
A Year Later...

They never tell you what you need to know.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 1:39 AM
I know it’s been over a year since the pandemic began but just think for a moment what your life was like a year ago at this time? I remember feeling like I hit the lottery because I found toilet paper. What’s different in your life today that’s better than it was a year ago? I can’t find much personally. I can fly now, but there’s nowhere I want to go. Still really can’t leave the country. I guess I can go into a restaurant or bar now. Strip clubs are still closed in my state (wouldn’t be going anyway because they suck). A year ago once you looked forward to “now” did you think things would be back to normal by now, or worse? What do you think needs to happen so things can be normal? No masks, travel freely, gather in large groups everywhere?


  • ime
    3 years ago
    The collapse and civil war 2.0 , lets just get to it, why delay the inevitable.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    A year ago all we had was bleach, hydrocholoquine, and other pseudoscience. I'm really surprised that we have effective vaccines on such a short time scale. Biotechnology scientists deserve credit.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "What’s different in your life today that’s better than it was a year ago?" Clarity. Spent time I didn't expect to have in 2020 refocusing my priorities. By necessity a lot of the day-to-day baggage other people brought went away.
  • JuiceBox69
    3 years ago
    Well a year ago we had the best damn President this country has ever had besides George Washington himself 😆 Now we are left with SleepyJoe Whipping up Sloppy Joes A year ago i was using baby whipes on my ass and will never go back to regular toilet paper 😆 A year ago i was afraid of catching covid and suffocating to death and now im sucking stripper titties after 5 other dudes and im ready to meet my LORD A year ago i had a but ugly GF just to have some safe pussy and now im fucking young and dumb hot sluts with pure gamble in my heart Yes this year is much better
  • JuiceBox69
    3 years ago
    Covid got me ready to die like a man and turn me into a big shot investor
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    From my POV the country is going to shit and I think it's going to get worse - one year ago I was looking towards the future, now I'm more dreading it and where this once great country is heading.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I'm also concerned our future economy and the endless government spending and what effect this will have on our economy for years to come
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    This time last year, I started a job that enabled me to get the vax sooner than most were able to. Unlike most, I don’t think last year was all too bad. BUT then again, I got lucky and nobody important to me died of covid. Some stuff was set back, but other stuff was strengthened. I’ll be most likely sticking to more rural areas in the near future, so “normal” will most likely come to me personally sooner than later. But there are no guarantees...
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Conditioning. That’s the word that sums up the pandemic to me. If people are “conditioned” to live a certain way something previously insane becomes the new normal. In some ways this can be good, but more likely it turns bad. I found I really didn’t miss restaurants and enjoyed cooking at home more. I find myself going out in public (for other than work) a pain in the ass now - that’s not a food thing. I’ve found making due with what I already have much more enjoyable than making a new hollow purchase.
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