
Hairless Apes, competition for control of females

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
That and constant female receptivity had been the central theory in primate studies going back to the 1920's. Today all of this is being challenged.

Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature

When this first came out in 1991, people I knew were writing papers about it. It is really interesting.


AC/DC High Voltage album


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The book is about medical research not being politically neutral. Which is a given. Everything us political. I don't get the title of the thread having anything to do with it
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Nancy Tanner, On Becoming Human

    Reporter Alex Berenson Explores the Secrets Fauci and the NIH Hid from the Public, 4 days ago, Australian News

    The biggest ass clown in this is Gavin Newsom. With his gaslighting and grandstanding, he tried to turn all of CA into a 40 million bed mental hospital.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    also, Adrienne L. Zihlman

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    600,000 Americans died from the virus so far. If it weren't for the mitigation efforts it would have been worse. I think the lockdowns didn't go far enough and we reopened too soon.

    The one thing that should have been passed on a national level is a bill making employers recall all workers at the same pay rate shifts seniority benefits etc as before. Also rent forgiveness
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    I bumped and liked this! ^^^
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ ICEE has started liking his own posts. He needs a friend.

    Dave_Andersom likes his own posts too. He also needs a friend.

    You two go and be best buddies.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Radical Evolution, by Joel Garreau


    Talk about life expectancy going to 150 years, and with the vitality of a 35yo. Talk abut life expectancy going to 5000 years. Talk about re-growing limbs.

    Lots of crazy stuff. Lots of it tied to DARPA.

    GRIN, Genetic, Robotic, Information, Nano-Tech.

    Of course the most crazy of them is Ray Kurzweil. Bill Joy is the nay sayer, and he comes off real well. The one who really comes off the best is someone who's writings I had not been previously impressed with, Jaron Lanier.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    How are scorpions biologically classified?

    Arthropods form the phylum Euarthropoda, which includes insects,
    arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans

    How are scorpions classified?



    classifying scorpions as arachnids

    classifying Silverfish as insects, and insects is a class.

    classifying pill bugs as terrestrial crustaceans



    still classifying as crustacean


    Iron Cross



    Stairway to Heaven, no acoustic guitar

    Shocking Blue - Venus, rare version, played with only what you see on stage, and no unbelievable video cuts. Actually live, not for the television studio
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Nick Bostrom
    Paths, Dangers, Strategies



    Deep Purple - New York 1973 - Full Concert
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Nick Bostrom
    Paths, Dangers, Strategies

    Good, starts doing a good review of artificial intelligence ideas. I say that because I have never really gone along with it. It is a shameful legacy of hype and foolishness.

    He does highlight the late Hubert Dreyfus, UC Berkeley expert in Martin Heidegger. He had to move from MIT to UCB, because at MIT they were afraid his ideas might get in the way of their military funding.

    Does show the history of computer game playing. Yes, chess had been the thing they all looked to. Today, with IBM's Deep Blue, they can beat any human chess player. But it still does not think like a human being. Interesting. Other games I think they could get super human playing ability if they tried.

    The one they still do not have yet is Go, Asian game. Still can't match human playing ability.



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Matt Ridley's original book:


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    This book is proving extremely difficult for me to read. He goes into territories which are totally alien to me.

    Nick Bostrom
    Paths, Dangers, Strategies

    He wants superintelligence, meaning greater than human intelligence, even greater than any intelligence which has ever lived.

    He wants to do it with digital machines, but not clear that this could happen.

    He wants to do it with things like Invitro Fertilization. To me that is like breeding pedigree dogs, only more extreme. Not really that healthy or robust.

    Doing it by communications technologies and better education, that is fine. This is already happening.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    GOP Urges SCOTUS To Criminalize Your Sex Life (w/ Michelangelo Signorile)


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Diabetes for Dummies, by Alan L. Rubin MD

    I face a risk factor from years of horrible diet. I blame no one except myself, but it was part of a culture of working around the clock.

    Also, my favorite mode of transportation is the bicycle. I am again though not getting to ride as much.

    They say the US has 90 million pre-diabetics. And most have no idea that this is so. If diet and exercise correctives are made at this point, the process can be reveresed. So I need to learn how to gague my status. I need to understand.


    look at the various models used for the different colors
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Reading Diabetes for Dummies, 5th edition, by Alan L. Rubin


    This is a complex subject, and this book has altered my understanding of it. I am only here going to speak about Type 2 Diabetes.

    I had thought that bad diet and exercise habits were a big factor in causing Type 2 Diabetes. Reading this it seems not to be so. Rather, bad diet and exercise lead to high glucose level, and these are what cause all the associated problems. And these problems are real serious. But the tendency to get Type 2 Diabetes in the first place seems to be genetic.

    If you father only has it, 4% chance. If your mother only, 10% chance. If a sibling has it, 40% chance. If your identical twin has it, 100% chance.

