
Superbowl Discussion

They never tell you what you need to know.
Now the AFC and NFC are set, who is going to be in the Superbowl?

I have no idea. Especially if Mahomes is out.

This will be the first Superbowl I can ever remember where I wasn't in a sportsbar or at a large home party. ugh!


  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Should both Packers and Chiefs advance, will be a rematch of the very first 1967 Super Bowl I. As a Bucs fan, I'm not favoring that happening.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Rooting for Tom, I've grown tired of Rodgers' constant chip on his shoulder.

    How many superbowls did I see the Bills lose when I was growing up? Would be nice to see them win one.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Bucs and Bills. Wide right.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Breesus don't leave us! If you look at his last 6 years, damn those were his greatest years. He still killing it, why go? The booth can wait.

    Anyway I'd actually like to see the Bills go all the way, that region could sure use a lift right about now, and holy hell would that do it. But I can't see that happening. Bucs/Chiefs and I think Brady comes through on that.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I think as long as Mahomes plays next week and KC handles Buffalo pretty well
    Brady is a tricky one but I think Green Bay and it’s below zero weather and a little snow take care of business Brady left New England cause he was getting old, older folks don’t do so well in cold climates, I speak from experience.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    I’ll guess it’s a Chiefs/Packers game unless Mahomes can’t go against the Bills.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Same here except I think Mahomes will be ok.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    I don't give a shit about football anymore since the whole "kneeling" thing. Couldn't care less. I used to like watching it even though I'm more of a baseball fan. I don't care about baseball anymore either, since the delayed "opening day" when every Yankee was wearing a BLM tee shirt for batting practice. I never watched another inning and never will. After 40 years of devoted fandom, I flipped it off like a light switch and don't miss it.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    It all depends on Mahomes, if he plays it should be the Chiefs and Packers.

    If Mahomes does not play, it should be the Bills against the Packers but do not count out Tom Brady and the Buccaneers.
  • PredragDr
    4 years ago
    I want the Bills to win their first ever Super Bowl. Prefer to not see Brady in the Super Bowl, and I don't like the idea of the Super Bowl being played in one of the finalists home stadium.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    @misterorange - that is your prerogative but you only denying your own opportunity for entertainment. Baseball and football and the rest of life will continue with or without your participation. No one is required to sign on to everything the players believe in in order to watch the game. You only need enough tolerance to accept that supporting a team doesn’t mean you support every ideal of every player, just like in a family or a company.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I agree about Mahomes. He’s the unknown with the concussion.

    I’d be happy to not see Mahomes and Rodgers in the game - as they seem to be in each commercial break - with Jake from State Farm!

    I’m no fan of that Brady fucker. Being a NYC sports fan - Brady and that retarded Gronk are not faves of mine.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I am hoping for a Bucs/Bills Superbowl.

    Fuck Green Bay. Aaron Rodgers has been coasting on his reputation for years now. The reason why he only has one ring, despite his pure passing skills and his longevity, is because he has a history of choking in the big games. I think that Tampa Bay's defense will figure him out the way that they did Brees and make life difficult for him.

    The question is whether the Bills can beat KC. I hope so. They are a great Cinderella story and it has been fun to see Josh Allen come into his own. Buffalo is a classic "bring your lunch pail to work" team with a great defense.

    The one sad part of seeing Tampa win yesterday is how exposed Brees was. After a while it was obvious that he didn't have the arm strength anymore to throw it very far. So Tampa was able to flood the short and intermediate passing routes and play underneath options without having to worry about Brees airing it out. He should retire now while he can still leave on a high note. Every NFL defensive coordinator no doubt took note of his blatantly exposed limitations and will be ready for him if he returns.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    I’ve hated the Patriots forever. The last two decades have been tough, but I am enjoying their divorce. I’d be very happy if Brady and Gronk won just to revel in the misery of Pats’ fans. They have a tough task though. Rodgers and Adams have been unstoppable this year and may finish 1 and 2 for the MVP.

