How I budget for for the ladies.

avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Pretty simple really. I add up the cost of all my expenditures. The cost of uber to and fro, the expected amount of money I'm spending on women (this includes drinks, tips, VIPs, otcs, LD, etc abcs... ) and round it up to the nearest $100. Then I wait till I have 10x that amount of disposable income before I leave to have fun.

Not sure why I'm posting this, but i thought it'd be an interesting convo. Plus my millionaire lifestyle took a turn so budgeting is important to me all of a sudden. *sigh*


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avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Juice has a similar method. He scrounges up all the loose change in his sofa and that’s how many lap dances he’s getting that night. Only $8.09 found? Looks like it’s a video game from the Walmart $5 bargain bin instead of lap dances tonight.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
"Budget"? What is this "budget" of which you speak?

Any time I have more than $300 in my pocket, it's time for either a club trip, or to see if any of my stripper friends want to fuck instead of going to work. The latter only really works on slow weekdays, though $500 did once convince one to spend most of a Friday night with me. She had to leave at 4 to pick up her kids from the sitter, but she said she wasn't up to dealing with the "assholes who have been showing up lately." And since apparently "old, fat, and ugly" beats "asshole" she decided that hanging with me was the better deal.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
@tiburon, that is a really smart strategy! No real budget here, I bring enough for VIP plus a few dances then and try to keep drinking to a minimum.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I don't budget. I don't really spend much at clubs but still have at least $600 on me.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
My net paycheck is direct deposited into three separate accounts. One account is for my recurring expenses (enough to pay all credit cards and other bills in full every month), a second account is for mid-term savings, and the third account is for SC and OTC fun.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
I get a monthly bonus check that ranges between $500 in a bad month to $7500 in a great month that is direct deposited into a separate checking account that is strictly fun money. It pays for anything like strip clubs, poker, concerts, sports tickets and other hobbies like woodworking and fishing. With things like strip clubs, concerts, casinos and sporting events either shuttered or with too many restrictions to make them worthwhile I upped the 401k contributions from my bonus checks into my 401k which will be nice down the road.

My regular paycheck gets split 75%/25% between my regular checking account to cover bills and regular expenses and my savings account.

I used to get a separate check for mileage and per diem for my business trips that went into that hobby fund account as well, but since my company realized 99% of the stuff I traveled for could be done via MS Teams for free they have limited my travel budget significantly. Damned Covid ruined everything.
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
When I get my monthly social security check, I head for the club. That's how my money gets blown, so to speak.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I tend to not overthink entertainment. Always been a cash guy anyway, so when the mood hits I stuff a bowl, light up and go.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Sucks to hear your lifestyle took a downturn, but at least you're dealing with it sensibly. Back when I did budget, my philosophy was always have double in savings for whatever I was going to spend. $500 sound system? Extra $1,000 in savings before I make the purchase. $1,500 to travel back to my alma mater for homecoming? Extra $3,000 in savings. I'm fortunate that I would have to be making absurdly expensive purchases almost weekly to exceed my discretionary income limits.
So, no, I don't budget for clubs; but sometimes I forget to hit the ATM beforehand.
avatar for Tiburon
4 years ago
all you guys are so smart. I wish I was as cool as some of you free spenders but I don't own a home and I keep renting lambos instead of toyotas. Maybe I should switch to Corvettes even if I'm not in a midlife crisis lol. But thank you, I figured manning up was better than living in the moment. i prefer next week's moment

For your information I won't prove anything because I'm too cool for school broski...take that!
I'd tell you to suck my nagledanglers facetiously, but you probably would.

@whoody damn whoopty, where you work getting bonus checks like that? HOw don't you spend it all on blow and hookers every week? lol don't let me get $100M in my hands haha. FUCK COVID WHOOOO!
avatar for Tiburon
4 years ago
I remember why I wrote this. Because I remember hearing a lot of people complain about only being able to spend X amount of dollars because they pockets don't sit right. It's annoying because people save up for a Big screen TV but suddenly saving up for ANYTHING else is too torturous.
avatar for lt88
4 years ago
I generally spend $2k per month at clubs, and when I go I take at least $750 per visit. Not really responding to the question on budgeting but thats what I do.
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