Rare sighting- Hot girls working out in a Planet Fitness/

avatar for nickifree
Making it even more stranger is that this was on a Saturday afternoon. There were perhaps eight or nine guys, but about 15 gals- all young, fit and good-looking. I've never been a gym gawker but this time I couldn't help it.

I'm meeting up with one of them later this afternoon for Pilates. I didn't ask, but she clearly displayed her wedding ring. Oh well, that's not stopping me. If this keeps up, gym going might replace my strip club visits.


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avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I thought Planet Fitness was one of those gyms that frowned on fraternization inside their gym ? I know they have rules on what girls can wear inside the clubs. They don't want to make the unfit feel bad about how they look. Maybe they are different in Texas.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I don’t like to gawk when I workout either. I bring a roll of singles - and tip the hotties who catch my eye. If a girl frowns - I assume she’s a lesbian - and I know she’s not interested in hot sausage…
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
If you're paying attention to women in a gym, you are not working out hard enough.
Put more weight on the bar and stop being a creep and a pussy.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Tetra, we gotta get some motivation to keep doing it !
avatar for Cristobal
4 years ago
@tetradon you have to do something during rest time in between sets, looking at hot chicks is at the top of the PL list.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
^ If your focus is on your dick rather than acing your next set, you're doing it wrong.

The gym is my time to be alone with my tunes and hundreds of kilograms of iron.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Ha ha - there’s time after you work out at the juice bar to fraternize. Not sure if the have that at Planet Fitness.
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Remind me never to work out with Tetra. Jesus, you act like your dick doesn't work when you step inside a gym. I understand focus but when the gym suddenly fills up with a bunch of fit women wearing skin tight tops and leggings I think even Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger would take notice.

I admire your dedication, but right now you sound like SJG, telling us that admiring women in the gym is a chump's game. Of course no one should be doing long ass stares and straight up gawking. But I believe you can quickly check out women and still achieve your fitness goals in the gym.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
^ Please don't work out with me, I don't want to keep taking my 45s off the bar when it's your turn :)

I notice hotties in the gym too, but they're part of the scenery. Even if we're mongers, I hate the stereotype that all men are slaves to our penises.
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Jesus, you sound like even more of a meathead with that first statement. It's all good buddy, congrats on your heavy lifting amounts.

However your second statement contradicts what you were saying earlier. You originally posted as you though you give women in the gym no attention at all, and anyone who does is 'doing it wrong'. Now you say you do notice them. Yes they're part of the scenery, and it's beautiful scenery that I take in once in awhile. It doesn't mean we're 'slaves to our dicks'.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
You have to admit my "meathead" comment was a good comeback, lol

Part of the scenery is different than paying attention to.

Are you in Denver? My buddy says lots of hooking up at his old gym there. And chlamydia and herpes.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I used to see hot girls at the gym all the time. I have a small home gym I use now. It's the one thing keeping my mind straight
avatar for LoverBoyPizza
4 years ago
"i thought there were hot girls at every gym?"

There are lol

I have used all the big chain gyms over the past 20 years (Bally's, PF, LA Fitness, etc..)

You always get a full mix of clientele usually because the local gyms are way more friendly to heavy lifters, then classes that most women like to take as a supplement to their workout routine.

I usually will check out a girl I think is hot when I go to PF. But other then a few glances I am more into my workout. IRL chances of me talking let alone pulling a coffee date, or some shit are nil so I wouldn't even bother.
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