
Are Things Returning To Normal?

They never tell you what you need to know.
If you’ve read the news the past 5 days it’s ALL BAD. Politics aside, and COVID aside, news seems to be going back to normal. Two mass shootings, I read on Newser this morning how spring breakers are being drugged and dying.

Are we coming out of our COVID cocoons and starting to wreck havoc again?

For me, my life (daily routines) aren’t pre-COVID normal but it’s close, it’s like I can feel it coming, so long as some COVID variant doesn’t screw everything up like it is in parts of Europe and South America right now. One thing to note though, those countries have a fraction of their populations vaccinated when compared to us, hopefully we are staying ahead of the curve.


  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Arizona has opened vaccines up to anyone over 16. Our new CoVid cases, and deaths, are approaching zero. It sure feels like we are at the end.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Things have felt pretty normal here in FL for some months now, except for the masks needed to go into retail stores, churches or schools. It will probably not feel completely normal until we pass the point where we have to cover our faces just to buy a gallon of milk, but it's the next best thing.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    From a strip club standpoint, I think the big difference is the dancer mix. The COVID closures forced a lot of stripper Moms to leave the business for other work and they have been slow to return. In their place are a lot of younger and newer dancers.

    Now in one respect this is not a bad thing as the eye candy has definitely improved in my local clubs, but those hot MILFy girls who were such great OTC targets are not as abundant as they used to be. It will probably be some time before that balance returns to a more natural state.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    ^^^ yes and to add to the lack of MILF dancers are those fat stimulus checks for families with multiple children probably even prolonging the return to the pole. 4 kids = $8,400
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ You ain't kidding. It's been fucking the clubs up for the last week or so. But on the bright side, we know that most of these girls will blow that stimulus money pretty quick, so I give it another week or two to burn off.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    There’s definitely an air of confidence now. And once people get vaccinated they want shit to open now because it’s all about them ofcourse. Which I don’t mind but before you were vaccinated the same person wanted everybody to live like monks to me that’s the phoniness that’s annoying.
  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    ^But on the bright side, we know that most of these girls will blow that stimulus money pretty quick, so I give it another week or two to burn off.

    Ain't that the truth. I was chatting with a former SB who has 3 teenage daughters. She told me they had all gone to get their nails done. 'Merica for sure!
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    It does seem to be easing, and some of us are pushing much harder than others, normal is hard to define right now, and yes I'm now vaccinated so my personal restrictions aren't quite so hard, but I feel we still need to be careful, there are many who are not protected, and while I agree the threat is lessening, who want's to be the last person to get ill and/or die ?
    The feeling I get from too many of the posters here is I'm gonna get mine so the hell withy y'all
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Not vaccinated and living the same life I have been since May. Pretty much been a normal with variation since then.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    I feel ya 25 - I get my 2nd shot first of next month after that I will feel more comfy doing stuff. My main wish is to play poker in a casino and play 5 on 5 basketball again. Hoping I can do that sometime this summer but right now I can’t even get in a basketball gym to allow that to happen even if I was ready.

    Still haven’t dined in a restaurant yet. Will do so after I’m fully vaccinated.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Tried for two days to sign up for a vaccine. No luck so fuck it. Going out to eat ....pussy.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "The feeling I get from too many of the posters here is I'm gonna get mine so the hell withy y'all"

    Any high risk individual who is hanging out in the same places I am AND who opts not to protect himself is taking his own chances. Shit, any grown adult who still hasn't figured out how to protect himself by now is probably lucky to have lived even this long.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Getting my second dose this week, but been living my full life for a while. Lige is a series of calculated risks.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^Other than looking for an argument, do you even have a point, other than making my point for me
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Slowly. Wife and I both get 2nd shot in 2 weeks, planning a dinner out in a month or so.

