
Gen Z Unique Observations by Shailynn

They never tell you what you need to know.
As stated before I live in a college town so there’s no shortage of Gen Z girls everywhere. This class is the sloppiest bunch yet, probably from being stuck at home for a year playing video games and eating Taco Bell. Regardless, here’s my observation:

It seems like every Gen Z girl does not wear a bra and about 50% of them have both their nipples pierced. I’ve lost count of how many girls I’ve seen wearing a wife beater, no bra, and nipples pierced. It’s not like I’m enough of a perv starting to begin with but it’s like they’re painted with not one but two bullseyes on their chest.

And no jackslash, I don’t want to hear about you and your nipples piercings.


  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    At about what age is the break from Millenials to Gen Z ?
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Cool. Bralessness (and piercings) doesn't seem THAT common where I live, but every such sighting is a 👍.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Warrior, at the moment I think Gen Z are under 25??? Give or take a few years???

    Funny as soon as I posted this I drive down the street to get gas, a girl that looked 12 hops out of her Jeep with a wifebeater, no bra and nipples pierced. I thought “no way that girl is even 19” and 5 minutes later she walks out of the c-store with 2 12 packs of White Claw. Either she just looks 12 or has a really good fake ID. Completing the ensemble are baby mom jeans and a pair of Air Force ones. These kids have ZERO style.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    As a general topic, this seems like a boat that sailed a looong time ago to me. My ideal was the 70s light makeup natural look. Been downhill ever since. The dancers on here don't +1 our thinking that us old guys are the money honeypots for dancers. So not surprising they're not motivated to cater to our appearance preferences.

    The change I dislike the most is the comeback of Ruebenesque. I'm not judging anyone, being a serious fatso myself. But a beauty standard change that encourages something unhealthy seems a bad thing.

    Second worse is boot camp short hair on a chick, although obviously no health issue.

    I don't get majorly torqued about stripper tats and piercings, and I get a kick out of crazy hair colors. I am eternally grateful to strippers, as they make it possible for me to squeeze a well-rounded bum on a regular basis, without having to buy real estate with anybody. It makes me happy to see that they feel free to express who they are with their appearance. In a way, I also get off on mommy boobs, big noses, a bit of dental crookedness, or a small space between the two front teeth. I'm glad to see they feel confident enough to dance, without having to look like something out of an airbrushed magazine.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Pew Research puts anyone born between 1981 and 1996 in the 'Millennial' category, and anyone born from 1997 onward is 'Gen Z'. Most other research / data groups have roughly the same grouping. Meaning, the oldest Gen Z individuals are in their low-to-mid 20s.

    When I was in college, a lot of guys just rolled out of the dorm for classes wearing whatever smelled not as bad as everything else. This wasn't the case for most female students. They put more effort into their daily appearance and dress.

    Judging by what I see in the student population in Providence today, many male students still aren't trying very hard to get gussied up. Based on absolutely no scientific knowledge, I suspect that Gen Z women have looked at the wide gap in effort towards appearance between men and women and collectively said, "Fuck that action." At least perhaps with regard to the day-to-day stuff. They know how to clean up for special occasions.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago

    “The change I dislike the most is the comeback of Ruebenesque“

    There’s a limit but I don’t mind this. I would rather have a dancer that’s a few pounds overweight than a “spinner”. (Side note - after many years on this board I really don’t know what this truly means, but i guess it means anorexic)

    In a society that worships thin women, it’s difficult to name celebrity examples. But I find Amy Schumer attractive. Or Jennifer Lawrence. Or Jo-Lo. And of course my dream girl Kate Upton.

  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^. Agreed. When I was in school the “core” classes where there were 200+ kids in the class, girls showed up like it was a Thursday night going out on the town, trying to catch the attention of young guys. Man those were the days, I think I got more dates out of attending class than I did going out to the bars.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    #motorhead - how...just how.. could you possibly put Amy Schumer in the same sentence with Kate Upton? Lol
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    would it be incorrect to say that lots of girls dress for girls?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    That is why I have always been attracted to the P4P industry, specifically because the women dress for the effect they can have on men, rather than for the approval they can get from women.

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    +1 for Kate Upton. I also don't count her as Ruebenesque: https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=4688 .

    I think she qualifies as a spinner: https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=4683 . But she looks in good health to me, not anorexic at all.

    I totally have the hots for the women in both pictures, similar to how sometimes I want to single handedly eat a whole supreme pizza, and sometimes want a chef's salad. And, yes, feel free to be creeped out that I'm comparing women's bodies to food, it creeps me out that I'm like that too.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Girls out here have been going bra less the past few years. Some clothes from fashion nova and other online shops are pretty much designed for that.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I think girls just dress for attention in general.

