OTC with a ITC FS gal

avatar for rickdugan
As I always say I will never criticize how another grown man spends his time and money, but I won't generally do this. If she works in a glorified brothel or is otherwise known to fuck ITC, then for me it doesn't matter how hot she is or how skilled she is at a BJ or whatever. I want nothing to do with being X of Y served on a given day.

Anyone else feel the same way? Conversely, feel free to tell me that I am being too fussy, a hypocrite, etc., etc., lol.


last comment
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
I don't OTC, but I operate on the assumption that whatever she did with me, she's done with five other guys already. Nature of the beast.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Given how much Ricky got triggered over dick size that one time I trolled, I suspect rick’s sweet spot of “low volume” is whatever he feels best keeps women from comparing notes on him. 😁
avatar for rockie
4 years ago
I've never met an OTC entertainer that didn't offer ITC services first. Congratulations on breaking in all the OTC virgins!
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I mean I really can't know for sure what's somebody's sex history is. I guess it's nice if it's not too easy and I certainly don't want to be the 7th guy that day. As I go on I'm less and less into the brothels and more into the eye candy places and just get the OTC. At least then I KNOW there was no ITC nonsense going on at the very least.

And to steal nice's phrase I would say I'm more into low volume girls. But I do want to hear some volume, I don't want to waste time with a girl on mute.

Look at the end of the day, the girl is an adult she can do what she does it's not my business but for the love of God I just don't want to be messing with dried up splooge. (And in some of these clubs, not even dry yet) Is that too much to ask? THANK YOU!
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Won't - generally - do this ?

Which means 🤔
avatar for CJKent_band
4 years ago

You are being too fussy, a hypocrite...

“My brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts.”
~ Benjen Stark

Technically, if you don't want sloppy seconds... then you'll never have sex, unless you have sex with a virgin

Some men (you included) may have a homophobic reaction to sexual engagement with a woman directly after another man

You are a blind subscriber to the old Madonna-Whore complex, the sadly ignorant belief that all women should be pure as freshly driven snow ... until they're with you

As long as you both are OTC and get clean (shower and douche if necessary) and use protection and have safer sex you should be able to get over your ignorant adolescent way of thinking
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I think you OTC differently than I do. I don' try to take them home from the club. I'm going to get their phone number while at the club, then set a date for a later day. I agree that I don't really want to be number 6 or 7 for the day. But I"m taking that girl out the next night. She spends the entire evening with me instead of working at her club. What type of club she works in doesnt 'really matter to me. Now I'm probably not going to develop a relationship with that girl. But to do one OTC date ? It doesn't matter to me.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Coz hookers will tell you how many tricks they fucked that day 😭😭😭🤡🤡🤡

avatar for scarface03
4 years ago
I like to catch my favorite dancers at the beginning of their shift. I'm not concerned with what they're are doing on previous days.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
“ feel free to tell me that I am being too fussy, a hypocrite, etc., etc., lol.”

Yeah, all that, but mostly delusional because you actually believe the “I only do this with you” line.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Over thinking something very simple.
avatar for gobstopper007
4 years ago
^^ Yeah, all that, but mostly delusional because you actually believe the “I only do this with you” line.

What do you mean “line”? Please don’t tell me that a girl whose real name I probably don’t know and only talks to me because I give her money is not being completely honest with me.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I guess I’m less choosy about the girls I fuck (both ITC and OTC). That is likely no surprise to anyone here.

High volume ITC girls are generally easy to deal with. They will offer and provide pricing without much attempted small talk. On certain nights, I don’t want a challenge, and I will go with one of those girls.

Sometimes I’m intrigued by the challenge, and I will try to work through it with a dancer who isn’t so obvious. It can be hit or miss, and if it doesn’t work out, I will look for one of the reliable hook up girls.

Regardless of whether the dancer is an easy ITC type - I will still try to get her number. I know some dancers aren’t comfortable going too far ITC.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
What scarface said - going close to opening time has that advantage. Then again, you hear stories of girls who prefer to OTC before their shift begins! Had one tell me she liked to do that so she had her tipout money before she ever got to work.
avatar for rickthelion
4 years ago
Well nicespice, you may be a sexy and spunky hairless ape but remember that you’re still an ape. Any implication that a rick might not be well endowed is pure fiction. It’s in the rick motto:

We’re ricks and we got big dicks...but we ain’t 100% dicks

Of course the dugan doesn’t have sexy penile spines like yours truly. But that’s because he is a hairless ape...the smartest hairless ape on the planet but still an ape. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "I've never met an OTC entertainer that didn't offer ITC services first."

