
Temperature checks

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623Since 1963 ...

I am curious, of all the public places I have had my temperature taken, I have never failed or seen anyone fail the test. Anyone here have any real life experience with that situation? What happened? Where was it?


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Avatar for misterorange

Nope. I'm pretty sure those temperature guns are just for show at most places.

Avatar for shailynn

Hey here’s a question, at what temperature does it throw a red flag?

Avatar for nicespice

^100 degrees

I did plenty of temperature checks back when I was helping with vaccine stuff. I guess people had the good sense to not be trying to get that if not feeling well. Either that or those places were already hyper diligent enough and that was already their 3rd temperature check for the day.

Avatar for samiel

Yes, I've seen people fail the temperature check at clubs. Mostly they've been workers out in the sun. All they did was wait like 10 min. and take the temperature again.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I insist on a rectal temperature be taken - for accuracy.

I prefer Astroglide - to make it more arousing...


I work at a State Prison, 3 shifts a day for over a year of temperture checks, I saw one fail and I am pretty sure that was a gaft. I did see some readings as low as 77 degrees

Avatar for goldmongerATL

I failed one at a club. This was in August or September and I had been outside in the parking lot talking to someone. She took it two more times withing 30 seconds and got three different readings around 100, 99 and 98. She just shrugged and said it was not very accurate. If she took 3-4 readings and they were all high she would send me away.

Recently at the same club I heard two guys talking as they came out. One said to the other "101.5, dude you better go to the doctor". I assume "The Dude" got turned away. Luckily the out door and the in door are widely separated and I just waited a minute for his virus cloud to dissipate. I was also fully vaccinated by then.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

77 degrees? That was one cold-hearted bastard!

Avatar for mike710

I failed on last week entering a hospital. However, they must have known the main device was having issues as they immediately scanned me with a backup device. I passed at my normal temperature of about 97.5. The rare times I've had I high temperature, I know it without taking my temperature.

Avatar for azdd

I’ve seen temperature results vary widely, usually reading low values that would indicate hypothermia if accurate. The CDC threshold for fever being a possible COVID-19 symptom is 100.4. However, fever alone is not a sentinel symptom for at least half the population, so temp checks are mostly for show.

Avatar for bkkruined

It's well known to be a poor detector of Covid-19...

But, people with a cold, the flu, denge fever, whatever the @!$# else causes a fever and higher temp should be staying home also... And I'm really not going to be upset about them not being allowed into where I am.

Avatar for gammanu95

Bkk is right. Even worse, those touchless thermometers are notoriously inaccurate. Yet, we cannot use oral thermometers because then risk would have have been too high. Thank goodness it's all but over.

Avatar for felipe609

I have had five different temperatures depending where the reading is taken: forehead, right ear, left ear, right wrist, left wrist (all with the same thermometer gun). None was over 99.9 but there was sometimes as much of a 5 degree variance. Really cold days and really hot days also affect the reading.

I am not sure if these really do anything. First, a fever does not accompany all Covid cases; second, I assume if I had a fever, I would not feel like being out and about; third, if I had a fever, and I wanted to go somewhere, all you need to do is take paracetamol or ibuprofen or aspirin and it should reduce your fever.

That said, I do not think people with a fever should really be out. They should have these at the entrance to all workplaces, and make anybody with a fever take a mandatory, paid, sick day....

The only time I've "failed" a reading is at a local place (not a bar) that requires a reading, and has a fancy model, that never fails to require five minutes and five or six attempts to even get a reading.

Avatar for loper

I took the temperature of one customer at my business that was 100.5. I was trying to decide whether to let him in, and I visualized telling him he couldn't come in, so I let him in. I guess I should have decided on a threshold ahead of time.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I’ve only had temperature checks going to my dentist. I have not asked what my temperature was - as I don’t care. I know it’s a formality - and I’m glad they do a quick scan (and have a questionnaire) to make folks feel safe (and to protect themselves).

The usual comment I get is “Wow! You are tall!”

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I failed temp checks when it a as too hot. They didn't say anything. Most places never even looked at the thermometer.

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