With the strip club scene being dead and looking to sell my house I have come up with this question. I have interviewed a bunch of relators and about half of them are very attractive. They seem very flirty and eager to get the listing. All the relators have been offering basically the same terms so that doesn't matter to me. I certainly don't want to say do this and you will get the listing but is there a way to signal to them that if they sleep with me they will get the listing? Should I try making some kind of move? Does it matter if you have a wife or if they have a husband or is this all together a bad idea? Any input would be appreciated.
So you troll around on strip club message boards looking for typos? Do you jerk off when you find one? Is that what your 3rd grade education led too. Did you find the misspelled word in this comment? you must not have completed the 2nd grade if you can't find it!
It is like any other p4p situation and it would all come down to how much profit is in it for her.
If you are selling a $100k 1970's house on 1/4 acre, it's not worth it for her. If you are selling a $100 million mansion in Beverly Hills I'd say it could be likely given the size of the commission. Her price would probably be somewhere between the two, but be aware anyone that works largely on commission like a realtor is probably as skilled as most veteran strippers at convincing men they will get what they want right until they get paid and cut you loose.
After the real estate boom/bust of 2008 you may have had a chance but not today. Too many people are selling their homes so realtors don’t need your business. There’s too many fish (home sellers) out there right now.
You’re right though, at least 75% of the female realtors in my area are hot, realtors have always had a surplus of hot women in their ranks. So have pharmaceutical reps, it’s like the ones that were too dumb to become pharm reps became realtors.
this is a can of worms i would not be interested in opening up. you probably would be better off just using your money and time trying to get a girl working retail at the mall or a waitress at one of those breastaurant jpiints.
First count the number of tats she has. Greater than six and anything on her chest opens the door for bad decisions. You can practice your sales pitch right here. Let's see what you got!
I think you should listen to the lower-ape. As he points out, there are many tutorials on the subject. Watch them with a box of tissues within reach. And lotion. ROAR!!!
To each their own but this sounds like the plot to a porno and it sounds like a bad idea.
By introducíng the subject it sunds like possible sexual harassment and a bad idea during the aftermath of the Me Too movement, I am not sure of the reprucussions but at the very least I could see being blackballed by the local realators.
When it comes to business I want competetent and motivated people to do the job right, sex never enters into my thinking, again to each their own.
@cristobal has the correct take here. Make money and be wise with your investments. Then, later you can be an idio with the extra that’s left. You mix the two and you are simply asking for trouble.
First off - this smells like a trolling attempt - as it is one of his first posts.
Remember, realtors will be very nice to you because they are selling you something (or getting a commission from selling something for you). A realtor who is attractive, outgoing and friendly generally does better than an angry old hag.
Since you are selling a home and intend on buying another home, the realtor will know your net worth - and your liquidity. If you are selling a $500k home in Arkansas - and looking to buy a $750k home next - you are going to be a catch. If those same economics are moved to NY or CT - you are a middle of the road guy.
If she takes you to see a home - and you walk around accidentally dropping $100’s on the floor - and she bends over slowly to pick them up - and gives you a view of her tits and ass - you most likely fell asleep after watching a few Property Sex scenes on PH.
I fucked a realtor when I was a young college grad. I knew the girl from college, and we partied together. I was looking for a new rental with a view of the NYC skyline. It was highly unprofessional - but she showed me an apartment on my lunch hour - and we had a very rushed fuck on the stairway leading up to the bedroom. It wasn’t great - so we finished in the car - which wasn’t great either!
Around my area demand is exceeding supply. Homes in my senior citizen sub division are selling for more than their listed prices. The prices have doubled since I bought 6 years ago. I am getting flooded with calls, emails and snail mail asking if I want to list or just outright sell but none of them are offering me any extras.
last commentIf you are selling a $100k 1970's house on 1/4 acre, it's not worth it for her. If you are selling a $100 million mansion in Beverly Hills I'd say it could be likely given the size of the commission. Her price would probably be somewhere between the two, but be aware anyone that works largely on commission like a realtor is probably as skilled as most veteran strippers at convincing men they will get what they want right until they get paid and cut you loose.
You’re right though, at least 75% of the female realtors in my area are hot, realtors have always had a surplus of hot women in their ranks. So have pharmaceutical reps, it’s like the ones that were too dumb to become pharm reps became realtors.
By introducíng the subject it sunds like possible sexual harassment and a bad idea during the aftermath of the Me Too movement, I am not sure of the reprucussions but at the very least I could see being blackballed by the local realators.
When it comes to business I want competetent and motivated people to do the job right, sex never enters into my thinking, again to each their own.
Remember, realtors will be very nice to you because they are selling you something (or getting a commission from selling something for you). A realtor who is attractive, outgoing and friendly generally does better than an angry old hag.
Since you are selling a home and intend on buying another home, the realtor will know your net worth - and your liquidity. If you are selling a $500k home in Arkansas - and looking to buy a $750k home next - you are going to be a catch. If those same economics are moved to NY or CT - you are a middle of the road guy.
If she takes you to see a home - and you walk around accidentally dropping $100’s on the floor - and she bends over slowly to pick them up - and gives you a view of her tits and ass - you most likely fell asleep after watching a few Property Sex scenes on PH.
I fucked a realtor when I was a young college grad. I knew the girl from college, and we partied together. I was looking for a new rental with a view of the NYC skyline. It was highly unprofessional - but she showed me an apartment on my lunch hour - and we had a very rushed fuck on the stairway leading up to the bedroom. It wasn’t great - so we finished in the car - which wasn’t great either!
I had a decent opportunity a few days ago where it felt possible but didn't take the initiative and let it slide by.
I tried hinting at it later and no bite at all.