
The Role of Alcohol

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To me there is nothing more fun than working up to a great finale by drinking with that night's favorite contestant. Alcohol loosens inhibitions all around and just makes everything better.

Just the other night I was finalizing arrangements with a gal who I wanted for some time. Apparently her cashflow needs recently increased because she's paying off a car that she wrecked in a DUI while also springing for new transport. I sympathized with her and when bartender came around for her drink order I made it a double - for cost efficiency of course since a double in this club is only a few bucks more. I told her that I was fine with her nursing it, but of course the nursing didn't last long and then we were off to the races. 😉

Oh the joys of alcohol in a strip club, especially late at night. A few double shot drinks can be better lubrication than a tub of Astroglide. 😁


  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    We still use plenty of our astroglide to play greased bouncers don't we Ricky 😉
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Rick, if you need alcohol to make things work for you, then you have got a real problem.

  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Alcohol, making ugly people attractive since the 1600s.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    Cheers! It's fun when you find a dancer to have a few drinks with an reciprocates.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I would say the stupidity can work both ways. I’ve certainly been on the wrong end of it
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    TIL: Alcohol was invented in the 1600s :)
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    He probably just picked a century out of the air.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    I agree with muddy. I’ve benefited from girls enjoying the party vibe. Sometimes they’ve gotten too drunk and it’s had a negative impact. I’m also in clubs with the intention of making bad decisions and sometimes the alcohol has caused some really bad decisions and cost me some cash. I chalk it up to tuition for my mongering education but they are still painful memories.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I understand Rick’s post - and I agree.

    As mentioned above - dancers can move from sexy looking girls to full on party girls after a few strong drinks.

    The challenge is determining where the sweet spot is - so the dancer remains in party mode - and doesn’t deteriorate to a sloppy mess.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Drinking with an hot stripper is definitely one of my goals. My end goal is different from Rick's -- I don't OTC right after a shift, typically, I am trying to set up OTC for a different day when she's fresh. In the club, I'm trying to get her in a party mood, loosen myself up a bit, and get as much mileage as I possibly can in the back. Agree with everyone that a lot of these girls are not fun drunks, so keeping them in the "buzzed to very buzzed" zone is critical.

  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    Definitely prefer the girls who drink...not to the point of getting sloppy, blackout drunk, but having a few of them is nice. If a girl comes over and sits w/me and says she doesn't drink, kind of a buzzkill because I'm usually in when it's relatively slow in the early evenings, and not looking to immediately get dances. Shots or "cheers" is a good ice breaker. I dunno, they're usually much more into it after a couple drinks, building a bit of a rapport, having some laughs, almost like they're enjoying themselves and not working (imagine that!).

    Not even remotely into drugs...any of them. But damn if I didn't wish I had some on me when, after a few drinks and mid-lap dance at my favorite local club, which is apparently "known" to be unfriendly re: mileage and extras (could've fooled me!), the girl asked if I had any blow because she liked how it felt underneath her and wanted to do a line off of it. Alas, I've always been more of an iced tea guy than a Coke guy... Bummer.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    "Definitely prefer the girls who drink...not to the point of getting sloppy, blackout drunk, but having a few of them is nice. If a girl comes over and sits w/me and says she doesn't drink, kind of a buzzkill "

    Drinking with the stripper is a pretty big part of my fun. As a result, if she won't drink, I thank her and move on. I don't care what her excuse is -- she's a recovering alcoholic, she just got over the flu, she drank too much last night and can't drink today. If she can't drink with me, she's not the girl I'm looking for tonight. If she drank too much last night or just got over the flu -- hey, no hard feelings, I'd love to hang out in a few weeks when I'm back. Recovering alcoholic? Awesome and I wish you well in your recovery, but you're not my girl.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    During my hard partying days on day shift, there were a few dancers that would do shot for shot with me (usually Patron and I would watch the pour).

    Some of those petite ladies could drink with me all day and not seem drunk while I was hanging on to the bar to remain standing. Their tolerance was amazing.

    I've also had a few experiences with the honey turning into a mean drunk. Not fun.

    It's a blast partying with dancers. I miss those days.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    There's a dancer I talked with for a while last week who had been sober for a year. Basically was down to her last chance to stay out of jail and took it seriously. She was actually pretty good with the conversation since she'd been a waitress before she started dancing. Beautiful girl, but it was interesting having to chat without drinking to use as a crutch. She was very aware and for whatever reason seemed very self conscious. Followed my eyes, looked at the girls I glanced at while deciding how much time I wanted to spend with her. Her dances were actually pretty good, too, but I traded her out after a few songs for a dancer who looked slightly prettier on stage. Up close it was a tie. It wasn't the worst trade ever, but I'll probably look for the sober one again to see if lightning strikes twice.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Alcohol loosens girls up in general....
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    With civvys I'm all about having a couple drinks.

    With strippers I would want to have finished all negotiations before drinking. My worst value experiences all involved booze on my end.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    IME the key to not overspending when alcohol is involved is to have firmly rooted rules that you will not violate. IMHO it's about developing the discipline to stick to your guns even when a hot girl and your little head are urging you to do otherwise. Once those rules became ingrained for me (never paying upfront, no credit cards, monetary limits on various activities, etc.) they stuck no matter how much I drank, though I do also try to leave before I've had too much to drink.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Ahhhhh alcohol; the solution to and cause of of all my problems .........
  • RTP
    3 years ago
    I once got a few dances from a dancer right after the club opened. I never had dances from her before but a few other customers told me her dances were great. My dances were very tame and I mentioned to her that her reputation was for being much wilder than what I saw. She told me to come back in a few hours. She said her "wildness" greatly increases after 4 or 5 drinks.

    I actually went back, but she was very busy so I never really saw that side of her.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    A dancer once told me she has at least 13 drinks per shift so I've never tried to outdrink anyone.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    How do I make this sound like I'm not getting on my high horse... Not possible, so...

    The older I get, especially since becoming a parent of girls, the more the thought of using alcohol to get a woman to fuck me really creeps me out. The thought that someone might be doing that sort of thing to *my* daughters really kinda makes my blood boil, and none of them even work in strip clubs.

    Yeah, I know, they're in a strip club, and they get hit on all the time, and their tolerance for alcohol is higher than normal, and blah, blah, blah. Excuses.

    Am I claiming that I've never fucked a stripper who needed a little liquid courage? Hell no. Especially when I was younger and stupider, and drunk most of the time myself. Being a parent of daughters has changed my perspective on many things, and for the better in my opinion.

    And who's driving?
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    I'm partial to smoking weed with a stripper instead, but I have no issues buying a couple of rounds of drinks for us too.
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