During lunch hour the owner or manager carried his 5-year old daughter into the SC. The dancer on stage was so embarrassed that she asked me to stand at the tip rail for the rest of her set so she could hide behind me.
I think this would only be a problem if the club is the type where contact is visible out in the main room. If a young child sees that sort of intimate touching, a pedo might be able to convince them it was OK for them to be touched like that.
In general, you wouldn't wants kids the the sort of bar where loud drunks are not told to STFU or leave. Many/most strip clubs in this category.
I have seen a baby and a kid in a strip club. First time I was getting a dance not paying attention to anything then I just hear "is that a fucking baby?", I was fairly shocked but asked the girl I was with if she knew what was going on. She said the girl who had the baby doesn't even have kids so she didn't even know who's kid it was. The other time the bartender was living upstairs in the apartment above the club and his wife had to go somewhere so he sat the kid down on the back stage and put some toys down for him, he was probably 3 or 4. I think they built some kinda wall around him with chairs. Incase anyone from KC reads this, both times were at the shady lady not surprisingly.
Smart move for any business to help workers get adequate child care. Especially for the night shift, much harder to find trustworthy child care during night hours.
Jeff Healey - All Along The Watchtower
TJ Street
OMS Martinists
In general, you wouldn't wants kids the the sort of bar where loud drunks are not told to STFU or leave. Many/most strip clubs in this category.