
Couple of newbie ZN questions.

Parts Unknown
I'm heading to ZN for the first time in a few weeks and have been reading up as much as I can but there's a few of questions that I still have.

1. I've booked a room at Cascadas but I want to be able to visit Adelitas and Chicago Club also. If I find a gem at one of those two clubs, can you take those girls to Cascadas or do you have to go to the rooms associated with each club?

2. I'm not exactly clear on how the whole meseros thing works. How exactly do they facilitate things between the monger and the ladies. When and how much should they be tipped?

3. How difficult is it to arrange for a 2 girl session. I've read mixed things about girls either being into it or not at all into it. Is this something I should ask the meseros about? Any tips from experienced 2 girl mongers would be appreciated.

Also, I'm planning to bring about $1000 cash for two days. Does this seem like a reasonable amount or is there a significant benefit to increasing that amount? (I understand that I shouldn't have it all on me at once. I have a plan for that.)

Thanks to everyone who contributes here. I've learned a ton and would never feel as prepared to go if it weren't for y'all sharing your knowledge


  • Phandy
    3 years ago
    1, No you will have to pay the $20ish fee for each of those short term rooms if you take a girl up.
    2. Meseros are waiters. They try to constantly sell you food, higher price bottles, push ladies to drink faster. You tip them max $1 on top of any drink order.
    3. Not hard to make it happen, very hard to make a good session happen. Finding 2 girls into making out with each other and you isn’t the easiest. Finding 2 girls to take up who you go back and forth with is easy.
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    Fred, Phandy gave you some good answers, though I thought he seemed a little too hard on meseros. He's not wrong in what he said, but they're not worthless. They all speak English, and if you don't speak Spanish, they can help you a lot with the girls -- and for a mere $1 tip will help you find what you're looking for. If you want a threesome, ask the mesero to ask the girls specific questions. Be frank about what you want to do -- neither the meseros nor the girls will be shocked, believe me. These places are, after all, legally operating as brothels.

    In regard to your last question, if you bring $1,000 in cash for two days of fun in La Zona Norte, you should be able to have the time of your life for that. The benefit of bringing more is that you will likely not be put in the spot of running out and wishing you had brought more. Yes, I know there are ATMs in ZN, but why hassle with that? But going back to my original comment about funds, unless you are such a stud that you plan to fuck more than 10 girls in two days, $1,000 should be sufficient for an epic trip. Go, have fun, and bring back some good stories for us!
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    My $0.02: If you stick with one or two meseros and tip them consistently, they can be a lot of help in finding girls. One potential downside is that the more eager ones might start bringing a steady stream of girls to you who may or may not fit what you're looking for. If that's an annoyance, just tell them. As far as picking out a pair for a threesome, you're only going to know for sure it looks good by talking to the girls together. It means buying a pair of fichas instead of just one each time, but it's worth the investment.

    %1000 will pretty much guarantee a good time over two days unless you try hard not to have one. :-)
  • FredEttish
    3 years ago
    Thanks for the answers everyone. I hope I have some great stories to report on when I get back.
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    mongo1964 said, "As far as picking out a pair for a threesome, you're only going to know for sure it looks good by talking to the girls together." Excellent point -- this is absolutely essential.

    Your chances of having a *successful* threesome are pretty much nonexistent if you or a mesero are putting together random girls who don't already know one another (and may not necessarily be comfortable with and/or attracted to other women). Look for pairs of girls who are already friends -- or ask a girl you're interest in if she has a friend working in the club right then -- and ask them, together, specific questions about what they like to do and tell them what you want to do. Don't worry if the friend is not *exactly* your type. The key is that the girls have to be comfortable with one another, naked and engaged in sexual acts with you and/or with each other. Without that baseline level of comfort, this is probably not going to work that well.

    I've taken pairs of girls arriba a number of times in Tijuana, some more successfully than others in terms of what they would do with each other (though, still, all of those encounters were unbelievably exciting for me). One more note about threesomes: Bring plenty of condoms. Understandably, even if the girls are best friends, most girls will want you to use a fresh condom when it's their turn to be penetrated.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    Having sex with two women at once is just mathematically complicated, it sometimes doesn’t work as expected.

    You should have reasonable expectations and see it as a learning experience. Be willing to fail and learn from it, and if you want, try again later.

    I suggest to you to make it work like you are a producer/director/male pornstar making a adult movie of a threesome.

    You should know that most porn movies are directed and choreographed. Be the director/actor and if you have a sample porn movie that you like to replicate show the movie to the girls and tell them that is watch you want them to do. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words.

    Like others have said, it is a good idea to find two girls that are “friends” and willing to work together with/for you.

