark googles 🥽 and a face mask 😷 “because of Covid” to cover your identity and wear plain tourist clothes (untucked Hawaiian shirt and black pants) and you will blend in and nobody will “see the real you” when you visit the clubs.

Coming back to the USA at midnight should be no problem because there is a lot les traffic because of Covid.

You are overthinking the whole situation.

If you want to go and have the time and stamina to do it without interfering with your job go.

You will be going in your own time not in company time, using your own money not company money.

“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams.”

Have a nice safe trip to The Happiest Place on Earth” (according to Krusty.)…

And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

Just remember to be careful out there.
There are maybe less ppl crossing back but there are a LOT less CBP officers working also and one pedestrian crossing is closed until further notice. Three hour plus waits are happening at various times.
Given your situation, I either wouldn't go, or I'd only go after or before the conference once the bulk of the attendees have gone home. But it's still a risk.

I'll also point out that we remain in an environment where it's acceptable to wear masks in public. Even if you hate masks and/or don't believe in them, you could easily use this to your advantage if being spotted is such a concern.
I suggest a Lone Ranger style mask, blend right in.
Hey OP, you don't shit where you eat. The only safe answer is No. I usually tend to play really safe when it comes to work and recommend the same to others.
You could call that Mexico Lindo Bar escort service. $1100 for TLN. But I think hooking up with your girl f2f is most of the fun.…

In future times, I will be a very visible person in TJ.

There is now way that you can absolutely guarantee that you won't be recognized. You can minimize the chances: wear clothes that are different than what you are wearing at work and wear a mask (so long as there are other people wearing them). Keep your eyes open for people you recognize. But most people who go to a brothel/strip club are probably not going to look at other men. And if somebody recognizes you, he probably won't immediately place you and just register you as sort of familiar.

If you get recognized near the border, you could have some story about going across the border friends, try Mexican food, shop for souvenirs, avoid people from work.

All that said, there is always a chance that you will meet people from the convention. You have to decide if you can live with this chance. I mean, there's always a chance you can meet somebody from work anywhere, but since there is a convention going on in San Diego, it seems more likely.

If being found would likely mean dire personal or professional problems, then don't go until most people have left. Or I suppose it is possible you run into your boss and he'll treat you.
Given your worry about being seen, seems the best thing is to play-it-safe given there are coworkers there w/ you as well as customers/potential-customers - if you can make a personal-trip back to SD in the not too distant future then that might be the best course of action - if this is your only chance, or your only chance for the foreseeable-future, to hit TJ, then it may be worth it to have your fun; at the end of the day it's not as if you are breaking any laws.
You should avoid the TJ strip clubs - to avoid being seen. It’s just not worth the risk.

If you are spotted at one of those brothel clubs - it’s not something you can explain away. It seems like guys go there for one reason - and it’s not for a drink only.

If you are married - and you are close with your coworkers - it could be a bad situation.

Getting a reputation as that guy who likes fucking Mexican whores - is not a good thing.
"... Getting a reputation as that guy who likes fucking Mexican whores - is not a good thing ..."

Except on TUSCL
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