That may be a function of where you club, idk, but it means that you're dealing exclusively with higher volume girls. Again no criticism from me, but it's not my normal cup of tea. The clubs I most often visit are a bit more restrictive, so the high volume girls tend to work elsewhere.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Yeah, all that, but mostly delusional because you actually believe the “I only do this with you” line."

Not sure how you got from "I avoid high volume girls" to this. There's a lot of roadway between a girl who jumps on six penises a night and one who selectively sees guys OTC but doesn't fuck and suck ITC. I rarely believe that I'm the only one (and when I do it's because I have good reason to believe so), but when I take a girl from a more restrictive club right to my hotel, I know that I'm the only one that night.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Exactly how do you know for sure?
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
It depends on how experienced you are. If youre a noob you want to know who the FS girls are and take them out. Get some experience and relax. After awhile of doing this you will want to seek out the "clean" dancers, cuz they are more challenging.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
In reality both FS girls and clean dancers require the same effort and same problems. Might as well just go for the "hot, clean" strippers
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
25, nothing is ever 100% certain, but it's a good start when one clubs in a place where ITC sex is not normally on the menu. When I'm more certain though is when a girl has resisted my inducements for months before that moment comes when she needs the money enough to reconsider. Then what solidifies my view is how she acts when we hit the hotel for the first time.

Now I'm nothing close to a catch for a girl half my age, but I 've been fortunate enough not to age too badly and once upon a time I was even able to snag a hot ass wife. Again, I have no delusions about why a young hot stripper goes to a hotel with me and it certainly isn't because she finds me hot. But anyone who doesn't understand that physical attributes - including what imperfections some girls can tolerate and which ones are harder to overcome - influence the potential pool of OTC candidates is kidding himself. I'm just trying to enjoy an expanded pool for as long as possible before I get too old and have to settle exclusively for the high volume girls.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Some girls have zero interest in OTC if they are working at an extras friendly club. That could be for various reasons ranging from not wanting to go through the hassle, baby daddy drama to safety issues. One rebuttal I encountered was “I make what I need working 3 nights a week so I never have to meet a customer outside the club.” I guess that’s not any different than some workers reusing to do overtime even if they’re generously compensated.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I never do anything ITC and have three girls that I see with varying levels of how often I see them, and the one I see most often doesn’t work in a strip club and has a pretty good paying somewhat vanilla job, the other two I see rarely lately as I don’t find them as much fun as I used to, I attribute that to working in a strip club and becoming a bit jaded and developing a resentment for men in general, I think women as they age become a bit more cynical towards men and I really don’t find the younger girls interesting enough to bother with them mostly
But I harbor no illusions my partners live their life as they see fit as do I and as long as they are as meticulous about their own cleanliness as I am about mine I refuse to speculate about their behavior as it doesn’t apply to me.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Why this came up is that I recently had a higher volume ITC girl, in a club I do not often visit, offer me her phone number so that we could "relax more in a hotel bed." I declined. Now I'm sure that some here would have happily taken her up on her offer and I have nothing negative to say about that, but it's just not for me.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "But I harbor no illusions my partners live their life as they see fit as do I and as long as they are as meticulous about their own cleanliness as I am about mine I refuse to speculate about their behavior as it doesn’t apply to me."

To be clear, I'm hardly the Grand Inquisitor. Indeed virtually all of my partners have SOs and I don't give a shit. Many no doubt also see other guys. I just don't want the girl who is on a penis (or two) and hour for several hours at a time.

Funny though wrt the other stuff you posted. The girl that I see most often also works a decent paying vanilla day job and seldom dances nowadays. Another girl who I recently saw for several months, before I got bored with it, also works a vanilla job and devoted a night a week to visiting with me. I'm wondering if this is becoming more of a trend - girls who would prefer to make a few reliable OTC friends to supplement their vanilla income rather than have to go back to the clubs. Anyway...
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Quick follow up to some comments.

Many years ago I met a stripper who was working less than a year. I was 32, she was 28, and there was a natural attraction between us. I easily talked her into meeting me OTC which she claimed she had never done before. Price was never discussed and when we met I slipped what I paid for VIP ITC plus another 50 in her purse.

Everything was fine, I met her every few months I was in town and we’d sometimes have dinner before hand. Eventually she talked about how she picked up all these customers inside the club for OTC and now had to work less in the club. Eventually she quit stripping all together and just met former customers OTC. I lost contact with her after that but I somewhat feel like I created a monster out of that one.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Eventually she talked about how she picked up all these customers inside the club for OTC and now had to work less in the club. Eventually she quit stripping all together and just met former customers OTC. 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞."

If it wasn't you it would eventually have been someone else.

It's funny though watching that transition happen, IME usually over the course of several weeks. At first she finally agrees because she needs the money, but still doesn't think of herself as a prostitute. Then she continues with you because it's easy money and she's available almost whenever you want her.