    On the other side, I’m good with either team. KC is the best but they’ll need mahomes. They only have themselves to blame. Who calls a run for their QB up 9 in the fourth quarter and he’s got a bad toe? That’s all on Reid. If he clears the concussion protocol by Sunday and plays, my guess is that Dominion rigged the concussion software.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    One of the reasons many folks disliked the Patriots is because of the multiple cheating scandals they’ve been involved in over the years, you can’t separate Tom Brady from the most recent one “Deflategate”
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Those folks dislike the Pats because they were jealous. A team that is so dominant for so long is always reviled by others. After a while they go searching for any excuse, no matter how specious or whether a bunch of other teams are doing the same damned things.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Not always true. I’ve hated the patriots since the 80’s. It’s not jealousy. More of a NY v. Boston thing. 18-1*
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^^ Far from jealousy, although my team the Giants hasn't been dominant for a while, I'll put the history of the Giants and many other teams up against the Patriots who are relative newcomers to being a high caliber team.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    11 Superbowl appearances and 6 rings to show for it. There isn't a single team in the league that has been to the big game as many times and only one that has as many wins.

    This was an unmatched historic run. One day, with the benefit of a little hindsight, football historians will look back on this as a unrivaled dynastic era for the Patriots and Brady as the unrivaled greatest of all time.

    What makes this even more impressive is that these new records were set in the salary cap era, which was designed precisely to avoid having one dominant team over too long a time. Nobody thought that a modern era team would ever have a run like the Steelers of old or the 49ers in the 80s and early 90s. The Patriots did that and much more with far more roster fluidity than those old teams had to deal with.

    So yes, you're all just jealous. :)
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    >This was an unmatched historic run

    The patriots championship run is really two separate runs. One from 2001-2004 and another from 2014-2018. The Packers winning 5 in 7 seasons from 1961-1967 is a better record.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ They were also in the AFC Championship games in 06 and 07 and then 11 straight years (which is also a record) from '11-'20 seasons. They also made the playoffs 17 out of 20 seasons during that same era and barely missed on the other three. All of this very much shows an unrivaled dynastic pattern of winning for 20 freaking years.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    No team has come close, over their entire franchise histories, to accomplishing everything that the Pats have in a mere 20 years. They are utterly unmatched, unrivaled and untouched. This will eventually be looked back upon as a football dynasty for the ages.

  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    Having a winning season or being in the playoffs isn't the same thing as winning a championship. Only championships make a dynasty - not just being in the championship game. Therefore 2 dynasties separated by 9 years.

    The pats were in the AFC champ game 8 (not 11) years in a row. 2011-2018
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    I never said the patriots weren’t a dynasty. That was a typical Dugan straw man you raised so you could win an argument against yourself and get the oh so important to you last word. They were great. Key word being ‘were.’ They also had the benefit of playing in the worst division in football for 20 years. Without looking it up, I’d guess there were 5-7 AFC East playoff teams over that 20 year period besides the patriots. That’s shitty competition and gave them a home playoff game every year. Still, they won. They looked pretty awful this year. Remains to be seen if they can rebound next year when their Covid opt out players return. Until then, I’ll enjoy the shitty football they put on the field and their ex-girlfriend leading the Bucs in the playoffs.
  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    Have a feeling we're headed for the State Farm Superbowl. Was rooting for Baltimore, no luck (for Superbowl). At least Steelers made an even earlier exit.

    Can't even predict much differently than everyone else...if Mahomes plays, KC is in.

    NFC better matchup I think. Brady used to the cold, but will the rest of the Bucs be ?(I'm not counting gronk because he had like one catch vs Saints)
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Jimmy, I wasn't responding to you dipshit. I was responding to yahtzee and my response was directly related to what he posted. Go back up and read again - as slowly as you need to.

    But I don't agree that the Pats looked bad this year. It will be interesting to see how they right the ship.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    God, you’re so predictably boring. Someone challenges you a little bit and you go right into name calling and insults about reading comprehension. Whatever. When I went back and reviewed closely with my average brain, I saw that you raised the dynasty argument before yahtzee ever chimed in. I’ll refrain from calling you a dipshit. It’s not worth trying to have a decent conversation with you. You make nothing fun.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    When you led off with this Jimmy what kind of response did you expect? Maybe a statue built in your honor? 😉

    ===> "That was a typical Dugan straw man you raised so you could win an argument against yourself and get the oh so important to you last word."

