avatar for dmoney23456


New York
joined May 2017last seen Jan 2025

Comments made by dmoney23456

review comment
4 months ago
avatar for Blackadam
Fun Times getting 2 for 1s at Boardroom
It depends who you talk to. I’ve had a VIP there recently for just $200 to the girl and $100 to the club for 30 minutes which seems to be on par with CD in Providence and on the low end when you consider much of the northeast at decent clubs. I have been quoted that high as well but usually a sign of a bad vip if they quote you that much right off the bat. I find there is a lot of room for negotiation at BR.
review comment
6 months ago
avatar for fenwayfav
Nice Wed afternoon visit
Is the old Egypt back or is this a new Egypt?
review comment
6 months ago
avatar for dmoney23456
New York
Moved to my top spot in New England
Tuchman - yes they get nude on stage. VIP is referenced in the review ($100 to the house per 30 minutes and whatever is decided between you and the dancer - usually ranging $100 - $300). $35 - $45 lap dance reference was for other clubs such as Cadillac Lounge and other places that have jacked up their lap dance prices - which IMO hurts their business because less people are getting dances there from what I've noticed. Boardroom is smart and keeps it at a clean $20 with dancing being good where you usually end up dong a few with a dancer. Better quality at a lower cost = my new favorite spot.
review comment
6 months ago
avatar for CryptoBrah
Desire Compendium
Bria has been around - she's mostly nights. I've seen mix reviews on here but she's always been cool and laid back in my experience. She seems a little shy on approaching people so if you are interested just go up to her because she doesn't seem to do the initiating to people she doesn't know. I think that gives some people an unfriendly vibe but really not the case. She also does one of the better stage performances here.
discussion comment
6 months ago
avatar for Badabing Crosby
Badabing Crosby
New York
Went by Valentina. But there’s a new Valentina at CD now I believe.