Hey everybody let's all just let them do whatever they want to innocent people that are just legally minding their own business.
This country is circling the drain while our so called leaders just let it happen and look the other way! It's disgusting!

BLM protesters surround white NYC diners and demand they leave the city


  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Why would you want to be subjected to that? People should vote with their feet and leave. I guess cucks and masochistics will willingly tolerate it and stay. I feel sorry for the people who can’t leave.

    Eventually, and in the not too distant future, there will be secession movements. Hopefully they will be peacefully accommodated.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    This is happening bc Democrat politicians allow it - the Democratic party is using Antifa and BLM as their paramilitary wing to do their dirty tactics - and it'll get worse unless the Republicans can wrestle away power from the Dems but the Dems will pull every dirty tactic they have-to to take control of this country including stealing elections and packing the court - all the while going after anyone standing in their way including the police and the 2nd amendment
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    This is what the Democratic party is allowing and who they are empowering:

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Antifa and BLM routinely harass and attack police and Dem politicians don't condemn them and describe them as "protesters" to protect them - then turn around and condemn the police when they respond and take power away from the police so they can't respond
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Can you imagine how great this country would be today if we didn’t have to deal with the broken legacy and culture of slavery?
    I think it would be a great subject for some alternative history sci-fi.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Papi I've seen videos online where NYC cops endured people coming up to them and throwing buckets of water on them and all they did was get in their car and drive away because they're not allowed to do anything and ignorant people wonder why some city cops reach a breaking point and lash out against people like them.

    Re: my first post, My initial thought would be to confront them but escalation against a large rabid group could possibly lead to serious problems unless you're Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal in their primes in a city where legal carry is only permitted to the very privileged.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    I got out of NYC because I was tired of living in the urine, litter, and gas emissions of eight million people. Now, thanks to the De Blasio administration, my time in the city sounds like paradise next to the way it is now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Anyone going against the woke mob will be gone after by the powers to be - anyone fighting back, including the police, will be branded an oppresser and a white-supremacist - the tactics of the Dems are in many ways similar to the tactics of the Natzis; take over academia, the press, big business, and turn it against their political opponents including using citizens (brownshirts) to go after other citizens
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    chuck norris in his prime would not have needed a gun to singlehandedly wipe the floor with all in that crowd.

    i'll give the leaders of these "gangs" this compliment: they sure do know how to pick their spots real well for starting up their shit. target groups of people in areas where they will be offered the lease amount of resistance.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    If anyone wants to read a book that apparently was read by democrats, who adopted the theory as their own; please read Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    “… Can you imagine how great this country would be today if we didn’t have to deal with the broken legacy and culture of slavery …”

    All this going on is not about race – race is a means to an end – most of the ones pushing the race-narrative are ultra-left-whites (antifa; etc); and elite-blacks – for the last year there have been many reports of “BLM rallies” where the majority of people were white, and in many cases *just whites* - for these whites race is an opening to their end-goal of revolution and the take-down of the democratic capitalist system being replaced by a marxist socialist system; this is why they are pushing on every societal fault-line possible whether it’d be race, gender, class, or whatever they can use – their goal is the takedown of the system not "a deep rooted passion for black people” – and w.r.t. black-elites, race-division pay$ BIG TIME – many of these professional-race-baiters have become wealthy using the mighty race-card – from Jesse Jackson to Benjamin Crump to Al Sharpton to the BLM ringleaders – these people have enriched themselves on the backs of poor black people while those people stay in the same circumstances yet these “race leaders” are living large off of it; notice they don't say anything about the thousands of blacks being killed in inner-cities every year b/c this doesn't help their bottom-line – Al Sharpton went to Minneapolis on a private-jet to do his race-bating on the eve of the Floyd verdict – the co-founder of BLM has gone on a house shopping spree (and who knows what other expensive shit she’s bought); she was even spotted w/ her lesbian-lover looking at houses in an exclusive part of the Bahamas where Hollywood people have island homes (I think Justine Timberlake has a home in that area) – BLM has taken in around $100-million and most of it is unaccounted for (and many believe more than that has been taken in) – this is all about the overthrow of this country and a certain minority of people putting themselves in power and keeping the spoils for themselves as it’s usually the case w/ revolutions.

    America did not invent slavery – it’s been part of humanity since the beginning w/ warring tribes – almost every power has enslaved people from the Vikings; to the Chinese; to the Japanese enslaving Chinese, to Africans tribes slaving weaker tribes; to African tribes capturing Africans to sell them to Europeans; etc – there are very few if any clean-hands w.r.t. nations/people especially the powerful ones – most European countries did plenty thru their colonization – one car argue in many ways America, although obviously far from perfect, has been one of the most benign super-powers when compared to European colonization; what the Germans did; the Soviet Union; the CCCP; etc.

    America did not invent slavery – and fought as hard, or harder, against slavery vs for it – there was a civil-war that caused 3/4-of-a-million lives plus likely a couple of million wounded and maimed – the British brought slavery to America b/f America was founded, and it stuck after America became a nation in a kinda accident-of-history - from what I heard, 11 of the original 13 colonies did not want slavery once America was formed – a vote was taken and all 13 had to agree to not have slavery – 2 colonies voted for slavery while 11 voted against – given that America was just being formed they felt they could not afford to have 2 colonies not form part of the union and why it had to be a consensus vote – and this was sorta the historical-accident that allowed slavery to continue in America once it was formed, vs “a love for slavery and racism”.

