New Orleans strip club offering contract bonuses due to exotic dancer shortage.

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At least one gentleman’s club in New Orleans is offering signing bonuses to new and returning entertainers to combat what they call a “national exotic dancer shortage.”

“We look forward to reverting back to a seven-day per week operation, just as we were prior to COVID,” said Ann Kesler, General Manager of Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club New Orleans. “In order to do so, we need to ensure that we have an ample number of entertainers to sustain our guests, which is why we are implementing a signing incentive to both local and out of state entertainers.”

Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club on Bourbon Street is offering $1,000 incentives to any new or returning entertainer.…


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avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Anytime the government steps in to fix a problem, it generates new, unforeseen, unintended problems in other areas.

Given a little time, natural economic forces are self correcting. The solution for labor shortages is higher wages, which draws in new workers, which brings wages back to equilibrium.
avatar for docsavage
4 years ago
There are the same number of strippers in Indianapolis clubs as normal but they look worse. To keep the numbers up, they have had to lower their standards and hire girls they normally would never hire.

From what I've read, the various benefits for the unemployed add up to around thirty thousand dollars a year. We have a lot of fast food restaurants not able to get workers and I can understand why they would be reluctant to go back to work at a low paid fast food job. I'm not sure why this extends to strippers. A good stripper could make considerably more than thirty thousand a year. Are they just being lazy and deciding they would rather just collect unemployment or is something else going on? Could a lot of them have left the industry over the last year and are now working other jobs?
It's like the meme that's been making the rounds on the interwebs. A sign for Perfect 10 Gentlemens Club reads "Now hirings 8s"
avatar for rattdog
New York
4 years ago
some reasons why the quality of girls may appear to be on the down level:

-it will vary based on clubs and their locations. if the top quality girls are still in the industry they will travel to where they might have some intel that some club(s) in certain cities are worthwhile. in some cases probably earning as much pre co19. this is not the norm though in most clubs. standards will be lowered as club owners at first will allow any girl to work there without paying any house fees until the right time comes to start collecting those fees.

-if not n the industry they're somehow collecting while seeing a couple of regulars on the side. 2-3 ppm's a week will enable those girls to still live comfortably.

Even before COVID, I was noticing a decline in the quality at top-tier clubs. I suspect, and some anecdotal evidence seems to support, that the top dancers were leaving for the escort business, or for the sugar daddy / sugar baby business model. It makes sense: better control over the work environment, better and more reliable money, and no need to put up with the PLs. I am afraid the days of finding 9s and 10s at clubs, even the best ones, is gone. COVID just accelerated the process. Would be glad to be proven wrong. :)
My favorite spot just started making the dancers employees and it caused a lot of them to leave for other clubs. Wish they would offer some kind of incentive to bring the quality up to standards again. They are also getting sued by like 4 dancers so I think it may be time to find a new spot.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
@docsavage how are the strip clubs in Indy, these days? Any good ones? I went to one in 2018 but it was dead and I can't remember the name of it
Hiring bonuses, capitalism in motion.
avatar for docsavage
4 years ago
Goodyman, the best strip club here in Indy right now is Brad's Brass Flamingo but then there is a big drop off after that. There is a limited number of big spending customers here and when they decide to spend money they just go to the best club, which is Brad's. I live by PT's. I keep finding attractive girls there but then they disappear. Then later I find them at Brad's. They tell me there they left PT's because they were not making much money. Beside a drop in the quality of girls at PT's, there has been a drop in quality at the other good clubs like Dancers, Club Rio and the Pony. The clubs have too many guys now who just sit and drink. They are not doing a good job of drawing in the big spending customers. Without the big spenders, the stripper quality drops.
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