What do people mean when they say Asians are submissive?

avatar for Beat100
PS: I don't mean to offend anyone, I am only asking since you guys give insightful answers. Also, I might write essays about different cultural groups..etc.

First of, I am not Asian, however, I had Asian friends in the past, hence why I am curious.

Experience working with Asians: It seems to me that Asians form hierarchical groups. Where there's a clear leader then a secondary leader..etc. One thing I didn't appreciate about the leader is that he would yell at everyone and then the second in command as well. At least, I didn't see the leaders in the Asian group as submissive but more like bully type.


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when people say . . .

Usually means "they" don't understand the complexities of human nature, especially those from cultures different than themselves.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
The easiest way to answer this is to think about the times when you've made a decision to take an action counter to expectations others have and social norms. "Asians" have social expectations, too, except for they may be different than yours. People are going to act according to their own inclinations, limited by their tolerance for risk. Case in point, bunches and bunches of strip club hounds that use TUSCL.
I don't know that they are any more "submissive" than other people. But most Asian people that I have met tend to be more "polite" than others. So some may take that as submissive. But I have not been around that many to be honest
The Japanese have what they call "public face" and "private face". Public face us far more go along to get along.
avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago
It's a goofy stereotype propagated (mostly) by aging white men to fetishize Asian women.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Go read up on Confucius. Public order. Deference to authority. Honoring customs. Harmony.
She love you long time
I have several Asian male friends, specifically of Taiwanese, Japanese and Philippine decent. They are all alpha males, very intelligent and very successful, all of them. My white and black friends from the same group range from highly successful to, well losers in their 40s that still live with their parents. When we get together in groups the Asian guys aren’t the center of attention, much more low key, but I would not consider that submissive. In contrast it’s either the white guys that are the most successful of the group or the losers that demand to be the center of attention, the guys in the middle (i.e. normal ones) seem to always keep it classy, enjoying watching the others make fools of themselves.
Asian dancers love to play up the stereotype. One referred to her pussy as the "fortune cookie." Some even wear the Chinese qipao dress.

On the other hand, my Asian dates/girlfriends hated the stereotype and break it at every opportunity. Some of them to the point of being loud and ornery.
BTW I think there's a big difference between fresh off the boat and American born.

When I was in school, the Japanese students quickly formed a hierarchy with the oldest and most successful setting the social agenda. Another student (Korean) said she hung out with other Koreans because she forgot her English after two drinks. To each their own.
I'm Asian and have had Asian friends and in-laws from various countries of origin. I've only heard the submissive stereotype in the context of the women only. Never the men. And the stereotype is because mostly all of the Asian cultures are even more male dominated than American and European cultures. So in general Asian women are more submissive relatively speaking compared to non-Asian Americans.

This is a generality only.
Asian women overall are more likely to subtlety and slyly manipulate men than henpeck them.

In terms of wanting to be tied up and have their asses spanked in bed, number one on that is white girls with daddy issues
avatar for Beat100
4 years ago
Great insight, do you think its just daddy issues or it's a cultural thing?
This type of statement requires making a huge generalization covering a huge portion of the world population - and it’s highly prone to error.

A simple answer to the question is certain Asian folks are polite and well mannered - and that may cause outside folks to view them as submissive.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
The recurring theme of these posts is early 2010s era of “red pill” stuff. So instead of focusing on outdated harmful stereotypical thoughts from that time period...
Focus on the more recent harmful stereotypes. Asians got the COVID!!
NiceSpice for the win! I thought Blah was the one with the knives!

Smash that like button!!!
Only time I have meet an submissive Asian woman is when she was playing me. Everyone, one I have been with has been OCD and controlling.
I have friends that are Asian. they are not submissive.
You make a lot of posts that seem to come from the PUA/manosphere realm and what they have in common is that you treat presumptions as facts ... for no good reason. And your attributions for these "facts" seem to be limited to some amorphous "they say".

In much the same way that American porn isn't rougher than porn from other countries (your previous thread), Asians aren't submissive as a specific result of their genetics or culture. And I don't know anyone who routinely goes around saying that.

You should spend less time on Reddit and go for more walks. Maybe take a risk and talk to another human.
All these incel profiles are dc/cd
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