    The war over slavery and racism has been fought – now-a-days any white person accused or racism is done (financially; societally; if not even criminally) – black persons today have the same rights as any person, and in some cases special-rights that only apply to them (preferential treatment in college admissions; certain gov programs; etc) – the problem in this country today is not racism, but anarchists using it to take down our country and put themselves in power and black-elites profiteering from it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Karl Marx predicted marxism would inevitably take over capitalism sooner than later but it never happened b/c those that had a choice outright rejected it and saw what an utter failure it was where it was tried - thus since class-warfare did not prove to have the left's desired effect, the had to pivot to social guerilla warfare (race; gender; etc) in order to obtain their long waited-for marxist paradise.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    BLM and DeBlasio will ruin NYC if they are allowed to continue. It’s that simple. Both are self serving and detrimental. If they can get DeBlasio out - before NYC begins to look like bullet ridden Chicago - that would be a good start.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    It's over in NYC. Much like LA and Chicago this is the end. When you destroy the criminal justice system why expect anything else? If nobody resists these lunatics though they'll soon be nowhere to run to.

  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    And all the mayoral candidates except Curtis Silwa (who has no shot of winning) are all running on hug a thug.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Muddy - I agree. NYC is on the way down the toilet. One mayoral candidate has Eric Garners mother endorsing him! Wtf?!

    Desertscrub seems to be off his be nice to others kick now. I appreciate your concern for my living situation. I will be fine. I will be out of the basement in a few months. Xoxo!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    If you vote Democrat; you're a traitor to the Constitution. We have a congress bitch member from the squad here named Ayanna Pressley: she is proud he never paid back her taxpayer funded school loans, while she raises taxes on working people.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... If they can get DeBlasio out - before NYC begins to look like bullet ridden Chicago - that would be a good start ..."

    The progressives have NY and CA locked down; perhaps even illegally so (hey look we found more ballots behind this file cabinet) - my gut tells me the next NYC mayor will be as progressive as DeBlasio, or worse - I doubt it'll be someone less-progressive (the political-power-brokers would probably not allow someone not supa-progressive) - time will tell
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I think Papi is right. It scares me a bit if the mayor would be more progressive - but there is a push with these large cities to be more woke than other areas. Sadly, this will push more of the middle class out of NYC. It will basically be the very rich and the destitute.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Sadly, this will push more of the middle class out of NYC. It will basically be the very rich and the destitute."

    Actually the rich have been fleeing too. Yet NYS is jamming up the taxes on them once again, so it's expected that the relatively few who remain will soon be gone. So before long it's just going to be the destitute.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Rick - true. The city government - and definitely the mayor - love to say they are going to make the rich pay their share. They don’t seem to realize the wealthy aren’t the enemy.

    They have driven many rich folks out already. There are likely still ultra rich folks who don’t care how much they pay (to live in a high rise in NYC) - and there are those rich cucks who feel like it’s their duty to pay more for all the destitute.

    In all honesty, those tax dollars are largely going to waste. There is so much waste siphoned from each tax dollar before any money reaches the needy - it should be a criminal offense.
  • chessmaster
    3 years ago
    The worst part of progressive far left liberals is their hypocrisy and double standards. Everyone and their mother knows if they situation was reversed(white conservatives harassing black people) there would be mass fake outrage, name calling, and the liberal media would be all over it.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Both sides bathe in hypocrisy at every turn. Scalia/RBG dying in a presidential election year anyone? Screaming ‘hypocrisy’ just makes the other side yawn.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    i was curious where in nyc this happened. i found out that it was in propsect heights, a pretty well to do area in brooklyn. based on on what i observed i'll safely estimate that 20% of the crowd are kids of parents that own/rent from within a 1-2 mile radius of the area. most of those parents are most likely own a business, work for a fortune 500 corporation, doctors, lawyers, etc.

    i wonder if any of those parents have any idea what their kids are doing while outside the home. if they knew they were doing this shit would they approve?

    over 8 hours a day of xbox and cranking off to anime porn i guess is not enough.
  • chessmaster
    3 years ago
    "Both sides bathe in hypocrisy at every turn."

    Maybe. But they lefts hypocrisy is more evident and in your face.
  • chessmaster
    3 years ago
    ^don't know why auto correct keeps changing the to they.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    It’s only more evident because you don’t agree with it. You’re more apt to overlook your own side’s hypocrisy and rationalize it by saying ‘if this was the other side...’. That’s not a knock. I’m cynical against both sides and their bullshit.

    Senators are hypocritical because they need to run every four years. Presidents even more so because it’s every 4 years and house reps most of all. Judges are not because they are appointed for life and don’t give a fuck, but that comes with its own downsides. Also, elected officials up against term limits have no reason to lie. Everyone else just does what gets them them the most in the short term, usually that’s power or money.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Senators every 6. Duh.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Democrats; big-media; big-business; and social-media; are all covering for each other - the Dems are past hypocrisy - they don't even have to try and fake it anymore b/c they know they will get complete cover from the media, social-media; big-business, holywood - the Dems know these institutions will not call them out on anything and at the same time these institutions will go after their political-opponents even if it means lying and smearing (60-Minutes on DeSantis - the media/social-media pretty-much doing a complete blackout b/f the election w.r.t. Hunter Biden; making up lies about Trump and smearing him; etc) - the Dems are past hypocrisy and into straight-up lying and corruption and they feel there is nothing anyone can do about it w/ the allies they've amassed - and IMO they feel there won't be any consequences b/c IMO they feel they can use their allies in the future to manipulate or steal needed elections; whether it's the media and social-media or their paramilitary antifa/blm shock-troops.
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