Then, after a while, telltale signs start cropping up which point to her expanding her universe of OTC partners. Her availability is more limited than it used to be. Guys who are known regulars start coming in specifically to visit her. You might even see her disappear from the club around the same time that a customer who she was sitting with departs.

When those telltale signs start, that's usually my cue to head for the exit. Some girls never completely go down this road, instead continuing to limit their OTC activities to guys who are discreet and with whom they are comfortable. But yes, some girls dramatically expand their OTC activities once they get a taste for the additional easy money.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
My view is OTC - NFW.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ Thanks for sharing ski. That was very additive to the discussion, displaying keen insights which were no doubt effortlessly formulated by your sharp wit. 👍

Now some folks with no horse in the race might have chosen to avoid the discussion instead of wading in, but after that pearl of wisdom that you so artfully shared with us, it's clear that we would have been poorer for your absence. 😉
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
I am in general agreement with Rick original statement. But I never really had to put it into practice though. My favorite club is small with one VIP room. So it’s easy to see who’s going to VIP over the course of an evening.

I’ve always been reasonably careful with hygiene ITC, my CF impressed me when she up’d the hygiene standard during our initial VIP sessions. Now we maintain those standards during our more leisurely OTC sessions. 😁
avatar for Dain
4 years ago
My extensive experience in the LA area has been paradoxical. The ITC girls I've played with did not want to do it OTC, and the opposite. Oh well, life is full of puzzles.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "My extensive experience in the LA area has been paradoxical. The ITC girls I've played with did not want to do it OTC, and the opposite. Oh well, life is full of puzzles."

As others have mentioned, that's actually not uncommon. After all, why would a high volume extras girl want to go through the time and trouble of meeting a single guy OTC for a one-off when she can get paid for doing the same thing ITC? Unless the guy is offering a very significant premium for OTC, it is likely much more efficient, lucrative and safe for her to simply line them up in the comfort of her club.
avatar for DH721
4 years ago
My experience is most girls try not to make it look obvious what they are doing ITC. I like OTC because it is typically a more relaxing time. I have found a nearby hotel with a hot tub in the room so we take our time and I don't feel rushed. I've even had a few fall asleep and we ended up spending the night together, with a nice wake-up call in the morning. Since I travel so much the room only costs me some of my hotel club points, but I have plenty. The first time I did OTC I made the mistake of not clarifying expectations before hand. She came in, and it was a wham-bam-thank you ma'am kind of thing, I felt rushed the whole time. My primary reason for doing OTC is for a relaxing time, not being on the clock.

avatar for Player11
4 years ago
I have done them otc and itc. You can’t assume your the only one they are doing of course. There really is just no way know where they really been. One gal I saw otc for awhile her and her roommate another stripper danced day shift at club a then night shift club B. I am sure to recruit escort clients. She did everything covered even BJ or HJ . She real good at fucking, Cali girl of French / Italian descent beautiful green eyes even grabs me when I look in my photo archive of her. Played volley ball in hs and said when 17 dated a 32 yo guy. She gave super service, happy ending every time. Also fantastic bik and nude modeling b4 too. I budgeted $600 mo for her to help her out and we metup 3x mo in sugar relationship. She told the door girl at club one time (about me) “he’s my bf leave him alone he belongs to me.”
avatar for Player11
4 years ago
My take at extras club they may fuk guys on day shift itc all day then meet otc guys after work then go home to bf or hubby. One told me all she needed was half hr rest between sessions. When I queried her about her fiancée (what he thinks of her dancing at the club) she said “oh he just thinks I do air dances.” Once I met her otc after her shift I was really horny from being out of town all wk tried not to think about that so sorta fanticized she hotwife got off real quick lol. She said “well he was sure excited (smiling).” When she got married she stopped dancing but said the marriage would not change our meetings. It did not . She a natural sex enjoyment dynamo. It is simply natural and normal evolution survival of the fittest (unaffected by religionists) driving her IMO.
avatar for Player11
4 years ago
I think it’s stupid somebody thinks u can “date a stripper” like in traditional dating. Seeing strippers is like flying jets and all it takes us money. I fly jets (strippers) not prop jobs (civilian women or bitches off dating sites). Either way if you don’t have money your not crap.
avatar for Player11
4 years ago
I have had many itc CFS experiences. Super fun and convenient. Otc I have get a room. Both have their individual pluses and minudmses. Like Jack n box do eat it in their dining room, in car, or at home.

One striper I was taking to otc from club on way she said “pull over into this dark area (smiling) let me show u what an x street booker can do honey.” It was great. She had a routine during the act (talking sexy dirty) which enhanced things.
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