OT: Health

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
In my usual oversharing M.O.

I had mentioned in a post/review or two, that I’d been feeling a bit off lately.

I’ve had hypertension since my 20s but didn’t start taking meds till my 40s – given my history, and the fact I’d been feeling a bit off, decided to go see a cardiologist for the first time.

Given my hypertension, even w/ meds my BP is usually 130/90 or a bit above – to my surprise the nurse at the cardiologist office told me it was reading 90/70 which is too low and I’ve never had a reading that low or even close (she took it more than once).

So I was very surprised but kinda goes hand-in-hand w/ how I’ve been feeling w/ low-energy/weakness, waking up tired even when I sleep 8 to 10 hours – lightheadedness from time to time especially when I do something mildly taxing like just riding the stationary bike for a couple of minutes – plus digestion issues (soft stool and some burping, from time to time).

This was my first cardiologist visit and all he did was an EKG and ordered some additional tests for next week – beside my low-BP, to my surprise the EKG came back abnormal (low Q wave) which is the first time that’s happened (usually get an EKG once a year w/ my physical).

Anyway – obviously not asking for a TUSCL diagnosis – just wondering anyone that has experienced these symptoms and what came about it?


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avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
No such experience, but I wish you the best P_C!
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Does your BP still go up when you have some big booty ebony twerking in front of you ? But in being serious. I'm no Dr and have no experience with that. But having that much of a drop doesn't sound normal. Good luck.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
My blood pressure is normally low - until the nurse checks my prostate!

I remember from my dads medical issues - he had low BP - and his lethargic spells were due to an iron deficiency (and anemia). But I think too much iron can make stools a bit too solid.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... Does your BP still go up when you have some big booty ebony twerking in front of you ..."

Oddly enough my symptoms do diminish when I have some big-booty all over me - perhaps my insurance will pay for future SC visits since it seems to have a positive cardiovascular effect
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... My blood pressure is normally low ..."

Yeah - some people are like that - but per a preliminary websearch it seems 90/70 is too-low (even for folks with normally low BP) - it's concerning for me since I've always hovered in the high-normal range of 130/90
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Random thoughts based on my experience
-I assume they’ll order an echocardiogram
- Low BP and light headedness could be caused by something as simple as dehydration. With the weather getting warmer, that’s possible
- Diet can also play a role. Obviously caffeine. Smoking. Carbs. Blood sugar levels. Lots of interplay.
-Depending on what you take, prescription side affects can explain GI issues.
- Anxiety, Depression, and overall outlook on life can have a big influence on BP.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
As long as my BP is over 90/60, my doctor is happy. Some people just run low and that’s generally a good thing.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
When you do a search for low Q wave, it suggests heart damage from a prior event. So, the echocardiogram is needed to assess.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
"but per a preliminary websearch it seems 90/70 is too-low"

Papi, do yourself a favor and avoid DR. Google for the next couple of weeks. You don't need the stress and unproductive worries. You are seeing the appropriate specialist. The follow-up testing will shed more light on the q wave abnormality. Hope you get feeling back to normal soon.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Also, try to avoid the DR mark94s of the world.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... When you do a search for low Q wave, it suggests heart damage from a prior event ..."

Yeah - that is what the doc said; that I could have had a heart-attack at some point - further tests will hopefully yield more info good or bad but best to know what I'm dealing w/ vs not-knowing
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... can you still get a hard-on ..."

Only when I read your "Club Ad" posts
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... do yourself a favor and avoid DR. Google for the next couple of weeks ..."

Nah - I naturally have a curious mind so I rather have more info than be-in-the-dark - and I don't tend to jump to conclusions based on web-searches; I just liked being more informed vs less.