    If you have Type 2 Diabetes, with very good diet and exercise, you may be able to eliminate all the consequences. But you will always still have it.

    One thing which seems to happen in Type 2 is that you become resistant to insulin. Your pancreas may make enough, it may even be fatigued from making too much. But you are resistant to it, and so it does not have the full intended effect. Even externally injected additional insulin, though it may help, it still does not have the full effect.

    So what happens comes down to diet and exercise. Added sugar is bad. But there is no an unconditional condemnation of sugar. It is more about carbohydrates and loosing any excess weight.

    There is not criticism of pasta. He even says that pasta and legumes can be used as a substitute for potatoes.


    He gives a small cookbook. And some of the dishes have been given by much loved restaurants in his native San Francisco.

    He has a number that are salads only, no meat. He has a number of fish dishes and one chicken. He has one beef dish, rather like Chinese broccoli beef.

    Mostly what he wants to do is control the portion size, bring it down.

    I look at some of these and they say it will feed four. Well way back when I was married, we had dishes like that. We would double it, and then between the two of us we would eat most of it in one sitting. The rest we would save to reheat the next day.

    I think many people habitually just eat more food than they need.

    Anyway, the consequences of diabetes are very very serious. There are lot of foot amputations. There is surgery for increasing blood circulation to the feet. There are eye problems and nerve problems, and I add that there is a shortened life expectancy.

    The most extreme are these metabolic surgeries. These seem oriented toward controlling obesity. But some doctors today look at diabetes as a surgical condition.

    You may not be able to avoid diabetes if you have the genetic tendency. But by good diet and exercise you can likely avoid all the problems associated with it.

    This book also dispels the myth that people with diabetes have more colds. Factors which do contribute to having more colds are being a child, and especially if your parent(s) smoke, and being exposed to second hand smoke.


    More about declining sexual capability and ED

    Texas Abortion Ban

    TJ Street



    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Roger W. Sperry

    Both human and animal brains have two halves with somewhat different functions. One way Roger Sperry studied these functions was by examining patients whose hemisphere-connecting nerves had been severed to alleviate serious epilepsy. By the 1960s, he could reveal that the left hemisphere is more geared toward abstract and analytical thought, calculation, and linguistic ability, while the right hemisphere is more important for comprehending spatial patterns and complex sounds like music

    Guger Technologies Austria, EEG to computer interface.






  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Someone is recommending this

    Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life Paperback – July 14, 2020
    by Justin J. Lehmiller


    Sounds very interesting so I am going to read it.

    This is also good:


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Loving every second of this, and blasting through the pages. Only thing which slows me down is my belly laughing.

    Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life Paperback – July 14, 2020
    by Justin J. Lehmiller


    Lehmiller has also written:


    And he has a popular blog:

    I wish I had read his book decades ago!

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ endorsing Tell Me What You Want:

    Wednesday Martin, "Primates of Park Avenue" and "Untrue"

    Christopher Ryan, "Sex at Dawn"

    Ian Kerner, "She Comes First"

    David J. Ley, "The Myth of Sex Addiction"

    Eli J. Finkel, "The All-or-Nothing Marriage"

    Geoffrey Miller, "The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature"



    Justin J. Lehmiller

    Talks about sexual fantasies. Lots and lots of women have BSDM fantasies, things extremely masochistic, seeking to loose sense of self, and including about things which would appear to be non-consensual.

    Dancer at Sunnyvale Hip-Hugger was telling me all about hers.

    Most Popular

    1. Multipartner Sex

    2. Power Control and Rough Sex (including fantasies about Forced Sex)

    3. Novelty, Adventure, and Variety

    4. Taboo and Forbidden Sex

    5. Partner Sharing and Nonmonogamous Relationships

    6. Passion and Romance

    7. Erotic Flexibility - Specifically, Homoeroticism and Gender-Bending

    pg 232

    Pornography is an easy target to blame for almost every sexual problem, but it's not the right one. Don't waste your time and energy fighting the porn industry - fight against poor sex education instead.

    Book: Fifty Shades of Grey, and film adaptation. Women seem to like this. Seems to be a series

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    pg 215

    So to be perfectly clear, porn is not the enemy here. The problem with porn is when it ends up serving as a substitute for sex education, which is precisely what is happening in far too many parts of the United States today.
    Porn is really only dangerous in the absence of accurate sexual knowledge.
    So what does and effective sex-education program look like? Americans would do well to take a cure from the Dutch, who have developed what should be the model for teaching kids about sex throughout the industrialized world. In the Netherlands, rates of sexually transmitted infections, pregnancies, and abortions among teenagers are a tiny fraction of what they are in the United States, and it's because the Dutch are having sex education, the more information kids receive, the better -- the real danger comes from not providing enough information. A lack of information is what makes our kids vulnerable to the misconceptions about sex and the human body spread by porn ...
    A quick point of clarification: "comprehensive" sex education doesn't necessarily have to get into the nitty gritty of all sexual desires that people might have, like threesomes, BSDM, and the numerous other interests...
    what's important is that they help students (1) recognize that sexual diversity exists, (2) learn the importance of consent, and (3) build strong communications skills so that they're comfortable having intimate conversations with partners in the future.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    pg 159ff

