

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Now that all of the excess stimulus and enhanced unemployment money has washed out conditions have improved dramatically with a lot more hungry girls back to work. While this is of course a good thing, it has had unintended consequences on my clubbing activities.

I have to admit that I've been binging a lot lately. With: (1) the return of a former favorite who is quite skilled; (2) finally landing a girl who I wanted for years; (3) yet another girl who has recently been doing me right; and (4) now a potential fourth little hottie who I sense is just a hairsbreadth away from saying yes to OTC, I've spent way too much time and money on strippers this past month.

It's time to reign it in now. It hasn't caused me any serious financial or other harm yet but it's only a matter of time if I keep going at this pace. It's not just the money - my alcohol consumption has gone up in similar proportions. Just like I can't eat every good entrée at the buffet just because it's available, neither can I keep banging this many hot ass strippers just because they're now hungry.

Has anyone else slide into this type of situation? Share your stories, or of course some of you can just choose to troll the thread - lol. 😁


  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    I've been binging like crazy spending a small fortune.

    1. The shutdown taught me how easily spending time with the honeys can be taken away.

    2. I believe prices for LDs will soon go up so enjoying it while I can.

    3. I've reached a state of full SC nirvana where I know how to have a great time with the talent.

    I too need to slow down a little.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Reign - a period of rule. Rain - wet drops falling from the sky. - Rein - used to control a horse. I needed to slow down, but 2 weeks ago I lost interest completely and stopped.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    Similar story here… have been on a binge of late. Not quite done yet though!
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    I've kinda had a similar situation with sugaring recently . Broke up with a girl two months ago that I was pretty excluding with. Got back on Seeking and have had a Ball the past two months. Seen a lot of girls recently. Now I think I've settled on one to be exclusive with again.

    Having a single sugar babe on a monthly allowance is actually a very economical way to get some extra activity. It's also a lot like having a girlfriend though. The good and the bad parts.
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    First world problems
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    @iknowbetter: lmfao... got it in one!
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “With: (1) the return of a former favorite who is quite skilled; (2) finally landing a girl who I wanted for years; (3) yet another girl who has recently been doing me right; and (4) now a potential fourth little hottie who I sense is just a hairsbreadth away from saying yes to OTC,”

    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


    Good times, good times.
  • busta_nut
    3 years ago
    What RD said... also get it while you can because the Mask Police and the shutdowns are looming again.. js
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    My clubbing habits are back to where they were prior to March 12, 2020. About twice a week during the day time. But I'm not really bingeing. I'm spending less because the quality and quantity has not come back and mileage is down while prices have gone up. In some cases prices have doubled and I just won't pay that much. I keep going looking for improvements.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I've clubbed my ass off last few months. It's become my "weekend afternoon if I have nothing better to do activity."

    Like anything else, it gets repetitive. I'm going to check out some new clubs when I travel, and let my local clubs replenish talent.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    I’m someone who prefers seeing my regulars. They seem to have stopped stripping. Only one of my many regulars has reappeared post pandemic and I haven’t even seen her for a few weeks.

    At some point, I might start restocking my pool of regulars but, for now, I’m taking a break.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    I like being a regular. In fact, I have such a reliable girl that she is the only one I have seen this past year. She knows to treat me right as I am hassle free income, albeit infrequent due to my busy schedule. I was even offered to satisfy her needs for free. She is insatiable, so there really is no other reason to check out any other club(or dancers) with such reliable customer service as a regular. I bet I’m not her only satisfied customer!
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    In an ideal world I also like to have one or two great "go-to" girls, at least until I get bored and look for the next one. But each one of the girls above has a fatal flaw which keeps her from being the one.

    The first works inconsistently due to a controlling BF, who also monitors her coms. I just never now if/when she will be out again.

    The second also works inconsistently as she has a F/T day job. Perhaps more important though is that she's a little too pricy for routine consumption when all of my other options are much more reasonable.

    The third girl is my backup when I have an immediate itch to scratch, but not my ideal and I suspect a little higher volume than I prefer.

    My hope is that the 4th can become what these three cannot, which is a great regular option. We shall see.

    It has been a confluence of events which has had me bouncing between all of these girls around the same time, but I really do need to slow down now. Hopefully I can land a good go-to option soon and then cull the herd a bit.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    I consider the last several years of my clubbing as a long binge. I went to a club 2-3 times a week and got 2-4 dances per visit during this time. Then when nicespice was in town I went daily or every other day for a couple of weeks. That was the peak of my binging.

    It was a good run but I don't see myself going back to it. My clubbing is much more infrequent nowadays. I'll go to clubs on rare business trips and special occasions which is how it was for years.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    My favorite has always had certain lines she wouldn’t cross. During the pandemic, she seems to have separated from her husband and is now open to all sorts of fun. A nice surprise.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    I can't say that I "binged" per se, but there was a bit of an uptake during the shutdown. Remaining fully employed, with almost no activities on which to actually spend money, whilst the dancers themselves were scrambling to find *part time* work in a contracting economy meant there was nearly always someone available, even some who were absolute "no way" types before.

    I have, in fact, slowed down recently, but it's mostly because of some other stuff on the horizon for which I need to prepare.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    My clubbing for the past 10 days is no different than the amount of clubbing I did when I was 7. I assume I am not done for good, but clubbing right now holds no appeal to me and I hope it stays this way, knowing it won't.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I think a year of not clubbing has made me realize there’s a lot of things I enjoy, as a result I’ve been hitting the clubs much less, and most of the time something else attracts my attention I really don’t care most of the time whether they’re open or not.
    It helps that I have not lacked for female companionship and have a long time relationship with a few ladies.
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    Meat72 ad Mark94, we need to talk! PLs share intel!
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