I'm 51 - not an old old guy - but I'd def be freaking out more if I was in my 30s - naturally I am taking it seriously but the older you get the more you can take things like this in somewhat stride.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Papi - you didn't say, but if you are on bp meds it sounds like your dose is too high. When I went off bp meds 2 years ago all my dizziness and tired feelings went away.
avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago
I'm in favor of Dr. Google in a situation like this if, for no other reason, it allows you to ask more intelligent questions when you see your cardiologist. I'd start by taking multiple BP measurements several times per day and plotting them on a spreadsheet to get a good idea of where your BP is on average. 70 diastolic is normal and 90 systolic is borderline low. like @Mark said, you'll most likely get an echocardiogram, next.

If you should ever have chest pain or shortness of breath, I would go to the ER.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Best wishes getting to the bottom of whatever problem. I lowered my BP meds for a while last summer during the heat.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
“… if you are on bp meds it sounds like your dose is too high …”

That’s a possibility – if it was just my BP being-low then that could have more credence; but the fact my EKG came back abnormal makes me think there may be something else there – I guess “it’s possible” the med could be causing both issues (low-bp; and abnormal ekg) but I got the feeling that may not be it – hopefully the other tests will start clearing-up things.

BTW – I take Losartan 100mg which I think it’s a pretty-strong dose (actually it looks like it’s the highest dose) – in case anyone has any experience w/ that med.

I have a BP-monitor at home that is supposed to be pretty-good – I hadn’t used it in months since it always gave me similar readings (in the same ballpark but as w/ BP-readings it fluctuates every time I take it even if back-to-back but the multiple-readings are usually fairly-close to each-other) – anyway I dusted-off my BP-monitor a little while ago and was giving me more normal-readings “for me” (high-120s/low-130s over 80s) – so IDK what is going on and if:

+ my BP-monitor is erroneous?

+ the nurse at the office didn’t take my BP-reading correctly?

+ or it could be something transitory?

When I see the doc next week I will take my home BP-monitor and compare it to their readings and see if they are out-of-whack w.r.t. each other or what – the mystery continues.

I may stop taking my BP-med for a day or two and see if it makes a difference w/ respect to my low-energy/lethargic symptoms (shouldn't be a big-issue since in the past there were many days I'd forget to take it and I didn't feel anything) - and I'll start monitoring my BP throughout the day especially when I'm feeling a bit more off than usual and see if I can catch some kinda transitory pattern.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... can you still get a hard-on ..."

I haven't seen any significant difference as of late during the time I've been feeling off (about a month) - I don't get the rockhard-erections I used to get a couple of years ago but I still get hard-erections when I watch porn or get dances - so there's a bit of a difference w.r.t. a few years ago but not a big difference where it'd raise my concern - I just assumed not getting as rock-hard as in the past years was part of turning 50
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I hope you will find the cause of your low BP. There are several very useful posts in this discussion. But it’s important to follow up and get answers.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Just be careful the meds prescribed are very potent and you need to speak to both the doctor and pharmacist about your daily dose and the reading fluctuations, just be careful because there’s something going on and you really need to be sure that you understand all of the ramifications not just what is being said here on TUSCL
avatar for CJKent_band
4 years ago

Papi a hope you feel better and get well soon.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
~ Hippocrates

“The healing power of nutrition is a combination of multiple supporting roles that synergistically and unselfishly work together. “Let food be thy medicine” has withstood the test of time because it reflects the power of nutrition to heal as it supports our physical body in its literal structure, function, and energy needs; our mind and its connection to our thoughts, beliefs, values, and behaviors; our movement as it sustains daily living on an external and internal level; and our relationships with both our own bodies, our friends and family, and our broader community of support.”

~ The Healing Power of Nutrition

avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Wish you all the best Papi. My dad had problems with high blood pressure and had several heart attacks. They say it's hereditary. By age 45 I thought I was OK, perfect BP every time. Suddenly one day I got a terrible headache. My doc told me any higher and he'd send me to the ER. I take Lisinopril 20mg and Amlodipine 10mg daily for the last 9 years. No problems since then. Maybe ask your doctor to re-evaluate your medication.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
Papi, was the 130/90 on your own home BP meter or the doctor's readings in the past? My cardiologist had me bring my own cuff in so we could compare readings. Mine was pretty accurate.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ 130/90 was w/ my home-monitor *tonight*, and in the past (months/years) at doctors' offices.

