Court is in session, case number 0069 starts now. Today the court will listen to the arguments from San Jose Goat to see if he is worthy of being admitted into the Rick collective of frickin' awesomeness.
Normally someone associated with San Jose Guy would be automatically rejected from applying into Rickdom but considering the hardships that San Jose Goat has dealt with over the past few years being locked in San Jose Guy's basement the Rick Council has agreed to listen to the case as a courtesy. More Ricks are always better than more San Jose Guys, and after all San Jose Goat has already purchased a shiny suit.
I object! Ricks are apex predators. Anything that lets a pussy like SJG fuck him in the ass ain't a Rick. Besides goats are food. Definitely not a rick and that fake ass cheese stick ain't a rick neither.
I object to this whole fuckin procession. We can't have food nominatin more food and everyone knows that Ricks don't use condoms to fuck. Time to team up with Mr. Lion and cull the herd. CHOMP CHOMP!
The gator makes some important points. Moreover, I’d really like the dugan to chime in. After all, he is the smartest hairless ape in the world.
My quandary - or rickuandary, if you will - is that I like the goat. I recognize that he is not an apex predator or a creature of enormous equipment and that was ass raped by a weirdo. But that lil’ goat has pluck!
think nicespice should be the ultimate decider. If the goat can convince her to write “rick the goat baaaa” on her tits and submit a photo then he should .\be given honorary rick status. ROAR!!!
The cheese stick, on the other hand, is not a rick and never will be. I mean really, if there was rick cheese it would be bad ass cheese like a Spanish sheep’s milk cheese with extra oli. Something that could accompany a classy but badass charcuterie plate.
I like Ricks who don’t get captured by San Jose Guy and live in his basement. Those are the goats that make America great. He could have been great, possibly the greatest goat that ever lived, but not after succumbing to several anal rapings from a confirmed psychopath in a fruity section of the world. I mean what kind of goat would roam i around in the fruity Bay Area? Definite disqualifier if you ask me!
===> "Moreover, I’d really like the dugan to chime in. After all, he is the smartest hairless ape in the world."
Oh boy. Not very smart at all actually - I have more balls than brains sometimes, lol. But the gator and Meat72 do have a point. IMHO you can't be treated like that and be admitted to a Council that is represented by bad-asses like a lion, a gator and even a vulture. He should have kicked and bitten SJG so much that he was too afraid to try it. Instead he took it for years, which kinda' makes you think that maybe he enjoyed it. Definitely not a rick.
But if nicespice wants to write "rick the goat baaa" on her tits then maybe you could make him an honorary non-voting member? After all, she brings a lot to the table. But only if she includes the nipples this time 'cause it's gonna' to take a lot to firepower overcome the goat's victim-like history.
Lol, show nipples? Maybe one day the Dugan can actually show his general presence with somebody at a club from this site. I can understand if it’s not me, considering all the trolling. But there are plenty of pleasant individuals around.
I have a counteroffer. If I can guarantee at least 3 subscribers, then I’ll create an entire goat-theme onlyfans account.
Idk Nice. I don't think than any rick wants images of yet MORE goat fucking stuck in his head. Pretty young hairless apes are definitely where it's at. I wasn't expecting you to agree, but it seemed only fair to give the goat a Hail Mary chance just in case.
But on the bright side, at least we'll have a goat for the spit and a side of cheese sticks for the next Council of Ricks barbecue. Though after the abuse that goat took from behind for all those years, I don't think that I'll be slicing from the hind section. 😉
San Jose Goat, perhaps the Rick's would be willing to create a game preserve to protect those non-predators who have shown an honest desire to up their evolutionary status on the food chain?
It could be a trial period and after say a successful 6 months you could shed your old self for something properly predatory. There would need to be a tracking thread so everyone would know who was who.
^Idk. Goats can be jerks. I rented out a campsite on somebody’s property once. I had my car doors open (forgot what I was doing, think rearranging something) and the goat jumped in there and pooped on the back seat. Another isolated time, on the front seat. After that, I wised up to being more diligent with closing doors lol. Before that I was leaving it open so my dog could hang around in the car or leave and run around whenever he pleasedz Another time when I had the fence opened to drive away, the goat ran out and taunted me while I was trying to cajole it back in. Another time, it tried to steal my dog’s treat. I yanked it away and told her to go away.
Idk how all goats are, but one I got to know is just as bratty as any other Rick and probably deserved a spot on the council 😂
"Bratty" ain't the standard Ms. Spice. Badass is. When a group of ricks parties at a divey shithole full of bikers and I chomp the ass o' one a their old ladies who I think's a stripper, do the other ricks have my back? The lion, the vulture and even the dugan, I fuckin know it! But an ass raped goat? He be shittin himself and runnin for the door.
If ya' want the goat in so bad then you gotta' put up or shutup - you know what to do.
last comment…
If he wants any Ukrainian goat pussy - I will hook him up with a Rick-worthy party once he is confirmed.
My daddy has a great rapport with goats!
I object to this whole fuckin procession. We can't have food nominatin more food and everyone knows that Ricks don't use condoms to fuck. Time to team up with Mr. Lion and cull the herd. CHOMP CHOMP!
My quandary - or rickuandary, if you will - is that I like the goat. I recognize that he is not an apex predator or a creature of enormous equipment and that was ass raped by a weirdo. But that lil’ goat has pluck!
think nicespice should be the ultimate decider. If the goat can convince her to write “rick the goat baaaa” on her tits and submit a photo then he should .\be given honorary rick status. ROAR!!!
A rickcuterie accompaniment, if you will.
Oh boy. Not very smart at all actually - I have more balls than brains sometimes, lol. But the gator and Meat72 do have a point. IMHO you can't be treated like that and be admitted to a Council that is represented by bad-asses like a lion, a gator and even a vulture. He should have kicked and bitten SJG so much that he was too afraid to try it. Instead he took it for years, which kinda' makes you think that maybe he enjoyed it. Definitely not a rick.
But if nicespice wants to write "rick the goat baaa" on her tits then maybe you could make him an honorary non-voting member? After all, she brings a lot to the table. But only if she includes the nipples this time 'cause it's gonna' to take a lot to firepower overcome the goat's victim-like history.
I have a counteroffer. If I can guarantee at least 3 subscribers, then I’ll create an entire goat-theme onlyfans account.
Would the first month be $4.99? Asking for a friend. I’m not into that animal stuff.
He’s not sure about her in a goat or sheep outfit - but he will give it a few strokes to be sure...
But on the bright side, at least we'll have a goat for the spit and a side of cheese sticks for the next Council of Ricks barbecue. Though after the abuse that goat took from behind for all those years, I don't think that I'll be slicing from the hind section. 😉
Can I pewt you?
council_of_the_rick - suspected troll account
san_jose_goat - suspected troll account
rick_the_cheesestick - suspected troll account
rick_the_used_condom - suspected troll account
HunterBiden - suspected troll account
RicktheGator - suspected troll account
rickthelion - suspected troll account
babyRickyDugy - suspected troll account
It could be a trial period and after say a successful 6 months you could shed your old self for something properly predatory. There would need to be a tracking thread so everyone would know who was who.
Idk how all goats are, but one I got to know is just as bratty as any other Rick and probably deserved a spot on the council 😂
If ya' want the goat in so bad then you gotta' put up or shutup - you know what to do.