
AOC says

Atlanta suburb
We should staff strip clubs with "menstruating persons".


  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Sorry gotta see the link before I believe that one. I'm betting she's Nordic-Nazi about sex work, just castrate all the PLs.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    They are staffed with menstruating persons...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    First, why did you post this to the Front Room?

    Next, the conservative pearl-clutching that Ocasio-Cortez can effortlessly create with just two words is what keeps her in the national (and often international) spotlight. And, by "conservative pearl-clutching" I mean this thread right here.

    But go on. I know that many of you need a daily dose of outrage porn along with any other prescriptions you're taking.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    AOC may not have said that exact quote but in a recent interview she did use that term.

    AOC is just one person who has used an alternative term for women. Leftists regularly use this type of language instead of saying women. Even Biden has used the term birthing people instead women.

    Ismael, with all due respect, take your head out of the sand. There is a culture war going on and the left wants to drastically change this country and part of that is changing and controlling language. An example would be the term white supremacist. Before last year it would almost exclusively be taken as a vile term equivalent to Nazi. But the left have taken it and applied to all of European culture.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    The irony here is that "not agreeing with you" = "head in sand". Ironic here because the accusation is language manipulation towards a partisan intent.

    Anyway, the fact is that conservative media picks through every syllable stated by Ocasio-Cortez because any story with her name (or initials) generates outrage-based traffic to article, and that means money. If a lesser-known Representative used the exact same term, then it wouldn't register as a blip on the radar. The left-leaning media has done the same thing, most obviously with Donald Trump.

    Nonetheless, conservative mainstream media does a better job at broadcasting Ocasio-Cortez's political positions than anyone else. Granted, to a largely antagonistic audience. But those individuals are happy to share those articles, which lead many curious onlookers to seek her out and potentially become believers. Much of her star power at such a young age can be credited to conservative media (mainstream and niche).

    And it's not like language manipulation is solely owned by the left. Preferred language has become so entrenched on the right that there's practically a vitriolic lexicon to watching Fox News... alternative facts, fake news, mob, PC police, Russiagate, deep state, MSM, socialist agenda, Dems, libs, hordes, hoax, dirty, violent, invasion, anarchy, liberty, cancel culture, and "Orwellian" used by hordes that have not read Orwell (at least since high school...) or actually know his politics. Many of these being inflammatory terms that would (and should) never appear in the broadcasts or text of any authentic journalist or news organization, but used frequently now to lend comfort to conservative partisans who want to feel comfy in their confirmation bias.

    Anyway, this post will likely get at least 15 or 20 hand-wringing responses, and 20 more when SJG logs on later today. I'm sure that whoever manages Ocasio-Cortez's media budget will be highly appreciative of your help.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    Famous people become symbols. We tend to place outsized importance on what they do or say. We also are inclined to attribute viewpoints to them that are consistent with how we see them symbolically, whether or not they are fair attributions.

    Many politicians, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Donald Trump, function as catnip to both their supporters and detractors. They well understand that and use it to their advantage.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    @CMI I just think your taking it a little too seriously. At the end of the day if you say stupid shit, as often AOC does we are gonna make fun of you. I don’t think this is shadowcat getting up on a soapbox as your inferring.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I think that we should refer to men as "standing to urinate persons".
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I saw an online dating profile identifying as FTM trans and saying "I have a hairy dad bod and a pussy."

    I'd hate to see who's into that. Maybe the dude who keeps reviewing the tranny peep show in New York?
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I know a 100% real menstruating person who stood to pee. She was normal in every way, actually exceedingly feminine with heavy, Jewish boobs, naturally thin and fine pubic hair, worked out regularly... just for shock value (when she was drunk), she would lift the front of her dress, thrust her hips forward, and let whizz. On a full bladder, she could almost get a decent arc. She was a stripper and b-list porn starlet. Too much of a ho for me to sleep with, but she was fun as hell to tie one on with.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    "The irony here is that "not agreeing with you" = "head in sand"."

    I say head in the sand because it's not about AOC. That's regular speech and beliefs for people on the left. The type of stuff that makes it into official government documents.
    Biden Admin Replaces 'Mothers' With 'Birthing People' in Maternal Health Guidance

    I do think that type of warped perspective where you can't call a mother a mother is worrisome.

  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    "I'm betting she's Nordic-Nazi about sex work, just castrate all the PLs."

    She's made statements supportive of sex workers.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    wait what? Anyone have link to the full quote because that makes no sense
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    I think AOC is absolutely correct! Think about it for a moment - a girl that can't menstruate is (a) too young and therefore jail bait or (b) has gone through menopause and is likely totally uninterested in sex or just completely unattractive to you. Then, there's the really disturbing possibility that the she is actually a he!!

    No, I thank AOC for her pubic, er, excuse me, public-mindedness!😜
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The only reason anyone knows anything about this moronic cunt is fake, left wing, national media making it seem she is something more than one of the thousands of daddy's little rich girls from New York who went to BU.
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