Missing Ariana and Luna

avatar for loper
Anyone seen Ariana or Luna lately?


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avatar for nelly76
12 days ago
Yep, and I just checked my reviews to make sure I got the names right.

If Arianna (or Adrianna), has black hair, and looks like she’s partially Asian, whe was there aboutt month ago on a Friday night, and she was there last Friday night.

If Luna has a light Hispanic look, and another nice body she was definitely there a month ago, and I think she was there last Friday night.
avatar for loper
12 days ago
Ariana is short, about 30, and has brown hair. Very sweet personality and quite agile. Luna looks white to me -- has a tattoo of a snake on her hip. Both are thin and in excellent condition. I was there Wed. and Saturday and missed them. Perhaps they were there Friday.
avatar for rockie
12 days ago
I've seen Arianna on my last 2 Friday night visits as well.
avatar for skibum609
12 days ago
Arianna was there 2 Fridays ago. have not seen Luna in a while.
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