Why is Joe Biden dodging the public and the press?

avatar for TheeOSU
Looks like they're going to keep sleepy joe in the basement until he steps down or they force him out.



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avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
What the hell did all the peeps who voted this walking, barely talking cadaver think they were going to get? Poor dude, having spent a ton of time around seniors over the past 10 years I'll give him til fall at best.

BTW: When Camel-la becomes president how does the new VP get selected?
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Of course being liberal MSN they still cannot be fully honest and point out that this is longer than the last FIFTEEN Presidents. Biden at his best was a gaffe prone dope. Now if he he was asked anything beyond the day of the week people would realize he's past his expiration date and only exists as cover for the lefts destruction of a formerly successful country. Historical precedent? A senile Von Hindenburg covering for democratically elected Adolph Hitler.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
^^ Longball300
25th Amendment: Section 2.
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Thanks Mister; I was curious and found this:

avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
In other words, Biden MUST be replaced at least before the midterm elections, so that Kamala can choose whoever she wants and the asshole she picks will be instantly approved by the House and the Senate.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Is asshole a gender neutral term? It's just very rare for a female to be called an asshole. Surely Ms. Harris will nominate a female for her new VP..... because first of all we need to select a female.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
i'm glad somebody brought this up. never have i ever seen a bitch called an asshole. saying that to one actually might be very effective in silencing her up. the rarity of being called an asshole will cause confusion which in turn will cause the silence. however, the word cunt will not have that same effect.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Ironically, I think "cocksucker" is even more rare than "asshole" when referring to a female.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
In a previous thread after the VP debate I made the comment about Ms. Harris... "she's kinda an asshole".........

@ratt: I prefer the term "dumb cunny".... it's softens the blow a bit.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
The single saddest thing about Kamala Harris (no not the fact she dropped out of the race while polling 5th in the state she serves) is that if she had held true to who she was when she was a serious prosecutor and not some woke joke, I would have considered supporting her.
avatar for PutaTester
4 years ago
Vote with your dollars! Refuse to cash your COVID-19 relief checks. Decline to apply for unemployment. If you are sick, don’t go to the doctor if you have government-subsidized health care Medicaré or Obama Care. And for sure, don’t get a Covid-19 vaccination, because that is government fronted the money for its development and is providing it to the public for free. Besides the virus was gone by Easter......2020.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Progressives are so impotent that they spend 5 years running against everything Trump did and then within hours they do the exact same thing while pretending their bigotry and stupidity is somehow sanctified. Wah, I'm a progressive male and have no penis.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
What's a COVID relief check?
avatar for BitCoinHodler
4 years ago
As a progressive who identifies as a male with a fully intact (although small) penis I'm curious what "same things" Biden and Kamala are doing that Trump did.

I'm really glad they're overseeing the 2 million a day vaccines. Canada is at 70k a day. A unified federal government response makes things so much smoother unlike Trump who left states to deal with it themselves.
avatar for PutaTester
4 years ago
Let me understand this. Republicans were against everything Obama tried to do, including blocking his legitimate Supreme Court nominations (and subsequently doing an about face when they were put in the same situation) and provide health care for all at a reasonable price. And it is a terrible when the Democrats/Liberals try to keep The Turnip in power, the Climate Denier in Chief, Virus Denier, Builder of Useless/Expensive Walls, Twitter Liar, Insulter of People With Disabilities, Insulter of Women, Chief Racist, Fantasy Election Winner, Supremist Supporter, et al from damaging the country so severely that it isn't our grand children who will pay the price, but our generation? Not to mention him sucking off sworn enemies of this country. Democrats/Liberals are simply trying to play by the rules created by Republicans. Or should I say, the rules broken by Republicans?
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Gas prices by me have gone up almost a dollar already... guess I'll have to spend my COVID check on some gas.... shit, I didn't get a check that's right. I'm just paying for them:

