
Study Finds Link Between Evangelicals and Google Searches for a Bigger Penis

In the wind
There’s a “strong association” between the number of evangelical Christians in a state and the number of Google searches in those states that have to do with wanting a bigger penis.

A lot of Christians, apparently, want to compete with a risen Christ. 😄😄


Simply put — even after accounting for factors like political preference, education, race, and marriage status in each state — having more evangelicals around you makes it more likely that the number of searches for those male enhancement terms will… go up. (Can’t argue with hard data.)😊😊

Obviously, a study like this has serious limitations. We don’t know if it’s men looking up these terms. We don’t even know if it’s evangelicals. Without more fine-tuned data, which is currently unavailable, it’s hard to draw a more solid line. The researchers fully acknowledge this throughout the paper. What they’re suggesting here is one way to look at the data while setting the stage for further exploration in the future.

But there sure seems to be some connection between a Christian culture that teaches people to honor traditional “manhood” and a desire to want a bigger penis — as if those two things are necessarily linked. They even point out one possible consequence of this kind of thinking:

… a subculture in which men not only elevate embodied measures of masculinity, but in which many men feel they are inadequate compared to the standard, is a subculture that may indirectly encourage abuse.


Funny, trivial article but let the 'critical' objections begin................helps to generate a list of male TUSClers who feel inadequate meeting the 'John Wayne' image of masculinity LMAO


  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    If you wanted that list started about those who feel inadequate meeting the ‘John Wayne’ image of masculinity ...I’ll just let these two threads speak for themselves. Only 1 individual has been identified so far tho

  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Well, a lot of "evangelical, born-again preachers" are big dicks 😒😥
  • grand1511
    4 years ago
    A friend of mine used to work the front desk of a major chain hotel. It regularly hosted evangelical conventions
    and he said those events had more charges for in-room porn than any other events.
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    WTF is it with you damn dirty apes and bigger ape dicks?

    If these evangelical apes were trying to discover ways to make their dicks spinier I’d understand. But what kind of male creature wants a bigger but still smooth dick? I’ll tell you who: a stupid ape. ROAR!!!
  • Dougsterr
    4 years ago
    Preachers= dickless wonders.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Every progressive male longs top take it up the ass without lube; preferably from some foreign fuck.
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