
avatar for dmoney23456
Does anyone know if Olivia still works here (gorgeous AA girl)? I saw her once a couple years ago and then the next four times never saw her again (prepandemic). Just started going back here and haven't seen her yet. Hoping she still works here or somewhere in the area.


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My bad. And they don't let you delete discussion posts or I would.
Don't sweat it. This is a common mistake. Good luck finding a new CF!
I am going to assume you're not a crazy stalker. You could ask other dancers at the club if they know her and if she's still a dancer. If anyone knows her, ask them to let her know you would like to see her again.
I've been there at least a half dozen times since the pandemic and I haven't seen an Olivia.
@jackslash that would have been a more logical move. Probably going to have to let it go after this post though so I don't get stalker status at the club.

@loper thanks. I'm pretty sure she isn't anymore. I've been impressed with the girls since their reopening though.
avatar for From978
4 years ago
I read the FAQ that Ishmael cites, and I'm not sure whether it refers to questions directed to other members (as Ishmael suggests) or questions directed to the website (like every other item in the FAQ).

I'm mindful of the stalker issue, but we often see dancers' names in reviews. I'm not sure how that differs from answering a question in this section. If I was hiding, i would simply pick a new name, since the old one was fake anyway.
I'm going to eat crow here and say that From978 is probably correct.

That said, I'm probably going to not answer questions like this unless it's from a guy I know to be solid. We see a fair number of nameless, faceless guys come on here looking for dancer locations, and most of us know dancers who have dealt with multiple stalkers of varying tenacity. I have to believe that the Venn diagram between those two groups of guys has some overlap. I don't want to be the one who tells a guy with zip ties and duct tape in the trunk of his car that "Bambi now dances at Club X. She's Bunny now."

It's a fine line. We want to help each other enjoy the clubs, but not at the expense of a dancer's safety or privacy.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
I was wondering how many TUSCL aliases From978 is on now lol. New accounts show up all the time talking smack on the boards like they've been around for years.
I'm going to guess 977 aliases.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Well played. Lol
avatar for From978
4 years ago
Can we put money on this question?
avatar for From978
4 years ago
Hint: 978 is my area code
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