    Sexual disorders -- including low libido, problems becoming and staying aroused, and difficulty reaching orgasm -- are among the most common health issues facing Americans today. Increasingly, we are turning to the pharmaceutical and supplement industries for help managing them because sexual problems are widely seen as having biological causes and thus, necessitating medical fixes. This is why drugs designed to treat sexual problems -- like Viagra and Cialis -- have become among the best-selling medications on the planet. While these drugs certainly deserve a spot in our treatment arsenal, they are vastly overused. The reality is that most sexual disorders actually have a psychological-- not physiological--causes.

    (I have been saying this for as long as I have been posting on this forum )


    I Don't Need No Doctor (live) - Humble Pie
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ I wish I had read this decades ago and gotten in touch with my own sexual desires. Then no way could I have lost decades of my life married to the sort of woman I got hitched with.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    A good earlier support for Tell Me What You Want, I would find in Susie Bright.


    Bright has written many books, and I have listed to her on NPR. She has herself been it at least one porno movie, and she has been a reviewer of porno movies. She has edited a number of volumes of women's erotica. And Susie Bright is her real name.

    Nothing in Tell Me What You Want suggests sex with anyone you do not respect. Those who engage in BSDM role playing have to have closer and more respectful relationships than others do.


    November 2019. Talks about Los Angeles, and also talks about two locations in Virginia:
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I do not like this Ro Khanna and I opposed his election. He is not a progressive, he is a neo-liberal.

    You can't listen to him and not feel you just want to tell him to STFU. What he is saying now is complete bullshit.


    The local people behind him were all Republicans who present themselves as Democrats so that they can get elected.

    This is an old book well worth reading:

    The Battle and the Backlash: The Child Sexual Abuse War Paperback – October 1, 1989
    by David Hechler

    The battle and the backlash : the child sexual abuse war / by David Hechler (1988, widely disseminated)


    Joni Mitchell, Amelia
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    A change in CA law, and long over due too!


    Jeff Anderson has long been a leader, cutting the Catholic Church to pieces diocese by diocese.

    California Child Victims Act



    State Legislature had passed things like this, though maybe not going this far. Anyway, Jerry Brown, a former Roman Catholic Seminarian, had always vetoed it.



    70s Electric Miles Davis Mix (Jazz, Jazz Funk, Jazz Rock, Fusion..)
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Here, Sacramento, Dec 2021
    See Survivors Call On Sacramento Catholic Diocese To Name Priests Accused Of Abuse


    70s Electric Miles Davis Mix (Jazz, Jazz Funk, Jazz Rock, Fusion..)
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Vlog: Attorney Mike Reck Looks Back on Year 1 of the California CVA

    Advocates and Survivors' Attorneys to Address California's New Child Victims Act Law Signed by Gov.

    Marcia Hamilton, SOL Reform


    CA has moved way forward!

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Sciatic Nerve

    How the Sciatic Nerve is Affected
    The sciatic nerve may be irritated, compressed, or inflamed by a number of problems in the lower back, causing sciatica. Sciatica is a type of lumbar radiculopathy, which means that the pain originates from the lumbar and/or sacral nerve roots.


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Romantic Successes and Failures


  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ how long are you going to spam this board with non-sense today before the library closes? At least we will get a break tomorrow, being that it will be Sunday!
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^^ are you and Mamisan still running that Show Donkey Breeding Ranch in Tijuana?

  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    Mate Ape (or Meat Ape or whatever the fuck) I will say that I don’t take the time to read all of the San Jose Ape’s posts but I like that he acknowledges the natural hierarchy of life. You know, the whole lions are better than hairless apes thing. Give him credit where credit is due. ROAR!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    In a slut uniform the girl is trying to make you want to undress her and fuck her. But probably since you have to undress her, you will be moving her to private space.

    In an action uniform she is trying to make you want to fuck her without undressing her. So we might call this an Orgy Uniform, because you can just do her in the front room, maybe within 20' of where you first spotted her.


    <p><img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62e2ebe02a7a4" style="transform: rotate(90deg);"</p>

    <p>if you are interested: style="transform: rotate(90deg);"</p>

    So this is too much for US retail strip clubs. Even if they are nude and nude off stage, you can't do Front Room FS. Laws about public sex and lewd conduct. Retail business is a public place.

    But we can have it like this using the Membership Club Private Party Model.


    Tower of Power - What is Hip? - School of Rock AllStars Team 2 - Record Bar

    Kick Out the Jams
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