The 90/70 was at the cardiologist's office this afternoon and the only time I've gotten a reading like that
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I've been taking the Losartan-100mg for about 4 years
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... you understand all of the ramifications not just what is being said here on TUSCL ..."

Of course I won't go w/ w/e TUSCL says; I gotta wait for Juice's input
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Papi Chulo I hope it's nothing big.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Hope you better Papi. Exercise could be a good medicine.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Papi 100mg is a big dose. Ask the doctor.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
1) Has the doctor ordered labs, at least a CBC and a CMP?

2) Has the doctor checked for orthostatic BP?

3)if the nurse was the only time you ever got a low reading, then she or he should have double-checked. Can you get a BP reading at an area pbarmacy? Maybe asknyour
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Fucking post button, Founder!!

...ask your primary care doctor for a referral to another cardiologist for a second opinion
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
ALWAYS a second or third opinion in my experiences.

EKG, Stress Test, Cath (done thru the wrist these days; a breeze), Cardiac MRI if needed.

Don't mess around when it comes to the heart.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
For me Amlodipine worked much better than Lisinopril to control slightly elevated BP.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Papi, have you lost weight? Either way it sounds like the dosage needs to be adjusted.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago

Had multiple cardio tests done (including a heart-stress test, and wearing a heart-monitor for 2-weeks; plus 2 other tests) and everything came back normal.

The cardiologist had also done extensive blood-work and the only thing that came back abnormal was my Vitamin-D levels – supposedly Vitamin-D levels are to be b/w 20 & 40 (some say 30 & 50) and mine were at 11 – I assume my low Vitamin-D is from spending more time indoors thru the pandemic; supposedly the best way to get good-amount of Vitamin-D is to get some sun.

The cardiologist put me on a high-dose prescription-Vitamin-D supplement for now (once a week pill vs a cheap OTC low-dose/low-quality supplement) – I’m feeling pretty-close back to normal and not feeling the symptoms I had been previously feeling (low energy, somewhat achy muscles; etc) – I also started hitting the gym again and not feeling dizzy like I was a few weeks ago (I had started going to the gym a few weeks ago after my 2nd-vax after a year+ of not going to the gym due to Covid then stopped b/c I would get dizzy working-out and didn’t know what was going; but restarted hitting the gym again recently and not feeling dizzy anymore nor feeling odd/different like I did a few weeks back).

Need to make it a point of getting a bit of sun – I tend to avoid sunning on purpose b/c I’m very-fair skinned but supposedly it doesn’t take much sunning for one’s body to produce adequate levels of Vitamin-D – especially downhere in sunny Miami 10 to 15 minutes per day maybe 3x/wk should do.

I had been hearing of issues of low Vitamin-D and its deleterious-effects for a few years; seems it’s an issue in our sun-adverse mostly-indoor society – I don’t recall if my GP has tested me for Vitamin-D (need to look at some of my old labs) – anyway if you have also been indoors a lot-more over the last year perhaps you should make sure your Vitamin-D levels are not too-low b/c it seems to be an important-vitamin one should not be low on.
avatar for RockAllNight
3 years ago
Glad to hear that your tests came back with good results. I was scheduled for a similar battery of cardio tests next week. However, had to cancel today because I tested positive for COVID. I was vaccinated in Jan/Feb and the symptoms are extremely minor. Tough to quarantine when you don't feel bad.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^^ The cure for COVID is sleep, just like the cure for the flu. The sooner you hit the mattress, the faster your recovery can be.


Blatant Lip Sync, and a Shameless Pretty Boy Croner. Still nice to list to some.
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