    They flex on each other with designer shoes and accessories.

    With young strippers flexing on each other means always being made up. Nails hair lashes etc. Designer bags and shoes. And lips and bbls tittie jobs. They believe spending money shows others you have yhe money to spend. Which isn't always true but....
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    People dress for various goals, they vary their appearance as the goals they are pursuing in the moment change.

    From the strippers I've gotten to know a bit, stripping seems to be a fairly stressful mind fuck. Generally you're a stripper because boundaries, you don't want to do everything a desperate crack ho would do. Customers want you to do them like the crack ho would, and often resent having to pay anything. It's a constant, tense, balancing act. What bills do I have due, what am I dying to buy, how far should I stretch my boundaries, should/can I turn the tables and mind fuck the PL? When they don't make themselves look like how you want, that's setting a boundary. A stripper who's going to cave and not get tats or piercings cause you don't like them will probably set boundaries with reverse mind fucking. Her mom, brother and dog all have cancer, her car's in the shop, and her house just burned down with all her stuff.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Boundaries are flexible
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    They listen too and love the shittiest "music" I ever heard in my life. I listen to this crap at the gym, it makes me want to jump off the fucking roof
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ and gourmet dining for them is Chipotle and Panera. Even Juice has better taste than that!!!!
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Strippers and I will not be shamed for loving Chipotle and Panera. Especially not by someone with chicken nugget in his tag line.
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    Awww shaylinn! Sounds like you are lonely because all your friends are at their events with their kids. Dont worry! I will keep you company 😉 We can fool around like ricky and I do!!!
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    Shailynn sounds jealous of us gen z because he is old and wishes he were us 🤣
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I feel like girls dress up more to compete with other women than for the attention of men.

    As far as the braless thing lol I'm often guilty especially when it's hot, but I'm in the millenial category.

    Also sometimes girls just dress some way because they wanted to and like how it looks. It isn't always an attention thing imo unless it is obvious she's attention whoring like half her ass is hanging out.

    I also feel like worse bodied girls can get away with all sorts of clothes and not be considered slutty.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    The following statement is always false:

    All ( name of a group of people ) are ( characteristic or trait ).
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    Not sure what geographic region OP is referring to, but I just returned from visiting my kid at college, and the girls were exactly opposite as OP described. To put it in context, these were primarily sorority girls at a large southern university, but these girls were very put together. Lots of perfect bodies in yoga pants with their hair and make up done just to go out to Starbucks. Probably a fair amount of implants, but definitely no wifebeater tees, or visible piercings. Made me wish I was back in college spending my parents money.
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    CMI: Thanks for earlier post on Gen Z. I guess 1 defining trait for this generation would be that they're the first not to remember 911.If the starting point for Gen Z is 1997, I suspect we've reached the endpoint, but don't know. Whatever the generation beyond Z will be called is irrelevant for at least the next 15 - 18 years.
    I've encountered very few Gen Z dancers. As for the others:

    MILLENIAL: 1981 - 1996 - First generation with little or no knowledge of life without the internet. These comprise the largest demographic of dancers I've met during my Tuscl membership. That's why I see so many dancers glued to their I phones/tablets. They also play more rap music, though many of the dancers born in the 80's would play rock or genre other than Rap. Largely, they remember 911.

    GEN X: 1965 - 1980 - Last generation to know what life was like without the internet. Most don't remember Vietnam, many do recall gas lines, high gas prices, and stagflation of the 70's. All or nearly all remember the shuttle Challenger blowing up, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, the 1991 Gulf War. As for dancers in this group, they almost universally dance to rock or heavy metal. They accounted for the majority of the dancers I met in my early Tuscl years, though I've encountered a few in 2021, most notably a 47 yo with a body that would shame a lot of dancers in their 20's or 30's.

    I haven't knowingly encountered any Baby Boomer dancers (born 1946 - 1964) in quite a while.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    any baby boomer dancer would be fuckin old. Time to retire.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    heck. it’s time for any generation X dancer to retire. (unless she looks awesome.)
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Minny’s most frequent reviews is for a young girl club, as in management specifically hires for them (Mons), and claims he hasn’t seen many gen z dancers? C’mon now 1997 + 18 = 2015. Even if the pandemic changed visiting habits that is still a whole at least four years of them around.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago

    But I'm seeing guys trying to flex more than girls. Fake iced out rolexs fake diamond chains. Fake expensive sneakers. You see guys under 25 living with 5 roommates or at home with Fake jewelry that would be over 100k if it were real. Everyone wearing the same limited sneakers 🤡😭

    Sometimes I feel anti social. Like I want to do the opposite of everyone. I don't want to flex anything.

