
Strip Club Currently

avatar for Ch3ll

Im in AZ and in the Pima county area it's pretty much business as usual, pre COVID in regards to dances, seating, no masks. However, it does seem the amount of patrons and dancers hasn't got to what it was pre COVID. I was wondering if in your SCing area if it's business as usual similar to how I mentioned is there an aspect that hasn't quite returned to what you remember pre COVID?


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avatar for sexmeplease
3 yrs ago

Pretty much back to normal here in Maricopa County. Not a mask in sight. That said, quality dancers are fewer and lots of stripper babies or out of town dancers…

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I tend to hit small black clubs in Miami - I've noticed a slight decline in dancer #s in these small-dives; but the biggest-issue is dancers not approaching (not only me but any custy) - seems Covid has displaced a fair # of vet-dancers and they have been replaced by newbies that don't-know (or care?) to hustle and seem fine to sit around like they were custies

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

^ but from reading reviews of the mixed-clubs in Miami they seem closer to pre-Covid levels

avatar for Ch3ll
3 yrs ago

@Papi Chulo

That not approaching is definitely what I've experienced recently. Out of like 7 visits to different strip clubs in my area, only twice has a stripper approached me for a dance. I've only seen one familiar stripper at the strip club I frequent(ed).

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

90% back to normal in Rhode Island. You still see the occasional mask. Crowds are about the same. Some dancers from pre-Covid moved on toe other things, which is expected.

avatar for jaybud999
3 yrs ago

How is pricing going? Same as pre COVID?

avatar for Ch3ll
3 yrs ago

I'm still trying to weed out outright hustles (I know contradictory) from truth. At one club, entrance went up about $6, but domestic beer bottles are $1 all night! At this same club, dances are according to the strippers only in certain areas to include VIP and those range $20 - $30. I haven't seen a floor dance in my visits here yet.

At another club, entrance and alcohol prices are the same. However, here too according to the strippers it's only VIP dances and "Oh, you can touch and I can straddle you etc." This price ranges $30 - $40 depending on stripper and only one has quoted me $5 above the price I know it used to be, $20. Also, at this club despite most strippers saying floor isn't allowed, it is. And those normal prices $10, I got from dances of a stripper that approached me.

avatar for jackslash
3 yrs ago

The Detroit clubs I like are back to normal for the most part. There are not as many dancers and the dancers are asking higher prices.

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
3 yrs ago

Things seem almost back to normal in Baltimore. Prices seem to be at pre-pandemic levels at my usual haunts. Main loss was the closure of Players Club.

Many pre-pandemic dancers have returned and some new faces too. So similar to expected turnover.

Some clubs took the opportunity to perform maintenance or modestly improve their facilities.

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