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I guess now that the Qanon deadline for Trump to be re-inaugurated on March 4 has passed without their lord and savior showing up, the Trumpublicans are all butthurt
Hey fella's, Trump never really cared about you or else he would have given y'all a pardon, or at least acknowledged how y'all went to the mat for him on January 6.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Thankfully I get my shot on Wednesday about a year from when I first heard about COVID thanks to funding from OWS, Moderna, FedEx, my state run Department of Health and a grocery store website. Probably pick up a case of beer while I am there....
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Gas prices are up because the Texas refineries shut down during the deep freeze last month, at least that’s what that Fox Business article said. If anyone actually cares beyond trolling the Biden pile on, the saudis and Russia are meeting to discuss increasing production. That, plus the refineries coming back on line should moderate gas prices. There still is some increasing demand on the horizon though as more business open up, plus commuting and travel. Nothing to see here.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Lets start the Tahoe lie count: Republicans were against everything Obama tried to do LIE. Bipartisan bills passed under Obama: Economic recovery act; Dodd/Frank Wall Street Reform; Reformed NSA; Don't ask Don't tell; Food safety Bill; Criminal reform changing sentencing disparity for cocaine/crack; reform of physician pay under Medicare; 2010 Tax cut; Republicans blocked legitimate nominee. LIE. Nothing in the Constitution requires a hearing and he wasn't granted one; Provide health care for all at a reasonable price: LIE. Everyone already had healthcare. Obamacare which raised prices provided health insurance. The rest is just a little bitch whining impotently and an incredibly stupid recitation of slogans. At the end the little bitch admits Progressives are just like Donald Trump. Criminals and batterers I represent always have an excuse as to why they are hypocritical frauds and assholes; just like you dumb azz. As far as your generation paying the price? Never have truer words been spoken and you ain't fucking seen a gawd damn thing yet.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
4 years ago
I know for a fact that there were people without healthcare who got healthcare as a direct result of Obamacare.


This article is from 2013, my good friend was financially supporting his uninsured below 65 year old parents which meant he would pay out of pocket for their medicines. This law made it possible for them to be covered and lifted a massive burden off shoulders.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
4 years ago
I'm afraid I'm equally ashamed about all of it, as well as being white.

Oh how I wish I was a black female!

Thankfully, I've been fortunate enough to make enough money to pay women to pretend to like me and to donate to radical socialists like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
4 years ago
In my heart I identify as what I was born as, which is a white male. Sometimes others do not, but I do.

Thank you for the kind words anyways stranger.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
>A unified federal government response makes things so much smoother unlike Trump who left states to deal with it themselves.

Local governments are in charge of giving the vaccines.

A unified response could have been better or worse. Imagine if Cuomo was President.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
>I know for a fact that there were people without healthcare who got healthcare as a direct result of Obamacare.

It also made insurance unaffordable for many.

Nowadays there are companies like goodrx that allow people without insurance to get similar prescription prices to those that pay for insurance.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
>I guess now that the Qanon

The majority of people who pay attention to Qanon are on the left.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I can't see Biden lasting more than 2-years (he may even be gone in one) - in 2020 Pelosi had been pushing for an amendment for Congress to be able to remove a president if he was found to be incapacitated (or something along those lines) - seems to me this was all part of the coup; get rid of Trump and then git rid of Biden; I just don't know if Biden knew this is how things were meant to play out but I wouldn't be surprised if he was at least aware he was not in condition to be Prez for 4 years
avatar for BitCoinHodler
4 years ago
Yahtzee its insane how much people on opposite sides of the isle can't even agree on basic reality. I am glad that you're implying paying attention to QAnon is bad. But I disagree on who pays more attention to it. Guess it's just one of things we will have to disagree on. But I am grateful we both can agree QAnon should not exist.

I'm not doubting you when you say after Obamacare was passed someone you know had healthcare costs go up but I do not know anyone who had it happen to them. I've only personally witnessed good things happen from it. There's also a chance their healthcare costs went up for another reason and it coincided with Obamacares passing. I personally can only go by my own observations and polling which shows Americans genuinely like it.