    I've been into Kanyes semi homeless look



  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I got dances once from a dancer who said she was 53, a bit older than I was at the time. Said she was Cherokee. So not black don't crack but kinda.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Hopefully not hijacking the thread, but since it’s about mocking generations, millennials are currently making a big deal about Blues Clues, because the original Steve posted a video for everyone.

    Freaking millennials and our collective obsession with our childhoods, and hyping up anything nostalgic.

    …in unrelated news, a few weeks ago when the voice actress who played Muriel in Courage the Cowardly Dog passed away, THAT was super sad 🥺😭
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I love courage the cowardly dog
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Us old white boomers voted in Trump cause we were nostalgic for the days when the Klan could march in the July 4th parade. That's what you do when you're truly hardcore about your nostalgia.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    I can't stand the neat and tidy precise little 15 year spans for different generation groups. I miss out on Gen-X because I was born less than four weeks after the "end"? PFFFFT!

    I've usually seen Gen-X "end" in 1980, but a couple times have seen it extended into 81 or 82. That makes a lot more sense. IMO, the spread of Gen-X ought to go to 1983 or possibly 1984, but that's it... definitely not not as far as 1985. And it's all because of the internet.

    Born in late January, 1981: I used a typewriter to do a report on James Buchanan in 5th grade; I used a card catalog at the library; used actual hand-held encyclopedias; remember 9-11, the Berlin Wall coming down, and the Challenger disaster; to me MTV is Pearl Jam, Snoop Dogg, Michael & Janet Jackson, S'nead O'Connor, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, 4 Non Blondes, Billy Idol, Real World, Grind at the Beach House (giggity!), etc.; and although it was around a little bit, personal access to the internet wasn't widespread until I was in about 12th grade, i.e. the end of my "formative" years.

    Someone born just three or four years later (1984-85) would have totally different experiences, especially during adolescence. They "grew up" with AIM, chat rooms, message boards, and meeting people online. They've probably never used a travel agent or remember having to use a payphone after elementary school. The explosion of technology and access to it during the late 1990s was so profound that it just changed the game, changed the way people live.

    Gen-X ought to go to about 1983 or 1984.

    Millennials would then be the following year until...well, the cut-off for them is tough, because as a whole they grew up with the internet, were in HS / college at the start of social media, had cell phones growing up, etc., but is the "last" defining moment / shared memory 9-11? Or is it the recession?

    @nicespice -- get ready, the nostalgia is going to blast into everything over the next few years. As millennials turn 30-40, marketing execs are going to push you to buy products with memories of Pokemon or Harry Potter or Blue's Clues or whatever. It happened a few years ago for my age group: Kia had a big ad campaign to buy a crossover, and it was based on Bo Jackson and his god-like powers in Tecmo Bowl; and Honda did the same thing for the same type of little SUV, using Wonder Years' Fred Savage along with He-Man and Skeletor (favorite 80s cartoon!). As the earnings and buying power of the age group / generation grows, ad campaigns and entertainment conglomerates will shift their focus to your childhood to get your attention. And hey...it works...I actually did look at a Kia (online) because Bo said so...but hell no I didn't go through with it!
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    For those of us in the South Florida market, there is a 48 yr old dancer who works occasional day shifts at Cheetah Hallandale. Total blonde MILF with 100% OEM parts. She is an exotic looking Cambodian / American who probably doesn’t remember the Vietnam War, but she was a product of it. I didn’t believe it when she told me she was born in ‘73, but she showed me her drivers license to prove it (evidently this happens a lot). She can definitely hold her own with girls half her age.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    As far as I'm concerned, anyone born within a year or two of the generational cut-off line can pick their label, if it's that important to them. The statisticians and economists know that the dates are arbitrary, but required to do the research. [shrug]

    nicespice said "Freaking millennials and our collective obsession with our childhoods, and hyping up anything nostalgic."