    And driving past a strip club the other day, she says "oh,I see they're open again, probably too soon for you go yet. Maybe a month or two ". Me: "yeah, something like that".
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I don't plan on wasting any more time trying to schedule a vaccine appointment in this state and will wait until the summer. Benn living in a mask free world for 4 weeks now, except for food shopping and lift lines.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "^Other than looking for an argument, do you even have a point, other than making my point for me"

    Other than looking for an argument, did you even have a point, other than making the goofy accusation that we are selfish for not taking responsibility for the bad choices of others?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ you are actually a selfish motherfucker but that was my point do you deny it LOL
    What a dumbfuck
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ Well it didn't take you long to melt down. But do I deny not feeling responsible for the informed choices of others? Not at all. Only an arrogant and self-absorbed twat would believe that he's responsible for the risks that other grown men willingly choose to take.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ What a self absorbed goofy ass
    let's talk about you and your family, I don't need your protection I'm well aware of what a louse you are, how about Mrs Dugan and your children they are ignorant of your predilections, how do they protect themselves from you.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    It was 71 here today and I chipped golf balls in my backyard.
  • latinalover69
    4 years ago
    Nude clubs in L.A. opening up. No mask bullshit everyone over that.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Twenty, baloney. You're afraid, pure and simple. Hey we get it, you're just one of those light in the loafers kinda' guys. But please spare us the morality pretense of bunkering under your bed in girly fear. At some point the living still have to live.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    J&J shot on 3/7.... dined indoors at a restaurant last weekend three times while on a casino roadtrip including a WAFFLE HOUSE sitting at the counter with no mask. Whole thing felt a little strange but, by the end of the weekend I was like "what's the next step?" Figure I'm going to hit an indoor bar this weekend.

    BTW no problem scheduling vaccines in my state. You do have to be a bit persistent; ended up at a Walmart.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    What’s the baloney you always try to make everything about you and truth be told it isn’t just because you’re a self absorbed narcissist with paranoia doesn’t make you an expert on anything
    One things certain you are a fucking selfish individual you live in a home masquerading as one thing and those other folks that live in the same house have no clue to what you are exposing them to, you are a sad excuse for a man
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    OK Twenty. I hope at least you're still letting your boyfriend into your bunker. I'm sure he'd miss fucking his favorite bitch. 😉
  • lovelyb11
    4 years ago
    Am I on Facebook or Tuscle? Way to politic it the fuck out on the COVID or anti COVID bullshit. BUT since we’re on the topic, I just have to ask. IF YOURE SCARED OF GETTING SICK OR INFECTING OTHERS, MAYBE JUST STAY HOME ? It’s really a choice, so no one is selfish for going out. If you expect everyone to stay home and commit suicide from cabin fever then why are u even on this site😂
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    As usual you are my bitch, but we can all see what’s happening here, you are just full of shit that’s the only thing you’re able to do, skibum pegged you perfectly on the other thread you’re just looking for an excuse to argue with anyone about anything , it’s not like you really have a POV , you just want attention, the proof is obvious scroll up to the top show us where you had a reason to make a personal attack you stupid fucktard, going back through all of your flame wars with numerous other posters did you get enough attention yet you jackass, I’m tired of you, your lying, and your ad hominem attacks , as far as most of us here can see you’re just another in a long line of attention whores.
    I am reminded by you more than anyone else here arguing with an idiot makes you an idiot
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "IF YOURE SCARED OF GETTING SICK OR INFECTING OTHERS, MAYBE JUST STAY HOME ? It’s really a choice, so no one is selfish for going out."

    Well said. For some guys though it's not enough to hunker down. They need to post smarmy comments to others who don't choose to do the same. And of course when you disagree, the soap opera melodrama starts. ;)
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Lol soap opera melodrama, What a flaming faggit
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Lovely, sorry you had to witness this in your inaugural post on tuscl. One would think that twenty would be house trained by now given how much time he spends hiding out in his house, but a club customer website inevitably attracts a variety of trolls and other deviant personality types.

    Anyway, welcome to the discussion board.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I'm not even sure how normal should be defined at this point. We are never going back to how things were in 2019. There is too much government interference, and too much uncertainty about the virus evolution. At least 1 in 20 people will be fully vaccinated and still fall ill from garden variety COVID. Then you have the New York variant, the Brazilian variant, and the African variant which dodge the vaccine; and those are just the ones we know about.

    Also remember that we have president and congress who are hostile to the concepts of individual responsibility and personal freedom. They want nothing more than to restrict and control us in the same way that the EU and Chinese Communists have. If the COVID rates increase too much, they will do exactly that. Jan Whitmer on a national level.

    I am not saying we should go out, and I am not saying we should stay in. I have my 2nd dose and am looking forward to my vacation out west. I have ascertained my personal risk and comfort level, an am proceeding accordingly. I guess that's normal enough.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Well said gammanu95. We won’t be going back to our previous normal very soon. It’s more about finding some normalcy in the current environment, and determining you own personal comfort level.