    Just remember nothing is going to be like you have imagined, it could be better or worst, just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best and you will be fine.

    And remember pics or it didn’t happen.

  • besmitty
    3 years ago
    I had my first TJ experience a few weeks ago and wrote an article (check it out if you want, some good tips) but I'll weigh in a little here. My article expands on more on the reasons I'm giving such as bottle service.

    1 - I didn't really use the maseros other than ordering drinks (and on that note, I recommend bottle service if you plan on staying at one club the majority which I did at HK). Instead, I used a translator app on phone which I found most girls had on their phones as well. They're used to Americans not speaking english so the app works fine. I'd say the benefit of the masero would be you can tell him what kind of girl you like (light skin, dark skin, big ass, big tits, natural look vs enhanced, etc). Also tell the masero what you're looking for specifically... i.e. I want to have a 1 hour threesome with 2 girls who are friends and willing to kiss each other, touch each other, etc. I want oral with condom from both and sex with both (or you'll hear "completo" or "everything" from girls). The more specific, the better.

    2- Girls from HK you can take to room at cascadas (make sure to tell the staff when checking in the girl that you have a room and you wont pay room fee). I believe tropical bar is affiliated with HK so maybe you can bring those girls to Cascadas? Not sure, maybe someone can answer that for you.

    3 - $1000 may be great for you maybe not enough...all depends on what you want to do. My first time was few weeks ago as I mentioned. I spent 2 days in San Diego and 2 1/2 in TJ. I had $1000 total and came home with money (I also posted about a bank ATM in TJ if you need ATM). If I recall, I had 3 girls from HK and 2 street girls (3 of which were 1 hour sessions). Went to a decent restaurant, had plenty of street food, got a legit massage, 2 nights at cascadas hotel (mon/tue are 70% off with VIP card) , paid for VIP card, and a ccouple bottles for bottle service. Also paid for fichas for the women which I recommend if you see a girl you are thinking of taking upstairs. Even 1 ficha may give you an indicator if you're into each other and will make for a fun time upstairs. If you buy a ficha and you're not clicking, you saved $70-90 for the half hour. good investment if ya ask me. Now that I've had my 1st experience in TJ I feel I could have a great time with $500-600 over 2 days.if you can work it out $80/half hour with the girls, you could take 4-5 girls arriba, pay for hotel, and eat/drink very nicely... but first go around I'd bring $1000 to be safe. Just make sure to drink bottled waters if you'll be drinking alcohol bc the drinks keep coming, quickly.

    I'm making my next trip on Labor Day and I'll prob have just as much fun with half the money now that I have a decent idea of what I'm doing. Good look amigo.
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    Bar Tropical girls can go to Cascadas. Oddly, some of the girls might not know that.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Best way to get a 3some. Buy fiche drinks for a girl you like. Ask her if she has a friend. Then she will pick a girl that she is wiling to do the 3some with. 3somes are only fun when the girls like each other. I'll do it a few times when I go there. Haven't been in a while and I miss it.
  • JAprufrock
    3 years ago
    Some excellent advice on here from TJ and HK experts, especially on threesomes, advice that I will take to heart when I'm there, hopefully next month, and seeking my first-ever threesome.

    Question: How about asking two ladies sharing the stage in a shaving cream show for a threesome, assuming you're attracted to them? If they're inserting a dildo into each other and licking that vanilla syrup off each other pussies, they'll probably work well together in the threesome.

    I also agree with @CJKent in keeping expectations in check. It might not be the greatest experience, but it's worth trying at least once in your life, if you haven't already. No better place than HK to do it, in terms of value. In the Greater Toronto Arena, a threesome with escorts will run about $600/hour Canadian (about $475 U.S.)

    @EastCoaster is spot on about communicating your desires in detail (use Google translate if necessary). Be blunt, as direct as possible. No reason to be shy. This place is like no other. I failed to do this my first time there four years ago and it resulted in a disastrous arriba with a hot but ridiculously restrictive gal. Since then, I've spelled out every sexual act I want to partake in (through Google translate)and haven't been disappointed.
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    ^ Arizona Turd Blossom, just stay in your mom's basement and STFU. Your comments about TJ have no value whatsoever on this forum.

    ^^ JAprufrock, I think asking the shaving cream show girls to do a threesome is a fine idea, for the very reasons you mentioned. I haven't done that myself, but I could see it working. Hmm, I suddenly feel the urge to fly to the West Coast again...
  • OrangeClown
    3 years ago
    Gentlemen, you'll have to excuse my homeboy, @Desertswallows. He's just envious of Mexican gals because of all the cock they're treated to.
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