    If you want to be treated with courtesy, first show some. A spirited debate is not the same as an off point insult, yet a few overly sensitive types around here have trouble distinguishing between the two.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Bucs/Bills and Bucs win. Anyone who thinks the packers have an advantage in the snow and cold hasn't been watching Brady in the snow and cold for 20 years. As of 1/2019 Brady's playoff record in games below 32 degrees is 13-2. Jimmy part of the reason the other AFC east teams had such a shitty record was the fact they played the patriots twice. They were 500 against the rest of the league during that span which makes them NOT the worst division in football, but rather average. Be careful of statistics as they seldom mean what what people want them to mean.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Not a Patriots fan, but if one wishes to use head coach/ QB combo longevity as 1 metric for dynasty greatness, the New England Patriots are hard to beat. That 17 years span from 2002 to 2019 of 6 Super Bowl wins (9 appearances), coupled with numerous playoff appearances is unmatched by any NFL teams. Oh, there's some teams with a higher percentage of championships per decade. Hell, some so called dynasties didn't even last a decade.(Packers 12/61 to 1/68 championship wins, Noll/Bradshaw 1974 - 1980 Super Bowl 4 wins, Walsh/Montana 1982 to 1990 4 Super Bowl wins.) I guess some people might tack on the 49ers 1995 SB win on to the streak, but that had different coach/QB combo.

    That the Patriots achieved all they did under the present free agency/cap era makes their achievements all the more impressive. Tom Brady a shoo in to make Canton in first year of eligibility.

    I'll close by nominating 2 teams for most futile playoff futility. First on the list is the Buffalo Bills. They're the only team to make 4 consecutive Super Bowl appearances, and to lose all 4. (The Minnesota Vikings are the only other team to be 0-4 in SB games, but they didn't lose in 4 consecutive years. Their misfortunes '70, '74, '75, and '77).
    Last, Marvin Lewis and the "Bungles." Between 2006 and 2016, the Bungles lost 7 times in the first round of playoffs. In at least 3 cases, they played on their home field. Couple that with being 0 - 2 in their 80's SB appearances, makes a case for playoff futility.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Again, you wrote a multi paragraph essay on the patriots’ dynasty when nobody else had said they weren’t a dynasty, or even brought it up. I stand by that you made a straw man argument. When you didn’t like my response you called me names and insulted my intelligence. We’ve bored the board to death at this point arguing over an argument. It’s tedious. I’m sorry I said you do this all the time. Now that I’ve apologized can we move on?
  • rockie
    4 years ago
    I’m rooting for a good game on Feb 7th! I root least for a Brady return to the Super Bowl, but if he were to get there the Bucs and Brady will have earned it. I don’t envy a Florida team playing outdoors in Green Bay in January to get there! A Mahome’s/Rodger’s match up would be intriguing, but any of the 4 left have intrigue.

    As a lifelong Patriots fan, I’m not seeing the easy pieces coming together in this offseason to rebound so easily and contend next year. Now if multiple teams have major money woes that make more good talent available at cheap dollars and the Pats money situation is stellar - then perhaps it will happen. There would have to be sell offs like the A’s in baseball under Charlie Finley!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Pats have 45-60 million in cap space.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    One thing we have nailed down for certain The Patriots will not be playing in Super Bowl LV
  • rockie
    4 years ago
    They need to hit home runs in free agency and the draft, even with the improved draft position and large cap space. They prefer to shop and pick in the (now closed) Filene’s Basement 50% off bin.. Every 8 years or so - they pick exceptionally! Is this the year?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "They prefer to shop and pick in the (now closed) Filene’s Basement 50% off bin."

    Finding undervalued players has been one of the biggest keys to success for consistently competitive teams in the salary cap era, including the Pats. Nobody could have foreseen these fucking opt-outs, which hit the Pats harder than any team in the league. Their D lost its best players while they also lost key pieces on the O. Frankly I'm amazed that they won as many games as they did this year.

    So assuming that these opt-outs end this season, I'm not really concerned about the team's ability to build a roster. They are as good, if not better, at player evaluation and development as any team in the league.

    What I AM concerned about is the QB position. I am very much hoping that they don't become one of those teams who struggles for a decade to find a new franchise QB, always too good to pick high in the draft while enduring endless mediocre QBs. We shall see.

  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    rick...you don't think Cam is the man? (Sarcasm from a Carolina Panthers fan). How the guy can play 10 years or whatever and still have lousy mechanics in throwing the ball.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    I forgot to put the Bucs win...
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