    I’m getting my second dose in two weeks. I will feel a bit more comfortable doing some normal things in late April. I’m not sure about clubbing yet, but hopefully by the summer.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ You’re right about everybody should make their own decisions and I’ve never told anyone what was right or wrong, what I have been saying is you and everyone else has a responsibility to not expose unaware people to your own behavior not judging the behavior, what I’m judging is the relevant facts are being deliberately concealed by RickiBoi so his personal behavior affects his family whom are intentionally misled by this serial liar about the level of risk he is exposing them to.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ That's revisionist tapdancing twenty. Your initial comment was much broader than that, very much implying that anyone who is patronizing strip clubs is being irresponsible to others. As far as concealing, my family made the collective decision many months ago not to be locked down. While of course I don't get into details regarding my stripper activities, we are all out and about, engaging in a variety of social activities. Like I said before, the living need to keep living. And you do know I already had COVID and now have resistance, no?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ serial liar, your family is your problem not mine but you are constantly doing this attention whoreing you are the idiot who took issue with my statement and proceeded to personalize an attack on me something you do often and not just to me, you just can’t seem to leave any thread you enter without a flame war, you start them and keep on shitting on everyone else because your a bored little twat, tell your wife what you’ve been up to you’ll have more drama than you can handle like I said arguing with a moron makes me feel stupid so you undoubtedly will have the last word
    Cie’ la vie !
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    EXCELLENT response by gammanu95.

    I think that's it - do what you feel comfortable doing, respect peoples comfort level even if it's not where yours is at. Most people have reasons unknown to others why they take the precautions they do, or why they don't, or like most, somewhere in between.

    I'm out in the public everyday and I'll see someone still wearing gloves, goggles and an asbestos grade protective mask, standing next to someone with no protection on.

  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    No 25, you posted this: "The feeling I get from too many of the posters here is I'm gonna get mine so the hell withy y'all"

    I responded with: "Any high risk individual who is hanging out in the same places I am AND who opts not to protect himself is taking his own chances."

    You then accused me of just wanting to argue and making your point for you, to which I responded that you were doing nothing more than making a goofy accusation.

    And them, your meltdown moment came here: "^ you are actually a selfish motherfucker but that was my point do you deny it LOL
    What a dumbfuck"

    What did you think would happen after that, a statue built in your honor? 😉

  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    It seems people think getting vaccinated will mean everything goes back to normal. Will the virus mutate and will new strains render the vaccine no longer effective? The virus today is different than the initial strains fifteen months ago. How long do antigens remain in the body? Some research says only about six months. If periodic booster shots are needed, that is just a way of saying the original vaccine did not work or only temporarily worked. A lot of wishful thinking and speculation is being put on a vaccine we have had for only four months. I hope things return to normal, but there are still too many unanswered questions.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Exactly where were you referred to in my original post , which the OP actually agreed with
    You could have posted anything you liked with no response from me whatsoever, except of course the narcissistic need you had to reference my post which wasn’t intended towards anyone in particular, but as I said previously you think the world revolves around you so hence you shall be evermore dumbfuck
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ The real question is how long we can let a virus that isn't especially harmful to most younger people dictate the actions of those people. At some point that is going to involve more calculated risks and personal responsibility.

    We've lived with the flu since forever and it too can cause deaths and serious side effects withn the elderly, infants an immunocompromised. The only reason the flu is not more deadly is that we have a lot of population resistance between vaccines and previous exposures, yet still it kills 50,000 or so each year. At some point the living need to keep living.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I see 25, actually referencing your initial post and - gasp - responding to it is justification for you shitting on the carpet. Gotcha.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    As others have said, "normal" is not something we'll be defining the same way we did two years ago. That said, as far as clubs in Louisville are concerned, things are becoming less restrictive. Most still want you to have a mask with you, because ABC will fine them if you don't, but they don't make a big deal about not actually having it over your face most of the time.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    The emphasis shifted from testing to vaccination. We don't know if there are leaa cases. But the surges in Europe are an indicator of whats in store for us
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Most of the US is close to "any adult who wants a vaccine can get one". That will be a big threshold in terms of opening up. Businesses won't have to worry about liability if their workers get sick.

    I'm saddened that we didn't get to enjoy a break between pandemic and mass shootings. I hope Mitch proposes some sweeping mental health funding but I'm not holding my breath on that.
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