I am in STL for 5 days 🎉🎉

avatar for PinkSugarDoll

I am bouncing between Diamond Cabaret and Hustler, lmk if anyone wants to stop by 🥰


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

Baby, you know I want you all to myself so I'm not sure why I'm saying this. But you would increase the effectiveness of these postings significantly if you post some photos of yourself to your profile. I know you have teased us from time to time. But many do not remember those brief moments.

Meanwhile, I'll just sit here in Florida and be patient.

avatar for bullzeye
3 yrs ago


avatar for FishHawk
3 yrs ago

PSD, you keep going to places I have been. Not to places were I am. I keep hoping and dreaming. 😋

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

I don’t like to add pictures here because:

  1. I enjoy my privacy.

  2. There are unsafe men who will attempt to learn your identity and expose you to more unsafe men, from your pictures.

  3. There are MANY people on this board who have no intention of ever patronizing me and my services but just want to see my pictures.

But I added two. So that’s all you get, unless you’re Warrior.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

^ how do you know if warrior isn’t an unsafe man ? 😷

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

Lol. He’s 86% safe. I like those odds. 👌🏼

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

^ He's actually a good guy but when a girl describes a guy as safe it means kiss you on the cheek, you're in the friend zone LOL

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

86 ? That's all I get. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. !!!!!!

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

Every man receives an 8% defect right out the gate so you’re doing pretty well I’d say. 🤷🏼‍♀️

avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago

Hey, drewcarey, ^^ check this out.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

@25 I think you could be described as safe along with other things too so that’s not guaranteed friendzone at all. 👍🏼

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

😁 oh baby you always know just what to say

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

I don’t wanna be a dick but can you come to ATL for 5 days too 😩

avatar for Muddy
3 yrs ago

Just be careful out there, last I checked St. Louis is the 9th most dangerous city the world. The DA over there loves releasing violent criminals into the community and the defunded police have lost control. They can’t even respond to shootings in an active manner now. It’s really crazy, some places you just can’t go to anymore, certainly not unarmed.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

Thank you for your concern, I’m not particularly worried about it since I am never alone when I’m going to and from my car at the club and I am staying with a friend in a nice area. I also think that criminal types who would be preying on me are not the ones who go to the type of clubs I work in. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But thank you!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

I'm nowhere near where you are or where you're going to be... but those two images are fantastic.

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 yrs ago

I guess it's unlikely that you'll find yourself in Louisville, but if you do, let me know. Not this week though, I'm sick as fuck. :S

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