Its local governments/ private companies doing the physical vaccinations but the federal government is handling the logistics of it. Another one of those word choice is important things. Either way I'm confident Bidens administration is more hands on with the logistics of providing vaccines to Americans than Trumps administration would have. We have now way of knowing for sure but we can compare it to other western countries and the US is way outpacing anyone else in Europe.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
It seems odd that Biden hasn’t addressed the nation in a joint session.

Is he waiting for the relief bill to get through - so he can act victorious in his first address?

Since those addresses are fully scripted - it’s not like random questions.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
QAnon has a 100% right to exist. The idea that people on the left feel they alone can determine who exists is why they are the nazis/fascists that they accuse others of being. The Nazis were socialists, no different than the Bernie Bros. Biden is following Trumps vaccination plan and his loudmouth 100,000 vaccine claim was what we were doing under Trump already. The claim of no plan? According to Fauci a lie. If you are the type of person who lives off the taxpayer's money Obamacare was good. If you actually work and contribute its bad and just another thing you pay for. Sadly for ignorant racist people who instead of kissing your ass, call you names. Obamacare is a money give away and is insurance not healthcare. Calling it healthcare is a lie.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ I thought you said the word racist has no meaning, what you really meant to say was it has no meaning unless you use it as an excuse for trying to have it both ways, your posts are all over the place and so increasingly negative you’re becoming irrelevant.
Stop with the Nazi analogies you really don’t know what you are talking about
avatar for mikeym
4 years ago
Tranny, muslim ass eating, jewliana loving skibum609 posting again after being in the closet for a week (probably dressed up like a whore for a purim and sucked off everyone at CPAC including the bathroom troll and dishwasher). Hopefully when he gets his $1400 of government cheese, it'll buy some petroleum jelly and go to Maralago to let ron jonhson fuck his ass while he licks trump's feet. This is a strip club website, not a politics website. Message to skibum- Fuck off with your Russian funded Nazi agenda and made up aliases.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
4 years ago
QAnon is spreading outright lies. They should not exist.

I also think its in bad taste to compare a Jewish person's supporters to NAZIs. I sincerely believe no one who supports Bernie would have supported the NAZIs and vice versa for obvious reasons. Trump however...

I don't fully understand your frustration on Obamacare. My healthcare costs did not go up as a result of it and I get mine through my workplace. I work in a professional setting and my coworkers and I talk politics a decent amount and out of 13 of us 2 do not like Obamacare, the other 11 do. I can only really go by my own anecdotal information and polls from trusted news sources like Pew and Gallop.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
To the OP's O?: because he is a stupid, senile, old liberal letting Schumer and Pelosi run this country into the ground.
avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago
@Hodler wrote: "There's also a chance their healthcare costs went up for another reason and it coincided with Obamacares passing."

@Yahtzee is correct that a small percentage of upper-middle-class people, who bought under the ACA exchanges, got screwed on ACA health insurance premiums. However new subsidies for that upper-income group are part of the new Biden Stimulus package.

The ACA is popular now.

The vast majority of people who got insurance through their employer (like 150M) saw no change in premiums whatsoever under the ACA. Another 20M, who were not previously insured, got insurance under the ACA (mostly through Medicaid expansion). While not perfect, it's been a success and the ACA is now woven into the fabric of our healthcare system.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
QAnon had as much legitimacy as BLM.

BLM are morally equivalent to the KKK.

Nazis were SOCIALISTS. The only other SOCIALIST country in EUROPE to coexist was the USSR. Bernie, AOC, and all the little commies on TUSCL have more in common with Stalin and Hitler than they do with MLK or Ghandi.

These are facts. You can be unhappy about them, but you cannot change them.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Too bad we can’t find a vaccine for stupidity
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
mikeym - your post was hilarious! I don’t agree with it - but it was a very funny post!
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Every President has a lot of smart, ambitious, manipulative advisors, lobbyists and party associates trying to get there agendas put forward.
The President needs a lot of mental horse power, energy and strong will and vision to withstand being pushed around.
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