
The Atlanta shootings, Vincent Chin and America's history of anti-Asian racism

Detroit strip clubs
A story of an anti-Asian hate crime in Detroit.



  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Growing up my Dad and Uncles had a profound dislike of Asians and were extremely vocal about it; Odd little thing called Pearl Harbor and WWII fueled it I believe.
  • Strupviffle
    4 years ago
    Life long profound dislike of all Asians based on the actions of the 1940s Japanese empires... I wonder if there's a label or a term for applying broad, ethnic generalizations to entire groups of people... its not coming to me
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Doesn't seem to have affected the number of Asian restaurants.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I find the racial motivations in acting out against Asian Americans to be awful.

    Asian Americans are not to blame for the pandemic. This virus began in China - we know that. But we can’t take out our anger over a virus on fellow Americans.

    The past year has been very difficult on our nation, and we must work together to overcome the virus. Hurting others does no good for anyone.

    I took my brother in law (who is an Asian American) to a club in Reading Pa back in the early 1990’s. It was a byo club, and the crowd could be a bit rough. We wanted to enjoy some tits and beer. As we are sitting at the bar/stage a big guy comes over and asks me “Why’d you bring a foreigner to this place!? He’s not welcome here.” I’m shocked at what this guy just said to me. I stand up - and I’m taller than the guy - but I’m at least 100 pounds lighter. I look at the guy - and I said “Sit down. This is my brother. He’s welcome here. If you don’t see the resemblance - then you must be jerking off in your pick up truck too much!”

    I was a filled with liquid courage - and I was angry at the insinuation being made. I was fortunate that he didn’t want to make more trouble. He went and sat back down - and stewed in his beer. It’s an old steel town - and lots of folks lost jobs because of foreign competition. That doesn’t make violence against folks who look different acceptable.

    Since I live near NYC, I don’t think twice about seeing folks from all parts of the world. But, it’s not the same even a few hours drive west.

  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    There will be of course a big deal about this because unlike 99% of the murders and attacks on asian recently a white guy did this one not a black or hispanic guy as in all or most of all of the others. The idea that an angry person who uses a racist term is a racist is pablum for the very stupid people that the left loves. When people are in a word fight they look for weapons to use to win the fight and racial, sexual, gender slurs work great. Other than that it means jack shit. Why is the black community permitted to admire Malcolm X who was a blck separatist who advocating for the killing of jews and whites? Why Patrice Cullers socialist asshole who created blm and a devout follower of Louis Farrakhan permitted to have a say in anything? Farrakhan is the single worst individual in this country right now and whenever people who support him suffer tragedy I buy a round.
  • Austin1
    4 years ago
    Most crimes are: White on White... Black on Black.. But it's proven with government statistics there is one race by far that attacks Asians more and that is Black men. SHHH that doesn't fit the lefts narrative so you want hear it. but all these leftist want to put race into everything to divide the country and get votes with race baiting politics..

    That's the Dems playbook and its being told on all liberal networks, platforms, social media.. Some races are wising up but the 90 percenters are still going Democrat. Maybe they will finally wake up and realize they are being played for votes and to stay on government dependence.

  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Give it a freakin rest race baiters. First off there is no evidence the Atlanta incident was racially motivated. Secondly, white ethnics used to suffer similar discrimination a hundred plus years ago. I heard stories from my relatives of how Lithuanians were treated. Let's just say there was a good reason many white immigrants changed their names when they came over. I didn't even learn how bad it was until the last few years reading up on family history. But so the fuck what. They assimilated and their descendents have moved on.

    All this group victimhood bullshit is ruining whats left of the country, and all for a false narrative. Again, show your evidence this incident was racially motivated.

  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Fascinating discussion of what this false narrative is really all about...

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    False narrative really what a fucking moron your mother raised !
    I contend the real race baiters are the ones that refuse to believe that words have meaning, keep talking all this shit and see what comes out of this, my question to those idiots denying there is a problem with hate, would you call this violence against women, where did that behavior come from, osmosis ?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Simple fact is that Barrack's Obama only contribution to this country was to start a race war. Good job fuckhead. If you are white, woke, have children, you are a child abuser. If we use nazi Germany as an example it is now 1935.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    The murders in Atlanta are awful. I agree.

    Based on the shooters testimony they don’t appear to be racially motivated. The shootings appear to be violent attacks against sex workers (which is also awful and wrong). The victims were primarily Asian Americans - but that doesn’t make them automatically racially motivated.

    My statement in no way condones the attacks - or attempts to lessen the horrible nature of the attacks. The timing of the attacks would lead one to believe they are racially motivated - but one must look to the true motive to understand.
  • latinalover69
    4 years ago
    This supposed shooter was prolly a drugged out Mk Ultra mind controlled zombie that they rolled out to stir up the commies and right on cur Obummer comes out and say we gotta take yer guns away. IT's a script people. No one hates Asians. They'er generally cool people who never bother anyone so why would anyone but a MK Ultra puppet harm them?
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Said like a zebra.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Latinalover69 thats a pretty big jump. There are lots of unusual turns in your theory - but anything is possible.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    >Life long profound dislike of all Asians based on the actions of the 1940s Japanese empires... I wonder if there's a label or a term for applying broad, ethnic generalizations to entire groups of people... its not coming to me

    Like judging all white people on what happened decades and hundreds of years ago
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    A column from the SF Chronicle 10 years ago.

  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    I've never observed any animosity towards Asian strippers in strip clubs. I asked a Korean stripper one time if anyone had ever made any remarks to her involving racial stereotypes or insults. She said she just gets asked if she's good at math. Then she smiled and said she actually is good at math.
  • Strupviffle
    3 years ago
    @yahtzee74 I think your point is absolutely valid - judging all white people for historical actions in broad strokes is also racist. I'm against that as well
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