
Seattle/Washington has a mask mandate again

Thursday, August 19, 2021 5:24 PM
I think it is a matter of weeks before Washington is on lockdown, back to essential businesses only. I wonder what other states will follow—my BFF in Tennessee is a nurse and says the hospitals are over 100% capacity in Nashville.


  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Time to hit the road.. guaranteed lock downs will not happen in most states.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    ^^ going to Charlotte in September 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I'm doubtful that there will be a lockdown of that magnitude, but I'd also not bet a lot of money on that. It's possible. In the south, there could be more restrictions in Alabama and Louisiana. Both of those states are being hit hard and have governors who seem unwilling to deny that they are being hit hard. I see more mask mandates being highly likely in many states, but lockdowns being highly selective to hard-hit regions within states if they happen at all. There are a lot of companies that had been rolling out return-to-work requirements for their telework staff, but are now scrapping all of that due to the current situation.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    The governor said if the icu bed capacity reaches 80% he will lick the state down again, they are at 65% now up from 60% last week and overall hospital beds are at 95%. The strip clubs here just opened in March because Washington has been in lockdown much longer than other states. So I think it is realistic to expect another lockdown, the governor said that’s what will happen.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    As long as Rick Dugan is governor of Florida we won’t get loc down, nor will we ever have a mask mandate, I think Governor Dugan will lay down his marker by heading down to Broward County and organizing a circular firing squad to execute the school board members.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Come to Florida sweetheart. Daddy's waiting.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Our original anniversary plan was to wait until November and go to the Breeder's Cup. Sadly when time came to make reservations to San Diego I had to accept the fact that being in a blue state meant we ran the risk of it being cancelled; my table being culled for social distancing and having to wear a fucking mask at the track. We said no and it's my last chance to ever see the Cup at Delmar. Then we thought Bandon Dunes for golf, but Oregon is California North and Portland just as fucked up, if not more. What will we do? Thank you Governor DeSantis, we're on our way Tuesday. First class into Miami and we are going to improve the economy down there single handedly. We even got a Federal Tax Refund today and I have no idea why because I got my 2020 refund on February 10 this year. Oh well, found money is fun money.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Those customers better buy rooms while they still can 😁
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The more masking and precautions, the longer this hysteria goes on. Making and talk about vaccination are what keep the superstitious fear alive. SJG
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    "Lockdowns" have not been as effective as masks, vaccines, and social distancing. The ripple effect and damage to the economy spreads far beyond the geographic area. Any mayor or governor who tries lockdowns again should be immediately removed from office for incompetence.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    We need to all find the ways which we can resist the hysteria. SJG
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    FYI the law in every county I have worked in is that strippers can’t touch you. We break that law every day. So if you think your aren’t getting a real lap dance Bc of covid—I got news for you
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "Those customers better buy rooms while they still can" We see what you did there, Hottie Mchottie (blame Heellover).
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I agree with what most said above, some super blue states may attempt to shut down again but who knows. I think the majority of the country will stay open, maybe restrict number of people in restaurants again but no full shut down. I'm glad I was able to get away twice this summer in that window of June - July where things seems fine. I plan on taking another trip this fall but am holding out to see what happens before I book anything. I want to go to Vegas but in the fall if they restrict things again I'll just wait until the spring or next summer.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Am I the only one thinking 'Good. This will make PSD spread da luv to the rest of the country?' Lol
  • SonofaPreacherMan
    3 years ago
    Nope. I keep trying to get her to come to DFW. :)
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    California is holding off on some of the mandates until after the governor recall vote on September 14th. If Gavin isn't recalled, California will start implementing lockdown, mask mandates and vaccine passports. Some of this is planned already but not being implemented until after the vote.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    NICE—which one was air dance? We don’t want none of that. 👎🏼
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