    This is also true of Gen-X. Many of the friends I know from high school keep falling deeper down the well of 1980s nostalgia. It's not a good look.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    So we have Cowboy posting that those of us who grew up with an 18 year old drinking age; easy sex with women who didn't get pregnant; smoking butts in the inside smoking area in high school; minimal drunk driving enforcement; smoking weed in Fenway park; porn on campus and rock music are jealous of the young today in the #METOO era; alcohol free campuses; obese women; pregnant teens; and living life on line; are jealous? Lmao COWBOY you are literally the stupidest person in America. I would choose to be 83 instead of 43 in this shitty land. I had more fun experiences by 21 than you will have in your life.
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    As it relates to nostalgia, I think we’re all guilty- regardless of our demographic label. And when it comes to music, those of us who identify with the boomers are probably the most nostalgic. For all good and obvious reasons, but I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve received a dismissive eye roll, followed by “don’t you know any music created in this century?”
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Skibum. They really had smoking areas in high schools?

    I'm not nostalgic for things. But for people. Even just comparing people now to 10 years ago. They're less sociable. Lower attention spans. Can't cope with anything.

    And I guess I'm nostalgic for the dollar. Just comparing prices.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Not only did they have smoking areas in schools, the faculty lounge was full of smokers, every time the door opened in the hallway from the teachers lounge, you cold smell the cigarette smoke through all both floors of my High school
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    @25, I think you and I went to the same high school!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    When I was in high school kids would go off campus during lunch to smoke. And teachers thought it was a taboo for students to know they smoked.

    But then you had kids openly sniffing markers in class.
  • Player11
    3 years ago
    How do Gen Z girls stack up as far as playing? Do more of them fuk? What about otc w them?

    Ronnie a fellow sc vip who is 64 has one for a sb. I would test water on that but already have sb very happy with.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    "So we have Cowboy posting that those of us who grew up with an 18 year old drinking age; easy sex with women who didn't get pregnant; smoking butts in the inside smoking area in high school; minimal drunk driving enforcement; smoking weed in Fenway park; porn on campus and rock music are jealous of the young today in the #METOO era; alcohol free campuses; obese women; pregnant teens; and living life on line; are jealous? Lmao COWBOY you are literally the stupidest person in America. I would choose to be 83 instead of 43 in this shitty land. I had more fun experiences by 21 than you will have in your life."

    ^ well, us silent generation told you little shits you needed to grow up or you would fuck up this great country you now calling a shitty land (that your generation made shitty and you are now crying about). Now you look like a total tool for fucking up the greatest opportunity of any generation in history. Now you have to live with that shame. Atta boy skibum609 👍
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Sorry that we created a great country and you young lazy, stupid losers fucked it up. Enjoy living in the shithole country you will have after we die off lol. Last 2 generations are living on welfare and baby boomers are drinking $200 bottles of wine.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    "I would choose to be 83 instead of 43 in this shitty land."

    "Sorry that we created a great country and you"

    ^ is your reading comprehension that bad when reading what you wrote? Lmfao
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    And don't forget, the GI generation is who created YOUR (BOOMERS, in case you are that dumb)

    In the 1970s the adults (GI) generation left the room. Since then Boomers have been in charge. If you think america is a shitty country now, look at leadership over the past several decades. Attitude Reflect Leadership.

  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    wah, wah wah said the poster who thinks Brokeback Mountain was an instructional video on how cowboys should
    live their life .....
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    ^ glad to see you got a lot out if that movie! 👍 You got this!
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    Ooooooh! Skibum609! We should watch that movie together with Ricky! Wr could all learn about fucking like rabbit's! We will have a grest time! 😉 Welcome to the pink team 😁😉
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago

    I think some of the styles are pretty god awful. An never liked aviator glasses, or anything like them, including those brown gold framed thing the jlo wannabes were wearing, or are still wearing...

    Yoga pants, I can get behind. Sure, abhorrent from a style standpoint, but daddy likey!!!

    Wife beater with no bra, hellya!!!

    Now on the butch hair, kinda, uggh, it was used as a joke in Joe Dirt for fuck's sake!!! But I will admit, that one girl I was fucking with hair like that, cause hey, gimme a break, I was in central Kansas and Dorthy'd already been blown to Oz, but ya, that strange girl who was all awkward until I came inside her and then started giving me her life story, that short hair was so soft, and wonderfully, I couldn't stop running my hands through it as I fucked her from behind, tried to play it off like I was just shoving her face into the mattress, but really, that hair... I almost pulled out and started rubbing my dick in it. Gimme some more of that any day!!! fashion be damned!!!

    I will say that, they do what they want. I remember back in the 80's, there were the jock, stoners, preps, etc. and each had there own uniform. Looking back, that shit was We Tarred It!!! I mean, seriously, the whole school was dressed up like a bad 80's teen movie set. That shit's over and I will applaud them for that.
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